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36-40, F
Glub glub mutha suckas
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31-35, M
Merry Christmas my piscine friend!
31-35, F
Merry (belated) Fishmas
31-35, F
I’m always for you here, bestie. Don’t ever forget that. ❤
31-35, F
*pets da feesh* 🤭
Aww! *pokes the fish* 🥺
31-35, F
“Glub” goes da feesh
31-35, F
I know dolphins aren’t a fish, but all the same. 😅
31-35, F
31-35, F
31-35, F
31-35, F
And a glub day to you
31-35, F
I love your cigar! 😂
Fishy queen!!
Thank-you for joining the post. 🥰😘
31-35, F
They need more fish in the gift shop. But to add some diversity anyway, here’s Patrick Star for your tank
31-35, F
Merry belated Christmas
Merry Christmas to you & Ducky, maybe 1 day you will see me not as an asshole.
I loved your recent posts about music and music theory and particularly looking at music through different lenses.

You also consistently provide the absurd to make me LOL.. Even when I am in public..
Hope u feel better soon
26-30, M
Have some water instead since you're a fish
Blurble, bloop, bloop, blurble.
It's ohfishial: you're funny!
31-35, M
This is for Narnia
Hiiiii fishy <3 happy friday
Because MO FISH 💙
Lmao, that was the perfect gift! Thank you for making my day.
Because Fishy!
A fish for you 🐠🐟