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HordeCory · 26-30, M
Because it’s colonialism.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@HordeCory Colonialism has created wealth, safety, and prosperity around the world.

Without it people would be starving and suffering around the world, just like the current
countries that were never colonized by anyone. Look at the African hell holes that are
being run by indigenes people, in lieu of European colonists.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@HordeCory Colonized countries are doing far better than countries that were not

dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Why is it that you cannot question Zionism's refusal to follow the UN's original mandate for Palestine to have been a secular state for both returning Jews and Palestinians, Israel's 65 year unwillingness to negotiate a two-state solution for the occupied territories and flaunting of international law by building Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, Isarel' s apartheid-like treatment of Palestinian citizens at home, and their totally inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip for the past several years without it being called anti-semetism rather than geopolitical questions of a nation's actions? And before you begin lobbing the labels, slogans, and blocks against me, I am no supporter of Hamas' strategies, tactics, and brutality either, nor of Iran's and the U.S.'s meddling. Let the reasonable folk in Israel and the PLO sort things out with the provocations of the extremists who want to turn everything into a religious war.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom I like how you never miss an opportunity to spew negativity about Orange .
DogMan · 61-69, M
@dancingtongue A two state solution was achieved when Clinton was POTUS. Arafat
agreed with the aslo accord, the ink had not dried before he continued the attacks on

The Pals have proved over and over they DO NOT want a two state solution, they want
MartinII · 70-79, M
Another way of approaching the same question is to ask why does the left love Islamists. Fanatical loyalty to religion, subjugation of women, proscription of homosexuality - all things the left would deplore in any other context. Perhaps some left wingers here would like to offer an answer?
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
CorvusBlackthorne · M
@DogMan Indeed. Why do Hamas not simply surrender so that Israel can stop murdering civilian children? It is so simple.

Lol I love this comment, I can't describe how much ☠️
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Adstar · 56-60, M
The left wing used to love Zionism.. Indeed the founders of the modern state of Israel where Leftists.. For instance the Kibbutz the collective farming communities set up in Israel which still exist are socialist / communist collective farms..

The lefts change of heart in regard to Zionism comes from the rapid rise in the population of muslims in the west.. In simple vote count calculations there is now a lot more jihadist voters in the west then Jewish voters.. Therefore the leftists decided to stab their former Jewish members ( and yeah many of the Jews in the west are still socialists ) in the back in the hope of winning over the shariah fascist islamists..

Of course this is just another leftist delusion.. There is nothing more ultra right then islamist shariah fascism. Islam hates unbelievers and is dedicated to destroying secularism and forcing people to submit to the rule of an islamic fundamentalist global state.. These brain dead leftists chanting support of hamas have a target on their backs and they have no idea..
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@BohemianBoo I remember reading about that in a comic book once yes .
DogMan · 61-69, M
@BohemianBoo Yes, Boo boo, they surrendered after the 2nd bomb.
@DogMan So then they weren't willing to fight to the last person, which was your claim.
Japan's military was pretty much depleted, they were going to surrender anyway. America still could have attacked their military, I think that would have been fair. But bombing two cities just to kill civilians, when the war was pretty much over, is indefensible. We can't say the Allies had the moral high ground against the Axis when both sides were committing all the same war crimes.
I'm starting to notice that every convo I have with a Zionist here ends the same.

Zionist: You condemn Israel, but you won't say you condemn Hamas or Islamism.
Me: I condemn Hamas and Islamism.
Zionist: No you don't.
Nakba= victim mentality

I know, right? What's a little mass murder mixed with a spot o' ethnic cleansing?

I thought we were talking about the other 2 monotheistic religions. My bad .
The point is that people of every religion do bad things and good things. The religions themself don't matter nearly as much as the material conditions.
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helenS · 36-40, F
The political left has often been obsessed by anti-semitic stereotypes... it's a primitive, vulgar type of leftism: not structures and their dynamics are responsible for poverty – evil people are.
@BohemianBoo Except it's not an ethnostate, since 20% of its citizens aren't Jewish and have full civil rights. Even the Jewish population is split between European Ashkenazi and Middle Eastern Mizrahi and Sephardic.

Israel does largely limit immigration to Jews. You're OK with that, but not "Jewish supremacy" whatever that is. Are you also opposed to "Arab supremacy?" A Palestinian state would definitely be an ethnostate.

So apparently, even returning Israel to its original 1948 borders isn't good enough for you. Since you essentially support Hamas' agenda, you shouldn't be surprised to encounter resistance.

China, Russia, the US, and many other countries also have bloody histories - should they also be dissolved?
Except it's not an ethnostate, since 20% of its citizens aren't Jewish and have full civil rights.

Nope, we've already been through this. You even conceded that Israel has apartheid, it's just not exactly like the system they had in South Africa.

