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I don't understand Christianity

- The bible is 2000 years old and has been rewritten and re-interpreted multiple times but people still take it so literally
- Jesus was around just over 2000 years ago, so did everyone before then who didn't know about this religion go straight to hell?
- What about people who don't accept jesus into their lives because they havn't heard much about Christianity or grew up in a different religion? Do they deserve an eternity in hell?
- If you are Christian, why? And are you open to other truths? Or do you believe the bible is the only truth?
Make it make sense
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RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
Why is it when God is mentioned everyone who doesn't believe has to act like a two year old throwing their toys out of the pram. They want to insult everyone who believes and change their minds. It makes me laugh. I bet if us believers insulted their religion of sex they wouldn't like it too much. Yet so many are so quick to air their dirty laundry here I've seen it. I've had many come to my inbox and try to steer conversation in that sexual direction because I'm a woman. We are just minding our own business worshipping the Lord. Whilst they try to push their disgusting habits all over this website. Really who is worse?
Carazaa ยท F

John 12:48
There is a judge for the one who rejects Me and does not receive My words: The word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons,

Hebrews 1:2
But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe.

2 Peter 1:20
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one's own interpretation.

2 Peter 2:10
Such punishment is specially reserved for those who indulge the corrupt desires of the flesh and despise authority. Bold and self-willed, they are unafraid to slander glorious beings.

Jude 1:18
when they said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires."
Carazaa ยท F
@ShadowSister ๐Ÿ™Thank you so much! โค๏ธ
specman ยท 51-55, M
@RubiesandButterflies I admit that as a Christian I fall short.
BlueVeins ยท 22-25
Religion, broadly makes a lot more sense when you consider it as a sociological & psychosocial phenomenon rather than as some kind of investigation into cosmic truth. Even the idea of Heaven and Hell only really makes sense when you consider it as a tactic for inducting new followers and consolidating support. Ancient spiritual leaders realized long ago -- one way or another -- that it's really easy to think yourself into a terror, and that it's entirely possible to induce this phenomenon artificially. Essentially, they found a deep-seated weakness in the human psyche that turned out to be highly exploitable.
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@Diotrephes And you know this how?
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 I will give you the courtesy of only one reply since you have failed to provide links to support your previous claims.

When Moses convinced the people that he and God were best buddies by killing thousands of the local yokels, he forced people to pay ransoms for their first born animals and children and to turn over their best crops to his thugs. He was a master extortionist and con men have been using religion as their cash cow ever since. Read the biblical fairy tale for more details.

BTW, just admit that you were wrong in your initial claims and we can keep talking. Otherwise, bye.
Carazaa ยท F
@Diotrephes Moses was not a thug. How dare you lie about him. He was defending the Jews because they were enslaved by the Egyptians and he could have chosen the rich life in Pharao's castle where he was raised but instead chose to help the Jews out of Egypt.
How Christians Turn People Away From God!
by Mike Edwards

There are thousands of reasons people believe or not believe in God. One may believe just because their parents do. One may not believe because of Godโ€™s lack of intervention in such an evil world. Research is available online why Christians become atheists (deconvert) or why Christians leave the institutional church but not God (disaffiliate). What can Christians control to not deter those who may want more of a relationship with God but donโ€™t pursue because of unnecessary obstacles?

Lies About God!

I am convinced many may not pursue a relationship with a Creator because they believe lies others claim about God. I know โ€œliesโ€ is a strong word, but no one can claim with certainty their view of an invisible, inaudibly God is TRUTH! Most would agree a God who isnโ€™t perfect isnโ€™t worth believing in. We can only compare Godโ€™s love to perfect human love. My moral intuitions tell me a loving God couldnโ€™t condemn gays for choices they can no more control than straights; God couldnโ€™t discriminate again women by denying them equal roles with men which has encouraged centuries of domestic abuse and other atrocities women face; God couldnโ€™t create a place such as Hell to torture unbelievers forever. See here.

Christians with a hidden agenda or mission is a turn-off.

It is wrong to engage in friendships for the purpose of converting them to your beliefs without advising upfront this is your agenda. We must stop being so damn certain and do more listening. We canโ€™t prove God exist. If God truly exists, wouldnโ€™t God be capable of convincing individuals on Their own. Engage in relationships both to love and be loved. Discussions about God best come up naturally. The sinnerโ€™s prayer to avoid Hell isnโ€™t in the Bible. Jesus seemed on a difference mission according to the Bible. See here.

Christians have a problem โ€” itโ€™s how the Bible is viewed.

It is believed or implied biblical writers somehow magically got their words and thoughts directly from God. Such an unprovable process implies God approved everything written about God in the Bible. Many donโ€™t accept the God of the Bible for good reason:

God supposedly would send wild animals to kill the children of the disobedient (Lev. 26:22)
God supposedly orders the murder of women, children, infants, and animals in war (I Sam. 15:3)
God supposedly ordered killing boys and non-virgin women but sparing virgins for the warriors (Num. 31:18)
God supposedly approved rebellious children put to death (Lev. .20:9)
God supposedly approves a wifeโ€™s hand being cut off when grabbing another manโ€™s genitals (Deut. 25:12)
The Bible can be viewed as recorded experiences of beginnings with God and Israel culminating with the life of Jesus that we donโ€™t possess in any other documents. God didnโ€™t necessarily have in mind that recordings wouldnโ€™t be questioned or that writers had perfect views of God. We have every right to question interpretations suggesting a Creator doesnโ€™t love how we were created to love others. We must use our moral, loving sense. You can see my railings about the Bible HERE.

Evil and God just donโ€™t mix sometimes.

Godโ€™s inactiveness with so much evil in the world is one reason many are atheists. Why doesnโ€™t a supposedly all-powerful God intervene more? How is God allowing evil any different than a parent who stands by and watches this child being sexually abused? Letโ€™s stop rationalizing by saying Godโ€™s evil is sometimes good. Maybe God canโ€™t control or violate freedom and love perfectly. Divine love limits divine power. Maybe God can only stop evil with the help of others freely helping. See God Canโ€™t by Thomas Oord.

Similarly, promises Christians make about prayer turns many away. The truth is miracles are rare. Maybe God is already doing all they can in a free world, by working through individual lives to change the world. Maybe prayer is more about a relationship with God as we attempt to change the world together. It seems God creating freedom necessitates one being able to do as much harm as they can do good. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. God, like parents, had a choice โ€” to not create or create knowing suffering was a possibility in the pursuit of intimacy.

Iโ€™m not so sure hypocrisy is a big stumbling block.

It doesnโ€™t help that Christians donโ€™t get along, as evidenced by the tens of thousands of denominations, all claiming their beliefs are the right ones. The truth is that we all are hypocrites. What human being lives up to the standards they know in their heart are honorable? But it is reasonable to expect those who talk about God to act godly. As mentioned possible hypocritical beliefs, supposedly according to the Bible, present a challenge. Christians must avoid claiming certainty, especially when such views seem to go against our moral intuitions.

Other challenges to not get in Godโ€™s way with individuals exist in the research. The church seems so focused on certain beliefs, such as sexual purity, rather than focusing on helping those less fortunate. Why canโ€™t we focus less on sexual behaviors and more on the homeless? Abuse by leadership representing God surely turns others away from God. Sexual abuse is too often sweep under the rug. Most Christians believe Godโ€™s spirit works in the lives of people. If Christians want others inclined to consider their God, control what you can to not interfere with Godโ€™s work.
@hippyjoe1955 I'll consider the source.

hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@Spunkylama Ditto.
Lostpoet ยท M
I think the Pew's are uncomfortable so people don't fall asleep.
Peaceandnamaste ยท 26-30, F
Redredred wants me to be ashamed of the wisdom and philosophy that the Hopi culture brings to me.

