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Creationism and particularly Young Earth Creationism is a dying belief...and for good reason. I'm here to throw a few more nails into that coffin.

I'm in the mood to educate Creationists on the subject of Evolution. What are your questions? Criticisms? Misconceptions? Ask the Atheist!
Klingwood · 61-69, M
The young earth is not hard for those that believe in a God ,if this God started all of this he could have just as easily made the earth 4 million years old .and just like Adam and Eve they weren't infants when they were created according to the word. So the universe could be billions of years old but only started 6500; years ago . But again it's all faith
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Pikachu why is man the only one with a conscience? Did evolution figure we were the only ones that needed or? Lol
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Klingwood False assumption, sparky. Here's just a few examples of other animals who act like they have a "conscience":

• Dolphins have been known to rescue humans who are drowning or being threatened by sharks, as well as protecting other animals from sharks.

• Dogs have been known to rescue their owners from fires and other dire situations.

• Crows understand the concept of fairness and equity, and get upset at perceived unfairness. (Yes, my friends, you knew I would bring the conversation back to crows and ravens. Because they rock.) Primates and even dogs and cats also understand this concept.

In fact, the general consensus among researchers and people who just work around animals is that yes, they do have a conscience, and it's not unique to humans. So shouldn't you maybe stop lying about them?

like saying the simple cells would only be found on the bottom layers[quote]

You're close but you're misunderstanding just little bit.
We would expect single celled organisms to be found at the bottom layers exclusively before we see multicellular organism appear, yes.
But single celled organisms did not go extinct with the evolution of multicellular life and so we would expect to see them in the same layers after a certain point.
Similarly, we know that birds evolved from dinosaurs. So at a certain level we see only dinosaurs and no birds but after a certain level we see both birds and dinosaurs AND we see a number of animals in between showing characteristics of both dinosaurs and birds.

If god created life in its present form at the same time...why is there not one single example of a rabbit in the same layer as a trilobite or a dolphin in the same layer as a mosasaur or a human in the same layer as a tyrannosaur?
Or indeed, why before a certain level are there no birds and only dinosaurs but after a certain level both birds and dinosaurs?
Are we gonna go with " don't ask me why a sovereign God does what he does" ?

why is man the only one with a conscience?

As LordShadowfire pointed out, there are other animals (usually social animals) that exhibit what can be considered a conscientious treatment of other members of their species and even animals outside their species.

But even if humans were the only animals with a conscience, we know that such a trait is beneficial to living in a social group. We know that a social group is an adaptive advantage and therefore we know that under evolution there is a selective pressure for members that exhibit this trait.
See how evolution keeps giving a consistent answer to virtually every question while the creationist says things like " why ask me why a sovereign God does what he does".....

But I would like to know where your half man half apps

Well taxonomically, humans are apes and the idea of a half and half animal chimera would actually disprove evolution.
But if you're looking for an example showing the characteristics of ancient apes and modern humans....i have little challenge for you.
Here are a series of skulls with ancient non-human apes at the start and atomically modern humans at the end.
Tell me which skull you are confident represents the last non-human and which represents the first human.

...The hesitance and confusion you are now feeling should cause you to consider the validity of your position.

Edit: I'd like you also to consider the example of bird dinosaur evolution with respect to your question about " half this, half that" animals. I can give you more details on that subject.
@Klingwood says
The young earth is not hard for those that believe in a God

Why would God hide all those dinosaur bones and precursor species in the fossil record??

Why would God salt all the layers of rock with isotopes that can be used for measuring the ages of rocks?

Why did God build 100,000 years of layers in to Greenland ice sheets if the Earth is young?

Why did God fill limestone caves with stalactites many meters long if they only grow 1mm in 10 years (and they also show layers)?

Of course outer space offers many clocks. Accumulation of craters on airless bodies like the Moon forms a clock. Shells of glowing gas left over from novas and supernovas form clocks (the Lambda Orionis Ring is about 1 million years old). The redshift of light from galaxies billions of light years away form clocks. The Hubble expansion of the universe forms a clock. The frequency shift of big bang radiation to form the cosmic microwave background is a clock.

No one clock is perfect, but they all corroborate each other pretty well, and they ALL give life and the universe FAR MORE than 6000 years to evolve.

@Klingwood asks
yet how many times has science been wrong?
Science is indeed constantly improving. That's a feature, not a bug.