Israel does largely limit immigration to Jews. You're OK with that, but not "Jewish supremacy" whatever that is. Are you also opposed to "Arab supremacy?" A Palestinian state would definitely be an ethnostate.

I'm against any form of supremacy or any system where people don't have equality before the law.
Israel has Jewish Supremacy in that Jews have rights that minorities don't have. I would be against that if it was Palestinians doing it in a Palestinian ethnostate too.

So apparently, even returning Israel to its original 1948 borders isn't good enough for you.

I'd be alright with that. It would be better than the current situation. But as long as America does whatever Israel wants, that's obviously not going to happen. Whether it's a two state solution or a multiethnic Israel where everyone has civil rights, neither will happen if we keep funding the psychopaths currently running Israel.

China, Russia, the US, and many other countries also have bloody histories - should they also be dissolved?

I didn't say Israel should be dissolved, I said it probably shouldn't be an ethnostate anymore.
@BohemianBoo I never said Israel had apartheid, only that the situation in the West Bank resembles apartheid if you ignore the necessary racial aspect and the requirement that the oppressed group live in the same country as their oppressors. Although, Jews are not allowed in Area C which is completely under PA control; nothing like that existed in South Africa.

Allowing all 5 million Palestinian refugees to return would make Jews a minority, and since their current government is elected by popular vote, how would you prevent it from turning into a Palestinian ethnostate and protect the rights of Jews there?

Should all ethnostates in the world be converted to non-ethnostates? Minorities aren't treated well in the ethnostates of Japan and Korea, should those not be ethnostates anymore?
It's because Israel is a proxy for the United States. Maybe you weren't around for slavery or the Native American genocide, but you can protest Israel right now. Also, don't discount the effect of Iranian propaganda which many protesters repeat without thinking.

I really don't like the idea of "Zionism," which can be defined as a Jewish-majority state in the same area as the original Jewish homeland. That concept was up for debate until 1947 when the UN voted to create that state. Since then, Israel has been a sovereign country, so debating whether it should be allowed to exist or not should be as absurd as debating whether Mexico or Ghana or Nepal should be allowed to exist. Now that the country is here, we need to move past debating if it should be obliterated or not. But if you think that Israel should continue to exist, I guess that makes you a "Zionist."
GrinNude · 61-69, C
GrinNude · 61-69, C

as absurd as debating whether Mexico or Ghana or Nepal should be allowed to exist.

This comparison fails miserably. Mexico, Ghana and Nepal are not apartheid like states building illegal settlements in occupied territories. Of course, Israel has every right to exist within the pre-1967 boundaries.
@GrinNude OK, I'd agree with that since I oppose the settlements. However, that's not anti-Zionism if you think Israel should exist within those borders.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@CorvusBlackthorne Exactly which is why I didn't bother, not going to waste that energy. One thing I noticed is that they all say something like Israel has to defend themselves but the main victims are women and children, so how many have to die in order for it to be a suitable revenge in their eyes? That's my question, I mean that's an honest question too, I'm legit wondering.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@CorvusBlackthorne I mean to add to my last comment, is it like 20% that has to die, 40%, maybe 50% I mean what numbers are we thinking here technically?
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
For the left, the weak are always right, and the strong are always wrong. This is why they sympathize with Hamas.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@HordeCory They were escaping European antisemitism. Yikes.
HordeCory · 26-30, M
@Fukfacewillie the war was over. Hurt people hurt people, unfortunately. If you read the early writings, they were very open about how they were emulating colonial powers like the British.
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AbbeyRhode · F
Because their leaders prefer to support terrorists than America or our allies, and their cult followers do as they're told.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Honestly I'm a little out of my knowledge area but when I look up Zionism I get nationalism, which is my issue. Zionism was originally anti colonial at a time where there was extreme anti semitism going on. But the modern day usage of the Israeli government moving in on land that was Palestine's and their actions as a whole makes it seem like they want all of it to be theirs and not share their land with other races.

That's kinda what nationalism is though. Regardless of color or race, it doesn't really matter, nationalism is the equivalent to like a two year old going thru the whole "everything is mine" stage but for adults and way more homicidal.

It should be noted that with the protesters were also Jewish groups so it's not a matter of anti semitism. It's way more complicated with a huge diverse number of views.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
While there has been a continuous Jewish presence in the land of Israel over the millennia, the yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been a cornerstone of Jewish communal life since the Romans violently colonized the land, sending Jews into exile two thousand years ago. An earlier exile by the Babylonians produced perhaps the most well-known lamentation “By the rivers of Babylon, there we wept as we remembered Zion.” That connection between Jews and the land, and the hope for repatriation, is deeply embedded in Jewish prayer, ritual, literature and culture.

