Theyitis @Adstar Last I checked you werenโt the one in charge of the ultimate reality, you have no way of knowing thatโs how it is.
You can decide to accept or reject any message you receive Theyitis.. But don't reject something just because it sounds hard to you and don't accept something because it sounds good to you.. The truth is far more important then feels.. In the end i share information that saves if accepted and destroys if it is rejected.. That's what the Gospel does..
The punishment still doesnโt fit the crime.
And the reward of eternity in Gods perfect eternal existence does not fit any pathetic attempt we make at paying for it in our short faulty lives on earth.. But surprise surprise i don't see universalist shaking their fists at god proclaiming it is unfair for Him to bless/ reward people far too much for far to little effort.. If you preached against Gods blessing as much as you preach against Gods judgement then you may have gained some credibility.. But nope people life you want to embrace all the ""good stuff"" and reject all the hard stuff and treat the World of God like a smorgasbord, only accepting the stuff you like and ""interpreting"" away the stuff that you don't like..
As I said before, Jesus paid the price on the cross for all of us to get into Heaven. Now youโre going to say that wasnโt good enough unless we pray to accept him as our savior?
Don't tell me what i am going to say.. Your talking with me not a projected character of your own imaginary creation.. Yes Jesus paid the price for all the sins of all humanity over all history and Now if offers that payment as a gift to each and ever person INDIVIDUALLY.. The Individual must acknowledge their need for His Atonement and accept it to have it.. A gift cannot be had if the person who it is offered to refuses to accept it.. So Jesus only pays the penalty of the sins of people who accept His Atoning gift..
What if nobody had prayed to accept Christ as their savior? Would he have just died for nothing?
He would have foreknown that nobody would accept that gift and so he would probably never have come down to earth to obtain it.. But He foreknew that those who love the truth would accept it with joy and so He suffered death out of love to save those who love the truth but have no ability to live up to the standards of the truth..
If you have to do something, anything, to get into Heaven, then you got in through your own works, not by Godโs grace.
The Bible declares that Faith is not a Works.. I will trust in the Bible definition of what works is and not what some scripture twisting ear tickling deceiver interprets works to be..
(Romans 4:3-8) "For what saith the scripture?
Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. {4} Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. {5}
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. {6} Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom
God imputeth righteousness without works, {7} Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. {8} Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin."
Youโre a Christian, so you already know youโre not going to hell, so that doesnโt apply to you, nor probably to anyone you care about a lot. It applies mainly to people who are not like you, many of whom you likely view as your enemies.
More unrighteous projection.. More mud slinging.. You're right i that i am a Christian and as such i believe Jesus when He said that we should LOVE our Enemies.. And i Love those who are enemies towards me by sharing with them the truth that if accepted will see them Redeemed.. So you are a universalist enemy towards Christianity and i am sharing with you the truth that saves and giving you warning that universalism is a false doctrine leading people to the eternal lake of fire.. Now is that a pleasant experience for me?? Nope.. I face denigration and accusations and projecting for people like you every other day.. Sharing the truth is not fun when the truth is hated by people like you so often.. But out of love for the truth and love for my enemy i should walk an extra mile with haters in the hope that a seed of truth might be planted in their conscience and the Holy Spirit will work on them to move them to accept the truth. His will be done..
Hell is primarily used as a tool to try to scare people into converting to Christianity,
Fear is a good thing.. In this world fear of danger makes people avoid danger and keep a keen lookout for sources of danger.. And what does the Bible say about the fear of God??
(Proverbs 9:10) "
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."
So fear of God causes people to investigate God, to find out about Gods will, to seek to get right with God.. The fear of God is a great motivator to investigate God to find the Way to be in the right relationship with God, to be good with God.. And what happens when someone accepts the Word of God in it's totality.. They discover the love of God, the Way He made to lovingly save us So a Christian ends up not fearing God at all.. The scriptures declare::
(1 John 4:18-19) "
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. {19} We love him, because he first loved us."
As you declared a Christian has no cause for fear of Hell.. But people who have not fully accepted the truth of the love of God still fear hell and the eternal lake of fire.. So what do they do?? they embrace false doctrines like universalism grasping onto the lie that there is no Hell or Lake of Fire.. Why do they need this doctrine?? Because they have not fully believed in the gift of the Atonement of The LORD Jesus..
Hell is primarily used as a tool to try to scare people into converting to Christianity, or to give them comfort that their enemies will suffer in eternity. Itโs more controversial then to believe that your enemies will share your reward in Heaven and that fear need not be a motivating factor in oneโs decision to convert.
When i converted to Christianity i never did so because of fear of Hell or desire for heaven.. I converted because i loved the message of Jesus and His loving self sacrifice to pay for my sins.. The awesome wisdom in the Way God made to Redeem me.. The solution to my sin problem was exquisite.. I was flabbergasted when i discovered that the one and only awesome God of all existence cared enough for me to suffer the horrendous death He went through on earth.. And i was and still am so unworthy of this perfect love..