Hey redredred your gaslighting tactics won't work on me, I'm proud to be a Hopi indian and nothing can't stop me or get me away from my culture.

My stepfather abused me, threatened me and it didn't stop me, and your online abuse won't stop me either.

I'm Hopi and the word Hopi means peace. Peace is the wisdom my tribe brought.

I'm the child of Mother Earth and Father Sky and the whole universe, the whole world is my family and all things are connected to each other. We are all one made from the same great mystery energy of the universe, we are stardust having a human form. All life and all things are connected, we are all one cosmic family entangled from the same cosmic web aka the quantum field.

We are all basically waves from the same
eternal cosmic ocean, when we die we will dissolve back into the cosmic ocean again. Our energy will be recycled into another one form and another.

My philosophy is between idealist Dualism and panpsychism.

Peace and I hope you find happiness and stop crapping on the people you disagree with. Thank you and aho. May you find peace with Mother Earth and Father Universe. We are all one family, we are all the children of the same essence and stardust of the big bang.

Remember~ We are all eternally connected since the big bang. The universe is eternal and will continue to have infinite big bangs forever.

So remember have respect for your fellow human, animal, plant and cosmic brothers and sisters. We are all the children of Mother Earth, Father Sky, Brother Sun and sister moon and also the children of the whole cosmos.

Without the wind we will all die

Without the Sun we will all die

Without the Moon we will all die

Without the rain we will all die

Without the soil we will all die.

Without the whole Universe and it's energy we wouldn't be alive.

All the elements of nature are essential for all life to thrive, if we don't take care of the Earth and the atmosphere we will all die.

The energy that powers our bodies indirectly comes from the Sun from eating plants and other animals.

The Sun is the source of energy and ATP of our bodies and the stars are the source of the elements that make up our bodies so we are basically solar powered stardust made alive from the energy of the universe.

You can call this BS and began to crap on me. You may hate the philosophy of spirituality and wisdom.

Also quantum mechanics and spirituality have more things common with each other than you think.

My spirituality is seeing myself connected to all things in the universe/multiverse and that all that lives and everything is my family and that I will always be part of them like they will always be a part of me and when after I die I will eventually become part of everything. I will become part of the grass, part of the flowers, part of the mountains, part of the Sun, part of the rain, part of the beautiful rainbow, part of the moon, and part of the whole universe and all that makes it.

Sounds poetic, but according to science we've all heard that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed from one form to another.

So we're all basically eternal energy that will always be part of the universe/multiverse and that will all know that energy never dies and cannot be created or destroyed, the universe/multiverse is bascially eternal it transforms itself from one form to another forever from big bang after big bang.

I wish nothing but peace and wisdom to you redredred, don't spread hate spread love, love is the answer not hate. Get rid of your bigotry towards your fellow man and woman and see yourself part of this amazing eternal cosmos.

Remember we are one family, we are all connected, love one another and treat everyone as your family, spread love and compassion for that's what we're made of and what we will return to.

Peace and love hope you find peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ and stop the hate there's enough hate in this world, we are all family.
Carazaa ยท F
I don't understand Christianity

When we are born again the Holy Spirit comes in to our heart and we are changed forever.

- The bible is 2000 years old and has been rewritten and re-interpreted multiple times but people still take it so literally

The Bible is in its originality. We know that since just a few years ago the dead sea scrolls were found and it is the same as 6000 year old Bible. Also thousands of prophesies have come true so we know it is true, and Gods word. I have tested the promises and I know they are true.

- Jesus was around just over 2000 years ago, so did everyone before then who didn't know about this religion go straight to hell?
Most people do not go to heaven, true. God only saved Noah and his wife and three kids and their mates 8 people. All others he drowned because of unbelief. Noah trusted in God without knowing the name of Jesus. Jesus and the Father are one God. God has shared that "the firmament declares his Glory" so we are all without excuse, even if we never heard of Jesus.

- What about people who don't accept jesus into their lives because they havn't heard much about Christianity or grew up in a different religion? Do they deserve an eternity in hell?

Do we deserve eternal hell? The Bible does not talk about "hell". It is possible that there is just death for the unbelievers, and there is also a possibility that there's a new earth where people will really regret not being more obedient to God, even if they have eternal life. I am not sure what the next life will be like, but I don't take any chances. I want to love the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul.

If you are Christian, why? And are you open to other truths? Or do you believe the bible is the only truth?
Make it make sense
You just have to ask God for the truth, he will show you. I did, and he changed my life. Jesus is my provider, my helper, my healer.
Jesus said "I am the way, the life, and the truth, no one comes to The Father but through me"
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
No. They did not go to hell for what they couldn't have known, but Jesus ministered to them later.

People don't go to hell for not knowing, and Jesus doesn't send people to hell, anyway. He came to save, not condemn. It is only unforgiven sin and rejection of wanting nothing to do with God's plan of salvation, by their own choice, that they miss heaven. Sin.....not God..... keeps one separated from God and condemned UNTIL we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to be our Savior.

All the different religions in this world, have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. Nothing. Neither does spirituality. Even Satan is spiritual, but he's not going to heaven. Satan believes in God, but it takes more than head knowledge. Some make this way harder than it has to be. Fact is, we're all in the same spiritual need of Jesus to save us from the condemnation and consequences SIN brought on us. Religion of any type cannot save us...period. Religion is only man-made philosophy. Religion didn't die on the cross to save us from our sins. Jesus did...and He clearly said, so we wouldn't have to GUESS about how to have eternal life in heaven, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO MAN can come to my Father, except by Me."Jesus was approved and appointed by God the Father, himself, to be the Savior of the world. Not any other god. Jesus said you can try it your way, but it won't lead you to heaven. And yes, we may all learn and grow differently, but Jesus said there's only one way to heaven, and who better to know, than the One who has been there?

If any want answers to life, then Jesus said we have only to look to the Source of Truth, God's Word. If we're puzzled about life or need direction, God gave us His Word, a spiritual blueprint for Life, so we wouldn't HAVE to guess about the answers. There are absolutely no contradictions in God's Word. Only people who wish to twist its truths. Man is fallible...not God, whose nature and character is that He is perfect....incapable of lying. Bottom line is...we either believe and take Him at His Word, or we don't. The sinfulness of this world, shows us why we need a Savior, and why would we need any of the other millions of so-called gods, when only ONE is needed and was appointed to be the Savior of this world? It only takes one to save us. Jesus not only said He loves us...He proved it, when He died on the cross to pay for our sins. Mankind has SIN in his nature. So how can sin forgive itself??? We don't HAVE that kind of power nor authority over the spiritual world....but Jesus does!

Even if man COULD save himself, tell will he find his way to heaven, without Jesus to take him there? Man doesn't even know where heaven is or how to get there, and even if he could get there, he still couldn't walk through heaven's gates, with unforgiven sin in him. Sin can't enter heaven, or it wouldn't BE heaven, and Jesus being without sin, is the only One worthy enough to forgive us our sins. Stated in John 3:16, 17, and 18. I will take God's Word over man's, ANY day. And the minute Jesus forgives us, he sends His Holy Spirit to live within us, as evidence/proof that we have received Jesus as Savior, and that we are reunited with our Father in heaven and have the promise of eternal life.
redredred ยท M
redredred ยท M
@Carazaa The Ten Commandments. Look it up.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@redredred The Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 34:11-26. The ones in Exodus chapter 20 are just class-A felonies that result in the death penalty if a person violated them.