@Klingwood says
I never suggested any such thing.
in response to me saying
From your perspective, God gave us eyes; so it's not a giant leap to presume he wants us to see.
And, from your perspective, God gave us ears, a nose, a tongue; so it's not a giant leap to presume he wants us to hear, smell and taste.
And from your perspective, God gave us REASON. But you presume he doesn't want us to use that ability??

Please clarify: you never suggested eyes are for seeing and ears for hearing?
Or you never suggested we shouldn't use reason?

Because you very much DID suggested we shouldn't use reason when you said
who says god his anything? Just because we are to simple to understand God only explains why he is god and not us

You are saying nope, can't use reason about why would God hide all those dinosaur bones and precursor species in the fossil record, and ehy would God salt all the layers of rock with isotopes that can be used for measuring the ages of rocks, and why would God put over a hundred thousand seasonal layers in the Greenland ice sheets.

You are saying YES, we have reason, and NO, don't use it whenever it contradicts YOUR interpretation of Genesis.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues I guess you have a hard time understanding me for I never said or meant we shouldn't use reasoning but then again we all like to read what we want to read
@Klingwood says
I guess you have a hard time understanding me
I guess you have a hard time understanding the implications of what you yourself say. You tried an appeal to reason with your "how often has science been wrong" approach. And you've told me that when my reason and your interpretation of Genesis disagree, I should abandon my reason and depend on your "faith."

I never said or meant we shouldn't use reasoning
Reason tells me humans evolved from other primates on a 4.5 billion year old Earth. And your whole point here is that I should abandon that reasoning.
Any of you seen any of the YOUTUBE stuff featuring young earth creationists and other evolution deniers. One of the most notorious of these is Kent Hovind, an alleged "doctor" with a "degree" from a "college" that is not mucxh more than a shack in the desert. An unpleasant individual to boot, with convictions for fraud and domestic abuse. Other young earth spouters include Ray Comfort. They are bible literallists who project their lack of actual scientific knowledge.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I believe in evolution but not that it was the start of anything so showing me that it's real will change nothing

they are better because they survive that's it

Yes, they are better...under a given set of envrionmental pressures.

Monkeys won't thrive under water, fish won't thrive in trees.
Do you understand what i'm saying?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
why are so many things extinct

because they were not successful in propagating their genes in the environment in which they found themselves.

Do you understand that individuals are irrelevant, and that species are irrelevant? All that matters is the replication of genes (that's why your genes made you). The difficulty genes face is that they march backwards into the future... every time a gene is replicated it cannot know the environment in which it will need to replicate, because the environment is constantly changing. Its environment also includes the other genes with which it exists, and constant mixing of genes from sexual reproduction further limits or enhances its chances... it cannot know beforehand how that will play out.

For genes that arrive into an unfavourable environment where their replication is constrained or prevented the sentence is death There is no appeal, and the sentence is carried out immediately.
@Klingwood asks
Have you even ever even tried the bible?
Yes I have. Explain to us about the Earth's four corners.

does the Earth have four corners like the Bible says? Is the Earth truly a quadrilateral?? If so, where are these four alleged corners???

Isaiah 11:12 — And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Rev 7:1 — And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

Rev 20:8 — And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

Ezekiel 7:2 — Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.

Klingwood · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues it's not a science text book or geo text book never claims to be
@Klingwood Tell us then, why it is that creationists insist that the bible is "scientifically" accurate. Preachers and lay people alike.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
neither can be proven period!!!

Science never tries to prove anything... that's part of its strength.

The only people who say 'scientifically proven' are lay people and advertisers.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
Have you even ever even tried the bible? I mean try to follow it and obey it?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Klingwood Um your response to me didn't hit on any specific points I made, that's how you know you don't have a point
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato that's what I was trying with this conversation but so far I've learned nothing new but thx
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@SatanBurger yes let me make this easy for all of you your right ,I'm wrong ,I'm a fool . Now maybe we can stop and get on with our life's now that you feel better. Good luck to you all ,I hope you all read this so I don't need to write to each of you.stay in your closed minded thoughts and enjoy .
Straylight · 31-35, F
I’d read somewhere that challenging someone’s core beliefs triggers the same fight or flight instincts as being physically attacked.
Has your experience with Christian’s on SW aligned with that?

