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Weirdest Dream You’ve Ever Had?

And what happened?
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
Just the other night, I had a dream about these 3 huge metal towers that were swaying around...side to side. They looked like they were going to hit the ground but always ..sprung back into place. One got so close I could see objects on their ..railing. I don't remember many of my dreams..this one has stayed with me.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
@pianoplayingsteve i have no idea why it is lingering..
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@ShadowWorker shoot me a pm with your other odd lingering dreams?
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
@pianoplayingsteve later... i got to gather firewood. Thanks for the interest. I'll tell you one that i had repeatedly thru the years. That's a wild and crazy one. I saw my death. Gotta go...
4meAndyou · F
I was about 16 years old. I dreamt that I was in an old stone wine cellar, with lots of rooms. I went into one room and The Mummy was lying there on a stone slab against the wall, all wrapped in white bandages.

I decided to leave, and a little girl appeared...VERY scary looking. Her skin was metallic gold, her hair was blonde, she was dressed in a metallic green tunic, her teeth had been sharpened into points, and she was holding a long knife.

I ran. In front of me flights of stairs appeared, painted white, and I ran and ran up the stairs, and the little girl chased me until I got to the top.

I was standing on a landing at the top of the stairs, which was so high I could not look down, and I looked out, and I saw...about 10 feet away, a long, long hall...separated from me by the air.

I looked into the hall and I could see that there were people there...dressed in clothing from every era...people dressed in black like puritans and there were Romans in togas.

RIGHT in front of the hall, there was a very handsome Egyptian male, bare chested, holding a spear. I KNEW him. He had been my love in another life. I could see an empty stone slab, behind him, a bed such as one sees in museums, with a metal headrest such as the ladies of Egypt would use while sleeping so as not to disturb their elaborate hair arrangements.

I was SO afraid...the evil little golden girl was somewhere behind me on the stairs, and my love was right there ! I wanted to join him in that endless hall...but he brandished his spear....even as his eyes told me that he loved me, also, but that I could NOT enter that hall.

And then I woke up.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I was a little boy in some building that looked a bit like a shelter. There was little light inside and groups of people were sitting around on a big carpet. I don't remember details but I think there were makeshift beds here and there. At some point I strayed off to other parts of the building where was a kitchen or bathrooms. I know there were tiles on the walls and I saw a man being bent over the sink. I came to him and saw he had some bloody parts in the sink. I got horrified and started running back as he got very angry and started chasing me. I knew I wasn't supposed to see that. I ran back to the big hall with many people and tried to blend with them. I tried to hide somewhere in a big pile of clothes.
dreamt I was performing oral sex on Bruce Willis. woke up a corner of my pillow was gone and I was choking on feathers
TexChik · F
@saragoodtimes A way to a man's heart is .... with a hummer!
@TexChik except for my ex. best way to his heart is between the fourth and fifth ribs with a sharp knife
TexChik · F
@saragoodtimes true, or all the way up with a red hot poker! 😉
Ducky · 31-35, F
My sister and I tried killing each other. Weird because her and I are very close and always have been. We’d never try killing each other, lol.
It was animated, in a Flintstones carton style, but side scrolling like a video game.
I was a little boy riding my bike past a cemetery where a Giant beetle, dressed as a construction worker, invited me in. He told me all about how his workers were busy and what they ere doing. He took me from grave to rave and told me the contents of everyones stomach ( which really worked into their personalities, their traits, their lies and truths). We had a nice chat, I got on my bike again and rode off…and woke up.
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
I've had too many weird dreams to really pick a weirdest...but all things considered, the one where I was pregnant and gave birth on the way to a metal concert is probably in the top 5.
MrGomco · 36-40, M
When I was around five or six years old I dreamed that there was a monster that was my size, it had the face of ET but it was more robust, I repeatedly found it outside the room just when I pulled the door, I used to try to scream to ask help but that thing grabbed my body when we were both face to face, when I tried to scream I couldn't do it, it paralyzed me, I tried to yell at my father who was close but he didn't realize it, my father was shaving in front of a mirror , I dreamed about it several times when I was a child until once I managed to confront it and I managed to destroy it with my hands.
dale74 · M
I have a dream I woke up went to work the entire workday went through in the day with my alarm clock going off. What really makes weird is about a month later everything that happened and that dream happened in real life I even knew what people were going to say before they said it.
PatKirby · M

Déja vu?
shinyena · 18-21, F
@dale74 This happens to me often. I once had a dream when I was like 8 or 9 of my friend being dressed in purple from head to toe. The next day, she was dressed exactly the same way in my dream, every trippy at the time.
PatKirby · M