All of the stories in the Old and New Testaments illustrate one or more of the Ten Commandments listed in Exodus chapter 34. None of the stories are based on the ones listed in Exodus chapter 20.
SlaveEt ยท 36-40, F
And they wonder why some folks think the "true believers" are a bit nutz? lol
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
I hope you won't pay any attention to these negative, hateful statements from people who don't know what they're talking about. God is very real and He saved my own daughter from dying and He's loved by millions around the world, who know Him and have experienced Him and His miracles. Jesus loves you more than words could ever say. Unconditionally.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@heyitsemma First of all, according to the biblical fairytale no one will spend eternity in hell. When you die you go to one of three places = death, the sea, or to hell. All three are temporary and everyone makes bail on Judgment Day. At that time death and hell are tossed into the lake of fire and the sea ceases to exist. Everyone is judged and if their names are written in the Book of Life they are given eternal life, even if they have been in hell. Those who are not listed in the Book of Life get tossed into the lake of fire, which is the second death. They cease to exist.

If you are a member of one of the twelve tribes of Israel you get to spend eternity in the 1,500 mile-sided golden cube called New Jerusalem. All others get to spend eternity outside the wall that surrounds the golden cube.

When you think about spending eternity in hell you are thinking about the Islamic version. In that fairytale when you die you stay dead until Judgment Day when you are resurrected. The good guys get their own individual paradises with two ninety-foot tall translucent women creatures, a harem of women, and a herd of cute boys. The guy has an eternal erection. Most of the people in the Islamic hell are women and if you are there you will be tortured for eternity. So, know your hells and heavens.

According to Romans 2:12-16 (MKJV) = "12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law 13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; 14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) 16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel."

So, if you're good you are good and if you are bad, you are bad.

Christianity is many things but it is essentially a race-based religion that says that you have to believe in a Jew in order to have eternal life. That makes Jews the premier ethnic group on the planet. People like it because it allows them to gain power, prestige, and control over their more superstitious buddies. Protestant ministers like it because they can run individual churches as private businesses and get rich, if they do it right. The Catholic priests like it because they get to wear fancy robes and act as superior people. The average person likes it because they want to live forever in a beautiful heaven.
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Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
thanks that was really clear and interesting!

According to Revelation 20:11-15 (TLB) = "11 And I saw a great white throne and the one who sat upon it, from whose face the earth and sky fled away, but they found no place to hide.[a] 12 I saw the dead, great and small, standing before God; and The Books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in The Books, each according to the deeds he had done. 13 The oceans surrendered the bodies buried in them; and the earth and the underworld gave up the dead in them. Each was judged according to his deeds. 14 And Death and Hell were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the Second Deathโ€”the Lake of Fire. 15 And if anyoneโ€™s name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the Lake of Fire."

Revelation 21:1(TLB) = "21 Then I saw a new earth (with no oceans!) and a new sky, for the present earth and sky had disappeared."

This is where things get screwy because you can be bad but still have eternal life and not get thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).

Revelation 21:27 (TLB) = "27 Nothing evil will be permitted in itโ€”no one immoral or dishonestโ€”but only those whose names are written in the Lambโ€™s Book of Life."

& Revelation 22:15 (CJB) = "Outside are the homosexuals, those involved with the occult and with drugs, the sexually immoral, murderers, idol-worshippers, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood."

So, no one will spend eternity in hell. You can be an evil person and still gain eternal life but you won't be able to enter the golden cube and access the tree of life. If your name isn't written in the book of life you will be tossed into the lake of fire where you will die forever.

That's the way I read it. What about you?
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LadyGrace ยท 70-79
The bible is 2000 years old and has been rewritten and re-interpreted multiple times but people still take it so literally

God did not entrust His Word to just anyone. He gave it to holy men of old. Second Timothy 3:16 tells us that the Bible was โ€œbreathed outโ€ by God. While using their own writing styles and personalities, they still recorded exactly what God intended. The Bible was perfectly guided and entirely inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Humanly speaking, the Bible was written by approximately 40 men of diverse backgrounds over the course of 1500 years. Isaiah was a prophet, Ezra was a priest, Matthew was a tax-collector, John was a fisherman, Paul was a tentmaker, Moses was a shepherd, Luke was a physician. Despite being penned by different authors over 15 centuries, the Bible does not contradict itself and does not contain any errors. The authors all present different perspectives because obviously, they each had their own personalities and styles of writing, yet they all proclaim the same one true God, and the same one way of salvationโ€”Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@LadyGrace The bible is much older than 2000 years with the original writings predating Noah's flood. The New Testament is 2000 years old and for 2000 years has shown itself to be a reliable guide in all affairs human. Sadly the same can not be said of the humanists who at the moment can't seem to figure out which bathroom to use and why so many people are killing other people. The New Testament would give them a very good clue but they don't like that answer.
ShadowWolf ยท 31-35, M
I'm a Catholic, one of the oldest versions of the faith. I do not take the Bible literally, as it was never meant to be taken literally. I subscribe to science, as well as faith. For example, who is to say, that string theory and parallel universe theory, multiverse theory etc cannot coexist with a creator? I do not take Genesis literally, it's metaphorical. God could exist beyond the multiverse. We'd never know. That's faith. For all we know, the entire Greek Pantheon exists in some parallel universe. But I usually attribute the ancient pagan faiths to explaining natural events and superstition. Because after all, noone knew the science of thunder and lightning back then (Zeus), noone knew what the Sun actually was (Amon-Ra, Huitzilopochtli).
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@ShadowWolf Maybe this will aid you?

Why Christians Were Denied Access to Their Bible for 1,000 Years

Did the Catholic Church forbid Bible reading?

Changes in Catholic Attitudes Toward Bible Readings

Why Are Catholics So Deficient in Bible-Reading?
@ShadowWolf I think you may be thinking of England? The origins of Protestantism are elsewhere
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@ShadowWolf The idea that science and faith are somehow separate is a false idea. Science is based on faith. You simply accept what it says because you have faith in it. It can not prove anything it says. We can observe the universe and how it works but when we get to basic facts about it we have to take it on faith.

Come let us reason together.

Option !: There was nothing. Nothing existed for a very very long time. Suddenly for no reason whatsoever nothing exploded and became everything. Some time later bits of everything again for no reason whatsoever got together and made dinosaurs.

Option 2: Over a chaos of potentials the Great I AM spoke into order separating light from dark, Day from night. Void from matter, Wet from dry, Life from non life. Going farther the Great I AM formed plants and animals of every kind on the tiny planet He specially designed to support life. HE then made a special creature that would rule over the earth and all that is in it. This special creature HE gave the ability to know or reject Him. On this tiny little planet circling a nondescript sun on the outer arm or a nondescript galaxy is the metaphorical center of the universe. For only on this planet does the Spirit meet the physical as the I AM's children go to school in the form of humans. Not all humans are His Children, But those He has made known His Name He get the right to be Sons of Yahweh.

One world view is little more that random atoms unknowingly and purposelessly bumping into each other.

The other has the creation partaking in the Creator who lovingly and sacrificially gave of Himself Life and purpose for being.

One holds that mankind is weed on the face of the earth and should be eliminated/ The other holds that Mankind is a special creation that is working its way toward becoming divine.