Oh for sure. Most of the people i've interacted with will double down or just shut down when they begin to realize that the actual evidence opposes their world view.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Straylight Yeah it does, activates in the same brain region.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
All I know is you can't prove evolution started life anymore then I can with creation ,it's faith either way. But what I don't get is why one that believes in evolution feels the need to push it unless they are just looking for support to their beliefs.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Pikachu as I said evolution is real it's just not what started anything
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I'm waiting for you to prove creating isn't a reality

Agreed. The Theory of evolution does not currently explain the origin of life. But it does explicitly preclude the creation story in the Bible. Are you ok with that?
being · 36-40, F
Where do you hold your beliefs from though ? Do you have life evidence ?
Did you go looking for the Creator and didn't find anything ?
Because, if you go looking for Them yourself, then you can have some real and verified life evidence.
This comes from a previous atheist who has allowed magic to enter her life..
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Pikachu that doesn't change a thing. If we are related to apes ,why do apes still exist evolution eliminates the weak for the new stronger version so to speak therefore if I'm related to apes they should all be gone by now. And if so where is the half ape half human?as I said God is sovereign so I can't answer why he does everything he does but only guess for he hasn't told me and I don't expect him to

,why do apes still exist evolution eliminates the weak for the new stronger version

Could you survive and thrive naked in the jungle? No.
So you're not a stringer version of other apes...under those conditions. That's what evolution selects for: beneficial traits under the condition that the species lives in.
So you can use a cell phone and read and network...is that going to give you an advantage in an environment where those skills are not beneficial? No.
You must abandon this perception of a hierarchy. Adaptive success is conditional.

But make an effort. Using a starting point of creation, how would you account for that data?
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Kwek00 I'll never fully understand how the brain works either yet we reach for it. God is the same way except if you could ever fully know and understand him he would no longer be God.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Kwek00 Apologies... wrong recipient. It was meant for @Klingwood
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Kwek00 so in other words you can't wich is what I know.you say it's fiction obviously you know nothing about it. Just check on the history of the prophecy in it. There is no way it is fiction when so many history books line up with it . The age of it etc
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Klingwood ever heard of "confirmation bias"? ... it seems to be staring at you in the mirror every morning.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
You don't have to give up on Christianity to believe in evolution. The way we should treat each other is what Christianity is about. Turn off the other stuff about what historical things are. That's mostly nonsense. Once you have the basics down you can stop. The Golden Rule of Christianity is the same one as in Buddhism. Treat others as you would like to be treated. That's it. All stop. Leave out heaven, hell, old testament, and judgement.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Tastyfrzz why leave out heaven and hell if one believes it's real? What kind of love is that? I would want to know so one wouldn't be treating another the way he wants to be treated if I left heaven and he out of it
@Klingwood what kind of love doesn't include manipulation and threats of torture? Any kind of actual love. Anything that is based on those two things isn't love.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@Klingwood maybe you treat them nice just for the hell of it.
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
i claim that it is NOT a belief. it is an association. the reason? belief is a misused word. if you were to put someone on a polygraph we'll find out what they believe.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
It's not dieing in my life that's for sure

What's not dying in your life?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Klingwood You and everyone else will die. I have never seen a person become a zombie so they are most certainly dead. If you're talking about an afterlife then that makes the most sense but even then, to get to the 100s of different afterlives, one has to technically die.

Science suggests the possibility of living forever not with technology but the way our cells operate makes it possible but that's getting off track
Klingwood · 61-69, M
Lol you have more faith then I do. Evolution bo yeah

Lol you have more faith then I do

I don't know you and i don't know what you have faith in...but if you're here in good faith then please raise any questions or criticisms you have with evolution and i will do my best to address them.
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Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes well I guess you can't show me? By the way I've reAd it more then once.actually lost count
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
well I guess you can't show me? By the way I've reAd it more then once.actually lost count

Maybe you read the short Bible instead of the complete one.

Wisdom 19:18-20 (CEB) =
"18 If we are careful to observe events, we can see just how the elements of the universe are transformed. It’s the same transformation that happens when someone changes the sounds that a harp makes by changing the key while continuing to play the same melody. 19 In this way, land animals were changed into underwater creatures, while animals that swam in the waters now moved onto the land. 20 Fire was able to burn on the open water, while water forgot that it was supposed to put fire out."

As an intelligent person, doesn't that passage describes evolution? Remember how whales were land animals and evolved into sea creatures?
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes I'm not saying it's not there ,I've read it several times but I just don't recall that's why I ask.i believe in evolution to a point

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