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YouTube and Reddit are better since the purge of a few days ago. I CAN FINALLY BREATH AGAIN...

If you are a member of LGBTQIAPK community YouTube and Reddit were incredibly toxic environments.

Honestly, sometimes I used to tremble when I witnessed the hostility some cis people had towards those who were born with gender variance issues.

We are not evil.

We dont want to convert your children.

All we want is a better world for EVERYBODY.

Anyway, a bunch of nasty individuals are deplatformed and their vile propaganda will be less infective.

(sorry about the rant)
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I'm pretty careful about avoiding videos or content online in general that might contain anti-queer or otherwise hateful comments.
I'm glad it seems like something is sort of being done about it.
revenant · F
The purge ?
revenant · F
@SassySarah like who on youtube ?
SassySarah · 46-50, T
@revenant stefan Molynuex (a nasty women hating racist) and a bunch of orher vile people
revenant · F
@SassySarah Stefan Molyneux ???? I admit I do not like the guy that much but cutting his channel is certainly beyond my comprehension 🧐
@canusernamebemyusername Google is your friend.
Rant all you want, I've seen nasty comments on there before and it just aww me how people can be like that.

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