Having once been a firm believer in option one I came to realize that option one is null and void. Even my loftiest thoughts were of no benefit. As it is written "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we may die". I came to reject that position. It was completely inconsistent in itself. There simply was too much evidence of a Creator. Thus one evening on the lonely windswept prairie I knelt by a small white rock and met the Lord of the Universe. He gave me a new life and a new existence and suddenly the Bible made perfect sense. It was no longer just a book of funny stories. It was the Holy Scriptures given to me to guide and correct me as I lived my changed life. If you are debating whether to take the Bible literally or not you have no relationship with the One who inspired the Prophets and men of old as they were moved by the Spirit of God.
specman ยท 51-55, M
My belief is that the Old Testament and New Testament is about the one true God.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@specman Why am I considered a beast, ignorant in your sight?
specman ยท 51-55, M
@Diotrephes never mind this is getting us nowhere. We will never change each otherโ€™s beliefs. Which I am fine with that. I apologize for calling you ignorant. Our differences is no excuse for me to calling anybody names. Itโ€™s late here. Iโ€™m tired and going to bed. Nite!
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@specman Hey, we are all buddies so what's a little ribbing? It gives me an opportunity to cite Bible verses in response to others' outrageous comments.

BTW, if a person is a believer and cites verses as metaphors, he is opening the door for the whole fairytale to be flushed down the toilet because everything will lose credibility . (Not that is has any so you have to be careful how you play the game or you will inadvertently destroy your own arguments for believing in God and Jesus.)
LeeInTheNorthWoods ยท 70-79, F
Do you really believe that religious people don't ask and answer these questions? But seeking answers in an online forum is like asking an astronomer to explain the origins of the universe in two paragraphs.

If you'd like answers to your questions, choose to engage in a mature and thoughtful search.
LeeInTheNorthWoods ยท 70-79, F
@BohemianBabe Oh, please. My brother-in-law is an astronomer who's worked for the U.S. government, Harvard, and taught at Cambridge, and he's a Catholic priest. One of the religious writers whom I enjoy reading is Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He was a Jesuit priest, a geologist, and a paleontologist. He was a key member of the scientific team that discovered Peking Man. I can go on and on. Read Einstein on Piece. You can download it on your Kindle.
Carazaa ยท F
@BohemianBabe We were all atheists before we were touched by God, and he gave us understanding. At least I was not a Christian but God changed me. The more I follow the Bible, Gods word the more he blesses me.
BohemianBabe ยท M
@LeeInTheNorthWoods None of that has anything to do with what I said, but cool.
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
God's laws were given before Jesus was around. Second question look at 2 Corinthians 6 14-17 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, โ€œI will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you. Meaning we are to be separate from those who do not believe so that God will welcome us. Meaning a non believer will go to hell. Question 3 no I do not call myself a Christian. Why? Because although I believe and follow God I do not like to judge others as many people do who are Christian. I accept that others have different beliefs and that's their right. I do not try to change their beliefs. I in fact will not express mine unless questions are asked like here. However I do believe that God's word is truth. However I also want to add that God is both loving and forgiving so anyone at any time can experience his grace and mercy if they repent of their sins. Which is simple just pray and ask. People tend to think God is all about judgement and sending people to hell. But God is also love and compassion. I'm by no means an expert on the bible these are just my thoughts.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@RubiesandButterflies But if the biblical God is perfect why does he do things that are imperfect? It seems that he wants people to stumble so that he can beat them because they can't function correctly in his imperfect world.
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
Sometimes imperfect rules are necessary because they are the only thing that will work. Allot had to do with getting the people to respond to him. He couldn't be too harsh because they would make things worse and they May have rebelled all the more. So he did what was necessary to bring them into line with his will. The bible is very complex and I don't have all the answers, no believer does. The bible has been pulled apart and commented on by many different scholars. If you are really interested in knowing more just search for bible commentaries and explanations of the different verses online. It's easy enough to find information.
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
People tend to think God is all about judgement and sending people to hell. But God is also love and compassion. I'm by no means an expert on the bible these are just my thoughts.

I just wanted to say that the way you worded your sentences sounds like God is all about judgment and sending people to hell. Because you followed up with the next sentence that suggests that that is true, when you said BUT, God is ALSO love and compassion.

Just wanted to say that God doesn't send anyone to hell and he's all about getting people saved so they can have eternal life in heaven with Him.
LeopoldBloom ยท M
Not all people take the Bible literally. Jews, for example, study the Old Testament within its historical contest as well as symbolically. And many Christian denominations, including the largest one - the Roman Catholic Church - doesn't take the Bible literally. You're referring to a few Protestant denominations who claim to take the Bible literally when in fact they're merely applying a modern political interpretation to it.
BohemianBabe ยท M
@LeopoldBloom The Catholic Church says the Old Testament is metaphorical, but the New Testament is literal. Which is still pretty insane, but that's religion.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom If a person doesn't take the theme literally, why woud he waste any time believing any of it?
SomeMichGuy ยท M
Theyitis ยท 36-40, M
I still like to think of myself as a Christian. I donโ€™t just take the Bible โ€œliterallyโ€, but as I was taught in college, I try to understand it through the โ€œthree worldsโ€: historical, literary, and contemporary. Most of the rest of your issues simply disappear if, like I did, you stop believing in the existence of hell. Thereโ€™s no particular need to believe in it, the Bible doesnโ€™t say much about it. The contemporary fire and brimstone image of hell originated in Danteโ€™s Inferno. Jesus died on the cross for everyoneโ€™s sins. If you have to say a prayer accepting Christ to get to Heaven, then Christ didnโ€™t save you, you saved yourself! So Iโ€™m kind of thinking maybe just everyone goes to Heaven when they die.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
I still like to think of myself as a Christian. I donโ€™t just take the Bible โ€œliterallyโ€, but as I was taught in college, I try to understand it through the โ€œthree worldsโ€: historical, literary, and contemporary. Most of the rest of your issues simply disappear if, like I did, you stop believing in the existence of hell. Thereโ€™s no particular need to believe in it, the Bible doesnโ€™t say much about it. The contemporary fire and brimstone image of hell originated in Danteโ€™s Inferno. Jesus died on the cross for everyoneโ€™s sins. If you have to say a prayer accepting Christ to get to Heaven, then Christ didnโ€™t save you, you saved yourself! So Iโ€™m kind of thinking maybe just everyone goes to Heaven when they die.

Jesus only cared about the Israelites/Hebrews/Jews. He didn't give a damn about anyone else. Paul is the character that said that Jesus cared about others but there is no dialogue by the Jesus character that says that he does.

According to the fairy tale, when people die they go to one of three places: death; the sea; or hell. All three are temporary and everyone gets out on Judgment Day. Death and hell are tossed into the lake of fire. Just because you spent time in hell it won't stop you from getting getting on the new planet with the giant golden cube called New Jerusalem. You may even be able to get into the golden cube if you haven't done things like being a dog, sorcerer, sexually immoral, murderer, idolater, or a liar (Revelation 22:15 (AMP) = "Outside are the dogs [the godless, the impure, those of low moral character] and the sorcerers [with their intoxicating drugs, and magic arts], and the immoral persons [the perverted, the molesters, and the adulterers], and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying (deception, cheating)."

Or course it says in Revelation 20:12-15 (AMP = "12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged according to what they had done as written in the books [that is, everything done while on earth]. 13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and Hades (the realm of the dead) surrendered the dead who were in them; and they were judged and sentenced, every one according to their deeds. 14 Then death and Hades [the realm of the dead] were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire [the eternal separation from God]. 15 And if [a]anyoneโ€™s name was not found [b]written in the Book of Life, he was hurled into the lake of fire."

