I feel that people who believe in an eternal, conscious hell don't love God as much as people who don't believe in that concept. PINNEDSo many people believe the Bible says we all deserve to be tortured forever and only by believing and following in Christ we can "convince" God to have mercy on us and save us from going to hell and remaining there in conscious torture for ever and... See More »
Have you ever considered?Isn’t Orion’s Belt a little overrated.. I mean really .. in reality .. it is just a huge waist of space Ok .. bad joke.. I give it only three stars
I think it'd be fun to be strapped into a restraint chairIf I ever go to jail maybe I'll ask one of the cute guards if she'd strap me into one for a while lol give it a try!
Should they get rid of tipping and do things like they do in Europe?Instead of tipping your server they should pay the server more money. And to make up for the wage increase they should raise prices of food and start charging for water. And charge to use the bathroom if they have public bathrooms
If I challenged you to try and tie me up so that I couldn't get out, what would you use on me?Ropes, chains, cable ties, or tape? And how would you bind me to make sure I couldn't get out?
Let's look at John 3:16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. This is one of the most popular Bible verses I'd say, but it almost cancels out the idea of an eternal conscious... See More »
Should they get rid of tipping in America?Make employers pay their staff better wages. Start having restaurants charge for water and raise prices on all menu items to make up for increasing wages
Do you believe it's true that all animals were created as vegetariansAnd it's because Eve and Adam sinned and brought death and violence to the world that some animals started to kill and eat each other?
I wouldn't be surprised if hell is the same as life is now, only difference is dogs don't exist.Cause dogs are the best lol without them life would suck ass
Have you ever been tied up before?By either a lover for play/fun or a friend as a prank or like a dare or something?
Have you ever heard Blake Shelton's anti Beatles song, "Boys 'round here"It starts off, " Well, the boys 'round here don't listen to The Beatles. The boys 'round here like to jerk each other off"
Would you agree with this?The main goal in life isnt happiness but rather to worship and serve God, hoping to make him happy. So when we face judgement he'll forgive us for our sins and allow for us to be saved from being tortured forever and ever(which is what we all... See More »
Have you heard about this new bill that people say is going to make the Bible, or atleast parts of it, illegal?I don't think it bans stating the fact that the Bible says the Jewish people of that time were responsible for Jesus's death, it doesn't sound that way to me. I interpret it as if I said to a Jewish person "you're responsible for the death of Jesus"... See More » (1)
What's your two cents on this?One of the reasons I don't believe the Bible is 100 percent authentic is because it's hard to believe that the Earth was created and had light on it a day before the Sun was created. How could there be light without the Sun? Even if God is light, why... See More »