Just a reminder for why I don't bother arguing politics or religion online PINNED It takes up a surprisingly large amount of time and I got other stuff I need to do #NotWorthIt (2)
You ever notice how a lot of people will agree that something is bad... PINNEDEg: animal abuse, discrimination/ prejudice, Injustice etc But will disagree on the definitions to those terms? Like animal abuse is bad. But some people will rage over a dog on a leash or a petting zoo because they consider it animal abuse while... See More »
Doing the wrong thing makes people mad, but sometimes doing the right thing makes people even madder PINNED (1)
Not supporting someone for smoking cigarettes is not the same as trying to ban or stop others from smoking PINNEDThis can apply to a lot of other things too
If you were to buy a novelty item, or an item with art on it, which would you more likely buy? (You can pick more than one if you like) PINNED Poll (90) See Poll Options
So, lets say your parents have been divorced for over 30 years and most of your childhood, how would you react if they suddenly got back together?Random hypothetical I thought was funny lol 😂 But I dunno, if that happened with my parents, I think it would just be weird, ngl
My fish is being playful and attention wh0ring again. This is a good sign.And I'm really happy about it
I guess this type of thing happens in Florida all the time?But in Australia, it doesn't seem to be one place... this just ... happens everywhere, lol (1)
The weird thing about daily streak habits (I dunno what they're actually called)But you know, those habits where you try to beat your record? Like XYZ days without drinking, Or XYZ days of meditating everyday, or working out everyday etc.... It's like, the longer you do it, the more momentum you get because you're afraid of... See More »
Thing is, yeah, we're social creatures... but the main issue is trust.Lack of trust is why we isolate ourselves imo... and I'm not saying that lack of trust is a bad thing... we lack trust because there are a lot of psychos and you don't always know who's who (1)
My fish seems more perky today and that makes me incredibly happy.Last few days I've been kinda worried about him because he has a huge wound on his tail, and yesterday didn't seem interested in food. But he's eating again and patrolling the tank today like he usually does. I've been dosing the tank Pimafix and... See More »
Well, my heart rate seems to be a lot better today 🤔Yeah, I'm still gonna keep an eye on it, yeah, I'm still gonna tell my doctor about it... But maybe yesterday was just a weird day 🤔 Follow up from this post:... See More »
I often think about people who gave me grief in the past and I think of the different contextsGranted, yeah sometimes they were out of line... But other times, I wonder if they meant well but they just went about things in an unhelpful way. And then I look at my own mistakes I've made with others. Eg: I have a close friend/relative who... See More »
I have a doctor's appointment in about a week.... But I'm wondering if I should go to a walk-in appointment tomorrow?It's hard to say, I've had some family problems happen the day after I upped my vyvanse dose from 30mg to 40mg, so I'm not sure if it's from stress or vyvanse? But my Fitbit has been going bonkers since. I've been taking vyvanse at about 6am every... See More »
What it feels like when you have both ADHD and Autism Yeah yeah, I know, I'm terrible 😒 I'm just both venting my frustrations but also laughing about my own situation. k? (1)
Does anyone else always get this message when trying to view someones posts with vids from tiktok or instagram? from the nature of the other posts the SW'ers have on their profile, it might be controversial... but I dunno. Still kinda sucks tho. I wanna know what it is 😂 (1)