Christians keep making the mistake of visualizing the Islamic hell as their hell. In the Islamic version you stay dead until Judgment Day and then you get resurrected. The good guys get their own individual paradises with their harem, two 90-foot-tall translucent women creatures, a herd of cute boys, an eternal erection, and rivers of wine. Most of the people in the Islamic hell are women. Everyone in hell gets tortured for eternity.

Remember, in the biblical version hell gets tossed into the lake of fire. No one spends eternity in the biblical hell. So, know your hells.
Theyitis ยท 36-40, M
@Adstar Last I checked you werenโ€™t the one in charge of the ultimate reality, you have no way of knowing thatโ€™s how it is.

The punishment still doesnโ€™t fit the crime. Nobody has ever caused anybody else unlimited suffering and isolation for the rest of eternity, so nobody deserves to have it visited on them, even if they didnโ€™t ask forgiveness for some of their sins.

As I said before, Jesus paid the price on the cross for all of us to get into Heaven. Now youโ€™re going to say that wasnโ€™t good enough unless we pray to accept him as our savior? What if nobody had prayed to accept Christ as their savior? Would he have just died for nothing? If you have to do something, anything, to get into Heaven, then you got in through your own works, not by Godโ€™s grace. You could boast about that. Jesus didnโ€™t save you, you saved yourself. But thatโ€™s not what the Bible teaches, it teaches that Christ saved us all.

One more thing, you accused me of just telling people what they want to hear. I would counter that more people probably want to hear what youโ€™re saying, and itโ€™s certainly easier for you to believe that. Youโ€™re a Christian, so you already know youโ€™re not going to hell, so that doesnโ€™t apply to you, nor probably to anyone you care about a lot. It applies mainly to people who are not like you, many of whom you likely view as your enemies. Hell is primarily used as a tool to try to scare people into converting to Christianity, or to give them comfort that their enemies will suffer in eternity. Itโ€™s more controversial then to believe that your enemies will share your reward in Heaven and that fear need not be a motivating factor in oneโ€™s decision to convert.
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
@Adstar Last I checked you werenโ€™t the one in charge of the ultimate reality, you have no way of knowing thatโ€™s how it is.

You can decide to accept or reject any message you receive Theyitis.. But don't reject something just because it sounds hard to you and don't accept something because it sounds good to you.. The truth is far more important then feels.. In the end i share information that saves if accepted and destroys if it is rejected.. That's what the Gospel does..

The punishment still doesnโ€™t fit the crime.

And the reward of eternity in Gods perfect eternal existence does not fit any pathetic attempt we make at paying for it in our short faulty lives on earth.. But surprise surprise i don't see universalist shaking their fists at god proclaiming it is unfair for Him to bless/ reward people far too much for far to little effort.. If you preached against Gods blessing as much as you preach against Gods judgement then you may have gained some credibility.. But nope people life you want to embrace all the ""good stuff"" and reject all the hard stuff and treat the World of God like a smorgasbord, only accepting the stuff you like and ""interpreting"" away the stuff that you don't like..

As I said before, Jesus paid the price on the cross for all of us to get into Heaven. Now youโ€™re going to say that wasnโ€™t good enough unless we pray to accept him as our savior?

Don't tell me what i am going to say.. Your talking with me not a projected character of your own imaginary creation.. Yes Jesus paid the price for all the sins of all humanity over all history and Now if offers that payment as a gift to each and ever person INDIVIDUALLY.. The Individual must acknowledge their need for His Atonement and accept it to have it.. A gift cannot be had if the person who it is offered to refuses to accept it.. So Jesus only pays the penalty of the sins of people who accept His Atoning gift..

What if nobody had prayed to accept Christ as their savior? Would he have just died for nothing?

He would have foreknown that nobody would accept that gift and so he would probably never have come down to earth to obtain it.. But He foreknew that those who love the truth would accept it with joy and so He suffered death out of love to save those who love the truth but have no ability to live up to the standards of the truth..

If you have to do something, anything, to get into Heaven, then you got in through your own works, not by Godโ€™s grace.

The Bible declares that Faith is not a Works.. I will trust in the Bible definition of what works is and not what some scripture twisting ear tickling deceiver interprets works to be..

(Romans 4:3-8) "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. {4} Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. {5} But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. {6} Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, {7} Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. {8} Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin."

Youโ€™re a Christian, so you already know youโ€™re not going to hell, so that doesnโ€™t apply to you, nor probably to anyone you care about a lot. It applies mainly to people who are not like you, many of whom you likely view as your enemies.

More unrighteous projection.. More mud slinging.. You're right i that i am a Christian and as such i believe Jesus when He said that we should LOVE our Enemies.. And i Love those who are enemies towards me by sharing with them the truth that if accepted will see them Redeemed.. So you are a universalist enemy towards Christianity and i am sharing with you the truth that saves and giving you warning that universalism is a false doctrine leading people to the eternal lake of fire.. Now is that a pleasant experience for me?? Nope.. I face denigration and accusations and projecting for people like you every other day.. Sharing the truth is not fun when the truth is hated by people like you so often.. But out of love for the truth and love for my enemy i should walk an extra mile with haters in the hope that a seed of truth might be planted in their conscience and the Holy Spirit will work on them to move them to accept the truth. His will be done..

Hell is primarily used as a tool to try to scare people into converting to Christianity,

Fear is a good thing.. In this world fear of danger makes people avoid danger and keep a keen lookout for sources of danger.. And what does the Bible say about the fear of God??

(Proverbs 9:10) "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

So fear of God causes people to investigate God, to find out about Gods will, to seek to get right with God.. The fear of God is a great motivator to investigate God to find the Way to be in the right relationship with God, to be good with God.. And what happens when someone accepts the Word of God in it's totality.. They discover the love of God, the Way He made to lovingly save us So a Christian ends up not fearing God at all.. The scriptures declare::

(1 John 4:18-19) "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. {19} We love him, because he first loved us."

As you declared a Christian has no cause for fear of Hell.. But people who have not fully accepted the truth of the love of God still fear hell and the eternal lake of fire.. So what do they do?? they embrace false doctrines like universalism grasping onto the lie that there is no Hell or Lake of Fire.. Why do they need this doctrine?? Because they have not fully believed in the gift of the Atonement of The LORD Jesus..

Hell is primarily used as a tool to try to scare people into converting to Christianity, or to give them comfort that their enemies will suffer in eternity. Itโ€™s more controversial then to believe that your enemies will share your reward in Heaven and that fear need not be a motivating factor in oneโ€™s decision to convert.

When i converted to Christianity i never did so because of fear of Hell or desire for heaven.. I converted because i loved the message of Jesus and His loving self sacrifice to pay for my sins.. The awesome wisdom in the Way God made to Redeem me.. The solution to my sin problem was exquisite.. I was flabbergasted when i discovered that the one and only awesome God of all existence cared enough for me to suffer the horrendous death He went through on earth.. And i was and still am so unworthy of this perfect love..
val70 ยท 51-55
Carazaa ยท F
@val70 Very nice, and so true!
exchrist ยท 31-35
I've never understood it either nearly all the books were found to have been written about 70-100 years after his death. So I think it's a bunch of non-sense. Also how is a 2,000 year old book mostly letters about someone, which is hearsay, still considered a primary source grow up I say.
ShadowWolf ยท 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 Mhmm. It's truley hard to argue with biology. If someone has the male appendage they are biologically a guy and assigned it at birth. Vice versa for female. Anyone who disregards this as a social construct is blissfully ignorant. Even a sex change operation DOES NOT change the chromosomes from XY to XX or vice versa. Nor does it make a working reproductive organ of the opposite sex.
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@ShadowWolf I would say that the sex of a person is set at conception. The sperm determines the genes that decide male or female.
ShadowWolf ยท 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 I agree with this, as this is where the actual chromosomes/genetics get decided.
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
If the bible is just made up stories to "control the masses", they sure would have tried to do a lot better job than that. lol And forget about the ludicrous myth from people who hate Christians and God, that we're out to convince people or use scare tactics. There would be no gain, so that's nonsense.

