2000, reubles reignites a flame PINNEDthe summer of 2000, while reubles was making the rounds, selling ~redacted~ to party goers. he takes a short detour by the liquor store where he purchase his favorite companion/libation a flask of ~redacted~. upon exiting he is greeted my the very... See More » (1)
1999, a heartbroken reubles rediscovers ben folds five PINNEDthe months following the break up have been redacted (1)
1997, a young reubles falls hard for a cute and smart french girl by the name ~redacted~ PINNEDlife is peachy becomes their make out tape (1)
1994, reubles discovers the butthole surfers... they become more than a band with a catchy name PINNEDthey go on to sculpt his tiny and already somewhat warped mind... (1)
if butt cheeks weren't meant to be cupped by mortal hands... PINNEDthen explain as to why so many fit in mine own hand in such a way as to coalesce in perfect unity? as a man. one must ponder this in relation to evolution and the possibilities of a higher power... excerpt from the 1993 book "this are" authored... See More »
People who have eaten the tomato Jell-O with the hot dogs in it...What were you people on when you thought this was something you wanted to ingest? (1)
Did you punch that monkey like 23-24 years ago?Did you win that $5000? Tell us your story, we want to hear about it
I haven't listened to these guys in yearsWhat's a song or a band that you may have forgotten that you liked (1)
*cue 90s meet cute at some bistro cafe at 10am on a Wednesday afternoon in May*While having coffee, reading our respective books, some guy accidentally drops his keys into the trash and lets out a gutteral yet comical "FU**ING BULLS***!" We both laugh at the same time and make eye contact... (1)
I wanna start an app where it just berates you every dayYou log in and complete challenges by being demoralized everyday, slowly breaking your spirit so you no longer have the ability to feel... Happy or sad. I just need a few investors
*while folding laundry**grabs a bedsheet and starts dancing like buffalo bill, minus the tuck job* (1)
If Canada gets annexedI will officially run for president and fix everything. That's a reubles guarantee. (1)