How can i do itHow do i sleep with a girl who is over 300lbs if im 200 shall i train and eat protein and lift weights
How to prepareTo sleep with a much bigger women? Like huge Shall i eat more protein, do more pushups and exercise is it easy
Do i need to be strongerIf i want to sleep with a really big women? shall i start to do pushups and eat more protein
Drugs and AlcoholPeople often believe alcohol and drugs cause someone to be violent and abusive? Do they have to already have these traits in them and drugs and alcohol bring it out more
If its an illnessIf narcissism is a mental illness, can they help the way they behave or dont know they why they are doing it?
What does it meanWhen I approach women and ask her for her number and she said she has a boyfriend? can that be an excuse?
What does it meanWhen i approach a girl who was staring at me, giving me choosing signals when i talk and ask for her number she said she has a boyfriend?
How to boost confidenceHow can i boost my confidence? Can bodyweight exercises like pushups and running help with body fat?
How to deal with bulliesI dont want to swear back, or use violence What does it mean when someone swears at you, calls you names, puts you down for no reason? Is it because they themselves have been bullied or feeling insecure
Does the man have toDoes the man have to make the first move Is it okay to introduce myself and ask her out right away?
Is it possible toGet fit and strong with bodyweight exercises alone? How can i lose the fat quick? Please tell me
How can i build attractionLately, i have not been very confident i cant find a girlfriend is it because girls can sense it?