Since Jesus finished His mission on earth, and over 500 people saw Him ascend into the heavens to return to His Father, before He left this earth, He commissioned all His followers to spread the Good News of salvation through Christ, to the world, so they wouldn't have to guess how to get to heaven and live with Jesus for eternity. This information was passed on through the generations. And God set the standard, not man, so that is why we are happy to spread His gospel, as He asked. Especially after all He has done for us. It's not our job to convince anyone. That is the Holy Spirit's job, to speak to people's hearts, then let them decide for themselves if they wish to accept Jesus as Savior or not. We're only sharing His message with others, who ask questions, like yourself and thank you for your interest. Jesus said before He comes back, every person will have the chance to hear the gospel. And there's some who just don't understand the gospel. Maybe they have a mental handicap/disability or passed at an early age? They'll not miss heaven. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. And He wants no one to miss heaven. He never turns those away, who wish to come to Him. He doesn't even make that decision for us. He is loving, gentle, and caring. No one loves us more than Jesus.

Christianityโ€™s โ€œreal agendaโ€, is Jesus' real agenda.... to reunite God and man once again. To put us in the correct relationship with God. That is the most foundational aspect of the Bible. God's truth always sets us free. That is the whole purpose of it. No longer slaves to sin.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@ heyitsemma, regarding your questions
- Jesus was around just over 2000 years ago, so did everyone before then who didn't know about this religion go straight to hell?
- What about people who don't accept jesus into their lives because they havn't heard much about Christianity or grew up in a different religion? Do they deserve an eternity in hell?

maybe the answer can be found in Romans 2:11-15 (ERV) =
"11 God judges everyone the same. It doesnโ€™t matter who they are.

12 People who have the law and those who have never heard of the law are all the same when they sin. People who donโ€™t have the law and are sinners will be lost. And, in the same way, those who have the law and are sinners will be judged by the law. 13 Hearing the law does not make people right with God. They will be right before him only if they always do what the law says.

14 Those who are not Jews donโ€™t have the law. But when they naturally do what the law commands without even knowing the law, then they are their own law. This is true even though they donโ€™t have the written law. 15 They show that in their hearts they know what is right and wrong, the same as the law commands, and their consciences agree. Sometimes their thoughts tell them that they have done wrong, and this makes them guilty. And sometimes their thoughts tell them that they have done right, and this makes them not guilty."

Remember, when Eve & Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they then knew as much as God himself about what was good and what was evil. I'm sure you know the difference. Even the most evil person knows when he is being evil but it is sometimes more difficult to know if you are being truly good.

It is a mistake to rely upon the Bible to tell you the difference because it contains lots of examples where God told people to do some very evil things. Chances are if you do bad things in today's society you will end up in prison. It may not be hell but it is very close to it.
AuRevoir ยท 36-40, M
The Bible says that thereโ€™s not one person who wonโ€™t have the chanceโ€ฆ Whether God reveals himself to them in death, in dreams, or while theyโ€™re aliveโ€ฆ and by what means whoโ€™s to say.. Everyone has a unique and individualistic life in which they leadโ€ฆ But it says everyone will have made a choiceโ€ฆ

And thatโ€™s all it is.. A choice. Like everything else in life.

And the Bible also says people will be shocked at who makes it to heaven and who does notโ€ฆ

Many of these mega church pastors are not going to make it into heaven, ironically, despite their following and having so many people listening to their sermons etc.. The Bible warns about them fleecing the sheepโ€ฆ And the day of judgement when they will say โ€œbut lord, lord! We did this in YOUR name and that in YOUR name..โ€ and he will say โ€œGet away from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you..โ€ Just because someone says theyโ€™re of God, or claims to be holy does not make them soโ€ฆ a lot of those tithes and offerings that is the churches responsibility to help the world, and do good for people.. and instead they bought themselves mansions and private jets.. Salvation is a free giftโ€ฆ And how many souls have been deterred from accepting God by these snakes and vipers and liars examples? When the world has seen their hypocrisies both brazen and so openly recognizable..

The best thing you can do is answer your own questionsโ€ฆ Open the book and study it for yourselfโ€ฆ

And the only time books have been rewritten is by other denominations adding or taking away to fit their narrativesโ€ฆ Outside of that the original scrolls have never been rewritten..
heyitsemma ยท 26-30, F
@AuRevoir This just doesn't make sense to me at all.. From my own experiences, I know there is a higher power and an afterlife. But why would 'god' send people to hell for not accepting jesus into their lives. What about kids that die before they get a chance to learn about it? Are they going to hell?

It's an old ass book, its a huge cult, it MAKES NO SENSE
AuRevoir ยท 36-40, M
@heyitsemma itโ€™s not a cult.. the teachings of a cult follow a man made heirarchy.. meaning a human person will always be head of that cult and can even dictate your position in life etc and everything that has to do with your existence within that cult..

The Bible is set up to where you have such freedom in its interpretations, that multiple denominations have formed from freedom of thought within interpretation of its words.. No one can take your salvation away from you except for God.. Men canโ€™t condemn you to hell, men can only condemn themselves to hell.. Wheras cults are formed under the leadership of human person claiming to be god like and to obey the whimsical fancies..

Certain leaders of a church can misuse the Bible and become cult like. But as for the actual teachings and methods of the Bible itself it isnโ€™t cult like at all..

And no, children wouldnโ€™t usually go to hell, each person has a different age of accountability where they realize the difference between right and wrong.. same way people go through the changes of puberty at different ages..

If you donโ€™t read it you wonโ€™t have any understanding on it..

Itโ€™s like you asking questions about quantum physics and expecting someone to make sense of it to you when you donโ€™t even know algebra yet.. youโ€™re not going to get the answers you seem unless you study it for yourself..

Life is about choices, itโ€™s your choice..

Regardless youโ€™ve already shown your rejection of it by claiming it to be a cult.. and calling it an old book.. so out of curiosity, how old do the books about Darwinism and evolution have to get before theyโ€™re just โ€œold booksโ€ and โ€œcultsโ€ too?? Just some food for thought.. Anyways do what you will.. I answered what I felt compelled to answer, but Iโ€™ll say no more, and leave you to your peace..
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@heyitsemma The New Testament does not say that kids will go to the golden cube or to the lake of fire. It does not mention them.

The Koran does say that kids can go to paradise. The thing is that the women and the cute boys are sex slaves to the guys who have eternal erections. That doesn't look good for the kids.
There is nothing to understand. Made up stories to control the masses. Nothing more
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
@Spunkylama Get your facts straight. She asked a question and all you could do is dis the Bible. And when I pointed out you had your facts wrong about the Bible, you had no answer, so you pulled the typical, switch the subject to you were "trying to help."
@LadyGrace Stay mad, no skin off my back
@Spunkylama You have mention that you are an ex-Christian. Would it be possible for you to share your reasons of moving away from Christianity please (preferably DM).
Peaceandnamaste ยท 26-30, F
@redredred quantum physics where spirituality and science meets.