What is known as modern Zionism emerged in the mid-19th century in tandem with the rise of the nation-state and widespread national liberation movements across Europe. In the case of the Jews, it was also in response to a long history of intense anti-Jewish hatred, persecution, and discrimination in countries and societies across the world where Jews lived, including in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
HordeCory · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger modern zionism is what I am referring to. It can be simultaneously true that Zionism is a response to persecution and a colonialist project. Hurt people hurt people, this perpetuating a cycle of violence. The Palestinians are being punished for something a completely different civilization did thousands of years ago.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@HordeCory I never said it couldn't be both true.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Most extremists with totalitarian tendencies don't like Jewish people. Just look at history.
Carissimi · F
Hate. The Left hate most things, so this is just another one of their hateful targets. Anything good, anything wholesome, the Left hates it.
HordeCory · 26-30, M
@Carissimi there's a leftist under your bed!
Carissimi · F
@HordeCory Maybe that’s who is beating me up when I’m asleep.
HordeCory · 26-30, M
@Carissimi oh???
akindheart · 61-69, F
they are not God fearing for sure. The Jews are God's chosen people. That in itself should speak volumes
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HordeCory · 26-30, M
@akindheart basing government on religion is never a good idea.
Because they hate Israel.. and Zionism keeps Israel existing! Keeps them where they rightfully belong on their own land! 🤓
Ya think I might be a marked person here on SW? 🥹🙂
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated I'll take that as a compliment.
@DogMan yeah.. me too! 👍

I’m not really here to kiss their behinds anyway, like I see ‘so very many’ doing…🤮I generally say exactly what I mean, and when I’m joking I let that be known as well.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
IT DOES? But first, you have to define what you mean by "Zionism". The belief that Israel should exist and be a home for Jews? Or the extremist belief based on that old "a people without a land for a land without a people" BS which would advocate the expulsion of all but Jews from Israel? Or the way some people use "Zionism" to refer to the current right-wing, extremist party currently running Israel?
We oppose all forms of Fascism.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Because they use critical thinking.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
The original Zionists were very far left. They established the kibbutz (work commune ) system that still exists today .
@AthrillatheHunt The kibbutz is Socialist, yes, but is neither leftist, nor new, it has been part of their culture going back thousands of years. I should add that Amish settlements are technically kibbutzes based on the Israeli models of them, and they are far from Leftist.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@NativePortlander1970 regardless of the words they use to describe themselves, people living in kibbutzes are living socialist lives. I should know. I lived on one .
We call ourselves a democracy when we are in fact a republic .
funny, it USED to be the other way around
and Zionism is not so uniform anyway
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@SatyrService and the right is trying to coop the indignation over antisemitism!
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
The Palestinians should have taken the deal in 1948 and 1995. They prefer war, and have gotten their wish.

Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@samueltyler2 I think Iran and Russia are allies of convenience because of their pariah status, but Russia is pretty tied up in Ukraine.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@helenS i am not so sure.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Fukfacewillie precisely, and that is why they want less attention drawn to them. Just saying, the coincidence is amazing.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@jshm2 ummm, no, the right believes the Jews have a right to their homeland.

The left wants genocide from the river to the sea.
@DogMan There is an element on the far right (like Nick Fuentes) who don't believe Israel should exist. But you're correct, the mainstream right wing position generally supports Israel.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
Because ethno-states are bad.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@GlitterEater They must really hate all the Islamic dominated states then, especially Saudi Arabia. Israel, of course, has two million Muslims in its population, and about 185,000 Christians. Not an ethno-state.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@MandyMitchell 1. Ethno-state doesn't mean "dominated by one ethnicity", and 2. Leftists don't like Saudi Arabia.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@GlitterEater according to the dictionary definition, that is exactly what an ethno-state is and I have yet to see a Leftist demonstration against Saudi Arabia or, indeed Iran, which causes so much of the terrorist trouble in the world. We do have leftist demonstrations against Israel though -which is far more democratic than either.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@CorvusBlackthorne Your words-"Wrong again. They were deceived into electing Hamas, who promised to ensure that the Palestinians would have a homeland". Did you know that
Palestine was formed in 1988? The PLO was doing the same things to Israel, as Hamas
is today. Insuring a homeland, means destroying Israel. Why is that so hard for you guys
to understand?
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@HordeCory Do you remember the PLO and Yassar Arafat? He had a two state solution
and got everything he wanted. But after the Aslo accord was signed, he went back to
killing Israelis, because that is all the Pals really wanted.
HordeCory · 26-30, M
@DogMan understandable. If someone violently forced you out of your home, would you be willing to play nice?
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Because Hillary Clinton and Madeline Albright told them to in the early 90's, and to start supporting palestine.
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HordeCory · 26-30, M
@DogMan Israel started the current war when they forced Palestinians out of their homes.
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@HoraceGreenley “hate filled ignorance” is exactly right! It’s insanity and demonic hence why it makes no sense.
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