What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? Do you wake up naturally or by an alarm clock? If you work in the morning when you do you to be at work by?
Typically need an alarm, up sometime between 6:15 and 6:45 during the week, 7:30-8 on weekends. Let the pooch out, clean him off because he’s old and messy now, make his breakfast and give him his medicine, make coffee, bath or shower, log in sometime between 8:30 and 10. I like slow mornings.
@samueltyler2 animals need their routines. At the weekend I will get up at the usual time to feed the animals and then I might stay up or go back to bed, depending on my mood.
I awake when I awake, so it could be 4 or it could be 6. Then I stumble out of bed, slide my feet into my slippers, and head for the kitchen where the cat awaits AND demands her breakfast before all else. Cat feed, I go for the coffee, and while it's brewing I go for a quick bladder relief moment. Then, coffee in hand, we wait to see what the morning will bring.
Go straight for the coffee at 4a. Im not a functioning adult without it. Then I work remotely for an hour or so before getting ready. By 630a i leave for work because I have to be on site by 8a.
I typically wake around 5am sometimes even earlier, and immediately prepare the coffee cups for my wife and myself. The coffee pot has already brewed from being set the night before by me on timer. The moment Goddess wakes I fetch her coffee bedside.
While waiting I read the morning paper and drink my coffee. Later I start my morning chores before leaving for work.
@subhubby we live such different dynamics. I love that y'all are happy. Its so cool to see the different d/s types. My Dom just made me coffee. I'm laying in bed with my hound dog till he gives me a good morning kiss. Then I'll go wake up a bit. After that the 5 hellions will I'm sure come bounding out of their rooms and the homeschool day will start.
@chickiegirl95 very nice. I love starting Goddess’s morning with her fresh coffee fetched to her bedside. It’s just one way I can make her happy and express my love and devotion to her.
I always set my alarm clock for approx half an hour before I want to get up. Every 10 mins I snooze it. Eventually I get up. I'm not good n the morning. I'm usually rushing about by the time I need to go out.
I wake up around 4 am without an alarm, get some tea, straighten the house up, exercise, eat sone breakfast, feed my dog, feed the hub when he gets up, take a shower then head out.
I look at the clock to see if I should get up or turn over and go back to sleep!
When I get up I put some earrings in, choose a couple of bracelets and a necklace, brush my teeth, get dressed. If I'm going out then I transfer things from one handbag to whichever one I want to use, making sure I have lipstick and also the right nail varnish in case my nails need touching up.
It’s rare that I use an alarm clock. Thankfully there’s usually nowhere I need to be first thing in the morning. So I wake up when my body is ready to, then work out, make coffee and enjoy a few minutes of nothingness as the direction of the day begins to show itself.
Wake up. Go to the bathroom. Feed the cat and let the dog out. Workout for 30-60 minutes. Shower. Dress for work. Make the bed. Eat breakfast. Pack my lunch. Head off to work.
@robertsnj I’m at 870 days straight with a legit workout (hard) of at least a half hour. Average heartbeat is probably +/- 140. I’ve had it over 150 for an hour, but that’s not an everyday accomplishable pace.
@Bluedreamz that was my morning ritual when I was in teh 26-30 (from your profile) age range. That is a lot when you are on a timer first thing in the morning
Look at the clock, go to the bathroom, rinse my mouth and go to kitchen to take a pill. Then I often go back to bed. 😀 If it's too light outside, I pull up the blinds or draw the curtains open.
Naturally, go pee, or check the time, roll over and cuddle the husband. By 5.30am Im up. Showered and dressed then down to make breakfast and lunches. Have my coffee, then wake up my daughter around 6.20-6.30. We're out the house around 7am
I wake up about 5 minutes before my phone is set to go off. Sometimes more like half an hour before. Then I just kind of lie there and wait, and usually get bored. I take off my BiPAP and open up my phone to see what my fun friends on SW have been saying while I was asleep.
Then my first alarm goes off, and I dismiss it. Second one goes off, and I dismiss that. Around about the third or fourth, I get up and go take my morning pills.
There's kind of a lot of pills.
Then it's breakfast time, which these days is accompanied by me checking in on my island in Animal Crossing.