Time is a funny thing. Maybe it twists around and the future becomes the past.
PatKirby · M
Was driving a Model A car while simultaneously in the back seat. The car gets a flat tire and I stop the car to fix it while watching myself from the back seat. Suddenly the Hindenburg approaches in the sky ahead, explodes and falls to the ground in an awesome blaze. Then I wake up. Have had this strange dream many times.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I was the captain of a spaceship. On the bridge and giving orders. But the spaceship was actually just that triangle from Asteroids. We were flying it around a wedding reception. And instead of firing lasers or bullets or missiles, it was shooting condoms at people. Not packaged ones, but opened and unrolled ones. Not fully ballooned, but enough to have shape.

It was the most random dream I've ever had.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@ViciDraco alien abduction confirmed
legodood · M
Welcome back! 👏 Haven't seen you here in a long time. Thought you were snatched up by Lil Kim's goons and were moved to a labor camp in North Korea lol

So many fascinating weird dreams have been posted so far, huh? I rarely remember mine the next morning. 😞
MrGomco · 36-40, M
Sometrimes I dream I'm practicing taekwondo and I can fly for few seconds, or better said that I can float in the air, for a few seconds, the legs are light and my flexibility is excellent, I love when that happens.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
A dream about Satan,a goat headed figure aboit to sacrifice me in a church. I was 5 or 6 when i had that dream.
shinyena · 18-21, F
@Entwistle That must've been so scary.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@Entwistle It certainly was. The dreamnstarted when i saw a horned figures shadow coming down a coridoor,i knew as the shadow got bigger that it would turn and walk into the room i was in..and it did.
Either having intercourse with an animal or incest. I don't talk about it. 🤢
shinyena · 18-21, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether understandable that you don’t want to talk about it :))
legodood · M
@shinyena I know right?
Ive had dreams about people I'm close to dying and then they die ...
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@SW-User me too
That must have been the night I met Prince Harry and Prince William. Lol 😂
Cant say.....annnnd cant say .
Im good as long as they dont find the body
JimFarris16 · 18-21, M
I somehow swapped bodies with my mom and my dad walked into the room, not knowing it was really me, and wanted a French kiss. I tried getting out of it but he grabbed me and I got kissed, tongue and all. 😬 My eye twitched and I had a major freakout afterwards and ran to the bathroom to vomit while my dad was confused.
All my dream are weird
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
You dont want to know.
CaptainKirk · 41-45, M
My daughter (who didn’t exist yet) brought a boy home but he was a fully erect scam12 mast. I thought he was cocky and kicked him out. She then brought another boy home who was a nested scam12 mast, this was ok. Then I flew away in Buck Rogers spaceship
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I was kidnapped and tied to chair by Mr Snuffleuppagus from Sesame Street
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
Throughout my whole childhood I had dreams of children coming into and taking me out of my room. Sometimes outside. As a baby I remember beings outside my crib, I remember being scared of the lampshade being some sort of craft that would suck me up (obviously I didn’t have that vocabulary but the image was in my mind), one morning as a baby I woke up downstairs without having set off the burglar alarm. One time when they took me outside I pulled one to turn at me and it had massive black eyes and a tiny mouth. Everything else about it was human, in fact I thought it was a school friend.I remember one time they took me to a forest and then they said they had to go, but they could come back as this ghostly figure. And then nothing happened for years but then one night this kid comes into my room (a very real dream) and tells me my friend is back and he the ghost comes in.

Then they turn into dreams of beings with big black eyes and slit mouths engaging in some sort of medical procedures on me on several occasions. Then like before, it just stopped.

Years later when I get my own place, I’m wide awake in bed and this voice says in my head ‘I’m coming for you now’ and a black figure appears at the window. The following night I have a dream that something is banging about in the lounge, I go to inspect but it ends. Following day I discover the very heavy metal lampshades in the lounge have been lodged out of place.

I have a lady move in with me. I tell her nothing of what had happened. Just a few days in she starts literally crying about an ‘evil presence’. A few visits after that i suddenly hear her scream that she saw a black figure in the bedroom. Some months after this we are both in bed and all of a sudden this hand comes into the room, literally just a hand. I can’t move and I can’t wake my partner. The following day she says she saw a hand with four long fingers and remembers laying on a bed in some sort of clinical setting
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
I had a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls were able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I had a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.
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pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Jessmari the foxes were aliens and they were doing alien experiment things to your penis. Debunked

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