So you think Pope Francis is going to survive his latest medical crisis?As much as I don't like what he's done as Pope,I don't want to see him resign and start a precedent.
So theres going to be a continuation of the Buffy T.V show.....I have what I believe to be a good general premise that the new show could follow,but Im not going to discuss it.I want to see if the new show actually does what I'm thinking!
Nuclear Power is the answer.I've said it before and I'll say it again:nuclear power is a large part of solving the energy crisis in the U.S,if not the entire world.Contray to hysterical propaganda,it's much safer than most forms of energy, economical and safe for the... See More »
What would have happened if the Los Angeles fires would have been left unchecked?I hope this doesn't sound like a strange question;I certainly wouldn't want to see this happen.But what would occur if the wildfires currently raging in Los Angeles would not have would not have been fought by a single firefighter?In other... See More »
My concept of the prefect New Year's Day food....An appetizer of Mozzarella sticks with marinara dipping sauce;then ,a 1 -lb. American Wagyu beef burger cooked medium -well with all of the fat still on the burger,topped with smoked bacon , Swiss cheese and tomato,along with A.1. steak sauce,with... See More »
A word about Taylor Swift .....Like or dislike her,it's pretty much indisputable that Taylor Swift owned the music scene -indeed,the pop - culture scene -with her record breaking Eras tour.But the best thing she could do to start off 2025 is the drop out of sight and take a... See More »
Is my insight on X-Mas giving accurate?It is well known that what is known as "mall culture" has been largely replaced by online shopping.I won't say that's a good or bad thing;an argument can be made either way.But it seems to me that in much the same way,buying physical presents and... See More »
A word about the recent election......The country bring divided as it is,there are no doubt as many people who are overjoyed at Donald Trump's recent election victory over Kamala Harris-you can count me among them-as their are those who are convinced that it's the worst thing in the... See More »
Something to think about .....How many boards could the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes were bored?
What will Kamala Harris do now?Now that she's lost her bid for U.S President,what job options do you see for Kamala Harris?No nasty or scarcastic answers please:although I personally didn't vote for her,I'm asking a serious question.
Am I the only one that thinks that Starbucks is vastly overrated?Their coffee is thick,bitter,and overpriced.
A question about Presidential vacations.....When a President goes on an official vacation,there is obviously a great deal of expense and logistics involved.Given this,do you think a President should restrict them only to the official retreat of Camp David?
Allow me to make a prediction ......I'm not going to say that I'm confident that Donald Trump will win the election-although I hope and pray he does.And even if he does win,I fully expect it to be by the thin margin that will doubtless be subject to a recount.But if something amazing... See More »
Will the anti -Trump celebrities keep their word this time?When Donald Trump ran against Hillary Clinton for the U.S Presidency,many well -known Hollywood celebrities vowed to leave the United States if he won.He won;they didn't leave.This time around ,the same promises are being made by many of the same... See More »
They need this contestant for Dancing With The Stars....They've just unveiled their new lineup.Its O.K ,but this one contestant is so perfect I'm amazed they've never been asked to join.
Can people in Witness Protection contact family?Suppose a single adult has to be placed in the U.S witness protection program.Is there a way in which the persons immediate family(Mother,Father,siblings)could write or call them?Would they be allowed to visit the person?
Which type of Walnut is better for furniture?I've heard that Walnut is a popular wood for furniture,and that the two main types are American and Canadian.Which kind is better?
An honest question to which Id like an honest answer.....Do you think it's more acceptable for a man to stay single and never have kids than it is for a woman?
I had an incident recently......Yesterday,I was walking into a store ,and a woman opened a door for me.I have good manners,and usually offer thanks when someone does that for me.But that day my mind was occupied and I said nothing.The woman scarcastically blurted out "THANK YOU."I... See More »
What would happen if an even more serious pandemic broke out?Look,I'm not saying that the pandemic of 2020 wasn't a serious matter.Many people got sick;many died.But in retrospect,it's clear that at least some of the dangers and responses to the situation were exaggerated for political purposes.What if a new... See More »
If Donald Trump would have been killed,how would a new candidate have been picked?In the recent assassination attempt against Donald Trump,the former President was wounded ,but thankfully,not seriously injured.A bullet hit his ear,but if the assassins aim would have been better,that bullet might have gone through his head!If ,God... See More »
A word about Joe Biden......As much as I can't stand him and what's he's done as President,I try to be a realist as much as possible.Dispite his obvious impairment,I believe there is a better than average chance that he won't drop out of the race.And if he does stay on, there's... See More »
I saw something funny today....I was in a convenience store at the coffee bar;next to me was a girl not much younger than I am.She was wearing shorts and a T -shirt,but while she was wearing flip -flop sandals,she only had one on.The girl must have noticed that I had... See More »