Science and spirituality is more connected than you think, don't let mainstream organized religious theocratic extremists make you link the philosophy of the essence of reality and mind to the same level as them.

Religion divides people and spirituality connects us to each other and the whole universe.

Religion sends bombs, Spirituality brings wisdom and connection to each other and the Universe and science sends us to the stars to explore the Universe.

Unknown- "Science without wisdom is vain and wisdom without science is stupid".

Knowledge and science needs wisdom to survive. Without wisdom it's vain and cold.

The lack of wisdom and ethics in science gave us Atomic bombs, guns, lack of respect for nature and materialistic thinking and horrific inhumane experiments like the Tuskegee experiment and human zoos.

Science gave us good things and it also gave us bad things.

Science gave us good things like antibiotics, vaccines and the wheel but it also gave us bad things like atomic bombs and guns.

Science has a dark side too.


DDT was once used until it was banned by the EPA.
Spoiledbrat ยท F
I believe the idea is to have faith. We don't have all the answers.
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
@Diotrephes Jesus was not asking them to uproot a tree literally. He was merely saying that even if you have a small amount of faith you can achieve great things. The key here is that faith equals growth.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@RubiesandButterflies The dialogue has the Jesus character saying that people with faith the size of a mustard seed can command a tree to uproot itself and jump into the sea and that the tree will obey. He also said that a person could command a mountain to do the same thing and that it would obey.

And, in Mark 16:17-18 (CEV) he further said ="17 Everyone who believes me will be able to do wonderful things. By using my name they will force out demons, and they will speak new languages. 18 They will handle snakes and will drink poison and not be hurt. They will also heal sick people by placing their hands on them."

So, he made all of those promises and how did things work out for the believers? Did they get the results they were promised or were they lied to?
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
@Diotrephes I've already explained that these were analogies. Jesus also spoke allot by using parables. Please feel free to find further information online..use a search engine that's what they are there for.
- Jesus was around just over 2000 years ago, so did everyone before then who didn't know about this religion go straight to hell?

Scare tactic used to convert more people and they can claim they "saved" you.

- What about people who don't accept jesus into their lives because they havn't heard much about Christianity or grew up in a different religion? Do they deserve an eternity in hell?

Again this is why they go and attempt to convert people and "save" them. More people = more money. There is no such places as heaven or hell. This is a scare tactic used by religions to get people to behave how they want them to.

- If you are Christian, why? And are you open to other truths? Or do you believe the bible is the only truth?

I am no longer a Christian and left due to the rampant hypocrisy and sexual abuse by the churches. No, I am not open to other religions as I see them as all being the same.
@hippyjoe1955 Did I claim somewhere to be perfect? Nope

Why don't you stop while you are ahead?
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@Spunkylama Your condescension certainly has that implication.
Carazaa ยท F
Please.. I have been going to church for over 40 years and read my Bible over 50 years. I have heard a sermon on sexuality maybe 5 times , not enough in my opinion. The church has watered down the gospel to keep people from leaving. They should talk about the consequeses of sin more. Regardless if people like it or not! Who cares if people are turned off by truth.

God says people do not believe because of their sins. Many churches are focused on feeding the poor, and needy so I haven't seen the kind of church that doesn't.

Did everyone go to hell before Jesus? No God says "The firmament declares his Glory, noone is without excuse" And hell? I am not sure what that entales. I know God says "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life." It is definitely a hard life to not be a christian, because God does not hear your prayers. But there is maybe just death after life for the ingodly? We don't know exactly.

We are called to go into all the world and preach the gospel, so that's why I do. God saves, not me.

Am I open to other religions? No absolutely not! I was a big skeptic as a child but God saved me and took me out of darkness to his glorious light. You can read about the miraclesin my 5th post, all that God has done for me. He answers all my prayers, more than I can even imagine! I love Jesus soooo much! My life is good now!
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
I would love to share this true story with you of how God saved my pastor's life.
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
Sweet lady, if you have any other questions, feel free to private message me.
Carazaa ยท F
Did everyone go to hell before Jesus? No God says "The firmament declares his Glory, noone is without excuse" And hell? I am not sure what that entales. I know God says "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life." It is definitely a hard life to not be a christian, because God does not hear your prayers. But there is maybe just death after life for the ingodly? We don't know exactly.

God says people do not believe because of their sins. Jesus paid for everyones sins with his own blood!

We are called to go into all the world and preach the gospel, so that's why I do. God saves, not me.

Am I open to other religions? No absolutely not! I was a big skeptic as a child but God saved me and took me out of darkness to his glorious light. You can read about the miraclesin my 5th post, all that God has done for me. He answers all my prayers, more than I can even imagine! I love Jesus soooo much! My life is good now!
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ShadowWolf ยท 31-35, M
@Ferise1 This is correct! And their God, as mentioned is the same exact God as Christians/Catholics and Muslims. This seems to elude Carazaa due to her limited knowledge of the subject matter, brainwashing, and lack of reasoning.
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BlueSkyKing ยท M
"A child is not a Christian child, not a Muslim child, but a child of Christian parents or a child of Muslim parents. This latter nomenclature, by the way, would be an excellent piece of consciousness-raising for the children themselves. A child who is told she is a 'child of Muslim parents' will immediately realize that religion is something for her to choose -or reject- when she becomes old enough to do so.โ€
โ€• Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
Parts of the Bible are much older than 2000 years old. It has not been re written or re interpreted multiple times. Its core message has been the same since the time before the pharaohs of Egypt.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@ Ferise1
@ShadowWolf the jews wrote the bible and they donโ€™t believe in Jesus or hell

The Bible is a collection of ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairy tales but I doubt if any Jews were involved in the committee that wrote the actual Bible as we know it in the 680s-early 690s that was based in England.

A question for the ages is why non-Jews give the Bible any credence when it is all about the Jews and not about the Gentiles. It makes as much sense as an Inuit believing in the ethnocentric Arabian religious fairy tale in the Koran.
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th3r0n ยท 41-45, M
The END of the Bible was written a little over 2k years ago, the original letters and copies of them are still there, there was no rewriting, just many translations to English, most of the recent of which are twisted (KJV and earlier are faithful, a few since are too such as Young's Literal Translation from 1998)

Jesus (Yahusha) died and rose again a little over 2k years ago, the law of God was given far before this, and Jesus preached to those who were long dead when he was dead for 3 days

All of us deserve Hell, many are called but few are chosen; the gospel has been preached all over the world, anyone who doesn't know doesn't want to, though many of us try to tell anyone who has ears to hear

The simple phrase "other truth" implies subjective reality, and that has been scientifically disproven in general; anyone believing such is simply uneducated or unstable. I believed in sincerity because of what I felt when I was at a work camp and we sang praise at night and ate together, not an emotion but a fire amidst the people, and I believe now because God has done great things before my eyes and by the spirit of God I have cast demons out of several people, he has shown many miracles in front of me
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
@th3r0n Hate to sound like i am pedantic but the Bible was completed a little under 2000 years ago.. Same with Jesus reasurection.. A little under 2000 years ago.. thumbs up for everything else you said.. ๐Ÿ™‚
th3r0n ยท 41-45, M
@Adstar I'm pretty sure they started AD, Anno Domini, year of our Lord, after his resurrection

The Bible doesn't mention it

Are you sure?
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
@th3r0n You are correct that the year One was not accuratly identified by the monk called Dionysius Exiguus.. Most accounts that are more accurate put the birth date of Jesus closer to 4 BC .. Jesus was executed in the year 30 AD because the account of His execution week lines up with that year.. This fits into the general idea that Jesus started His ministry when he was about 30 years of age and His ministry lasted 3 years..

