When is a good time for a girl to tell her guy all of her secrets?We've spent a few nights together and he kepp coming back like a panting dog but I don't think we've emotionally bonded yet but he's making overtures towards me going to stop at his parents for a weekend. How can I know if I can trust him with my... See More »
Is BLM taking too much focus away from trans issues?While I broadly agree with the aims of BLM and hope to one day live in a world with justice, equality and reperations, I worry sometimes that it's taking attention away from the exclusions and discriminations that trans folk face on a daily basis.
YouTube and Reddit are better since the purge of a few days ago. I CAN FINALLY BREATH AGAIN...If you are a member of LGBTQIAPK community YouTube and Reddit were incredibly toxic environments. Honestly, sometimes I used to tremble when I witnessed the hostility some cis people had towards those who were born with gender variance issues. We... See More »
Please dont let your children read Harry Potter anymore...The author (who I will not name) is a blatant transphobe
Any seasoned trans folk who would like to help vulnerable younger people with trans issues please consider Adopt A Trans...Heres the link..... https://old.reddit.com/r/TransAdoption/
Imagine if upon reaching the age of 18, you were required to spend a year as your opposite gender?Wouldn't that be cool? Wouldn't that fight mysigony the best?
Would someone with Non Binary, Contextual Gender Identity feel happy in your town?Also please say if you live in a city or a town.
Why do people get annoyed when they are asked what are their preferred pronouns?Ive just started college and in seminar the lecturer asked us to introduce ourselves and what are our prefered pronouns. Several of the students got snarky at this and rolled their eyes and scoffed. Why? Its just polite to do what you can to make... See More »
Do you think Star Trek should do more for LGBTQ+ issues?Years ago, Star Trek was the first to broadcast a kiss between a white guy and a black women. That was good. But the show never shows gay or gender fluid people. That is bad.
Anyone at Pride in London?As someone with poly non/non binary contextual gender designation I really wish I was there. Too far for me though:(