Here is a web page dealing with the account of the week in question if you want to have a read::
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
Montanaman ยท M
What's important to know about this, is that Jesus lived! And de died. And Lived Again. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž
Montanaman ยท M
@Diotrephes Gotcha ๐Ÿ‘
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
@Diotrephes that is implying that we have the power it is not us that have the power it's God. What I mean is that it has to be God's will also for it to happen.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@RubiesandButterflies That's not what Jesus said.
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@Fukfacewillie As it says in Titus 1:13-14 (NLT) =
"13 This is true. So reprimand them sternly to make them strong in the faith. 14 They must stop listening to Jewish myths and the commands of people who have turned away from the truth

People like to claim that they believe in the Bible. If they do, why do they ignore that passage?
exchrist ยท 31-35
@Diotrephes I wonder if they don't internalize certain passages and those passages' impact as complex contradictions that ought be ignored
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@exchrist Based on my analysis of the biblical fairy tale, it was written as a book by a committee of story tellers, writers, and artists based in England in the 680s-early 690s in response to Uthman's Koran, written by a committee in the late 630s-early 640s.

The writers did an excellent job of basing all of their stories on the real Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 34:11-26. The miracles are based on Exodus 34:10.

Because the Bible did not exist before they wrote it, some of the writers were able to include numerous clues that it was all just a beautiful hoax. They could have been influenced by the native English religion at that time.

They produced three master copies in Latin, each beuatifully illustrated and weighing 75 pounds. One copy still exists. People like to claim that the Bible was written centuries earlier but no one has produced a legitimate copy earlier than the one from the 690s.

Today, with our modern intelligence and technology, we are able to quickly detect the passages that show that it was all an elaborate hoax.

For instance, in Revelation 20 it says that anyone not found written in the book of life gets thrown into the lake of fire. Sounds good, right? After all, aren't evil people supposed to get burned?

But then in Revelation 22 it says that evil people will still exist but that they won't be able to get into the golden cube and eat from the tree of life and drink the water of life. What the heck is up with that? Since evil people will also exist forever there's no need to be good. It's possible to be a lying sexual pervert murderer sorcerer and till have eternal life, you just won't get a bunk in the golden cube.
Carazaa ยท F
@Diotrephes Galatians 3:28: โ€œThere is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesusโ€
The "fables" God talked about was anything but that!
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
@Ferise1 Thanks for the kind words but I doubt if I'm really intelligent. There might be 100,000,000 intelligent humans on the planet out of nearly eight billion but I wouldn't classify myself as one of them. I'm smart enough to function fairly well in the 21st century and even have a high IQ (135+) but I'm not truly intelligent.
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
@Diotrephes Intelligent? Son you have more screws loose than a hardware store in an earthquake. Some of the nonsense you spew makes one wonder how long it took your mother to teach you how to breathe.
Some perspective and I'm not Christian, but the old testament, prior to Jesus was much much more strict. One would say Jesus modernized Christianity in that time? Yet, I just think of them as stories that hold value for some?
Spoiledbrat ยท F
I think people overthink religion. I think not only is there nothing wrong with believing in a higher power but it is actually healthy. We don't need to have all the answers and not everything needs to make sense.
Tastyfrzz ยท 61-69, M
The actual Bible is not that old. The king James version dates to 1611 but the version we actually see; the revised standard version, is from 1952. It is said that there have been more changes to the Bible than there are words in it. I now accept the Bible as an early form of science fiction, (it predates science) and give it kudos for interesting thoughts on morality in a developing civilization. As it does not list lying as a sin one can interpret that as evidence that the entire work is a bit of a tall tale. Put it on the shelf next to Paul Bunyan and the works of Homer. The teachings of Ptahhotep from 2414-2375 BC are much more useful. The writings of Buddha from 600 BC are also worth reading.
BohemianBabe ยท M
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
The biblical fairytale says that the God character is unchanging. Therefore, the people change him to fit themselves. After all, it's all imaginary.
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
- Jesus was around just over 2000 years ago, so did everyone before then who didn't know about this religion go straight to hell?

The Bible does not make this statement.. But a lot of people opposed to Christianity falsely put it forward as being a Biblical teaching..

- What about people who don't accept jesus into their lives because they havn't heard much about Christianity or grew up in a different religion? Do they deserve an eternity in hell?

If people read or hear the message of Jesus and reject it and His gift of salvation they will have eternity in the Lake of Fire.. Accepting His message is accepting Him... Too many think it is just about believing that Jesus exists..

- If you are Christian, why? And are you open to other truths? Or do you believe the bible is the only truth?

There are truths scattered about in a lot of religions.. The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it or where it comes from.. What sabotages people is the lies that are dispersed among the truth in those religions.. You can have 95% truth but that 5% lies you are believing in will destroy you..
smileylovesgaming ยท 31-35, F
Religion is just made up stuff
Montanaman ยท M
@smileylovesgaming kinda true, but believe is a powerful tool.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡
To me and IMO, any religion that preaches and spews โ€œitโ€™s our way or no way at all and youโ€™re hell bound otherwiseโ€, is entirely hypocritical to their so called messages of love. Conditional
RubiesandButterflies ยท 51-55, F
@SW-User every religion has rules and thinks it's the only true way not just Christianity. It just happens to be the one everyone decides to pick on.
LadyGrace ยท 70-79
@SW-User Christians are not saying it's their way, or no way at all. They are saying that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by Me."
@LadyGrace of course they say it, if they didnโ€™t, they would agree with other religions
Diotrephes ยท 70-79, M
The Moses character was a real SOB and is a case study for not showing mercy to your enemy's babies. His mother put him in a basket to be eaten by the crocodiles. Pharoah's daughter saw him and raised him. He then became a cowardly murderer. Later on he saw an opportunity to become a bigwig and concocted a BS set of rules that he forced his groupies to follow under penalty of death. He became a master extortionist with dreams of becoming the ruler of his own kingdom. He created the first fully-funded retirement plan for his henchmen.

When you look at his story you see that his first murder broke one of his own BS rules. According to his own rule the guy he murdered had the right to beat the slave. When Moses killed him he made himself a legitimate outlaw and the Pharoah was justified in trying to kill him. Notice that the Egyptian that he murdered did not kill the guy he had been beating.
Lostpoet ยท M
In the faith that I grew up in the people that didn't receive God's teachings go to some sort of waiting room in heaven until the day of judgement. That's why they have Baptisms for the dead so that those spirits can be cleaned and be worthy of going to heaven.
SomeMichGuy ยท M
Sorry to comment on an older thread, but regarding

The bible is 2000 years old and has been rewritten

That statement is just wrong...both with respect to the timeframe and with respect to its provenance.

You might look up the Dead Sea Scrolls to help you understand the integrity of Jewish Scripture (the "Old Testament").
hippyjoe1955 ยท 61-69, M
Obviously you don't know about Christianity or the Bible. The last of the Bible was written 2000 years ago the first of the Bible was written thousands of years before that. If you have any questions I will try to help you get clarification
mrh1972 ยท MVIP
Its all just a story of values views explanations and morals written by humans over thousands of years, what ever religion you believe in.
This is the problem with every religion.

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