I'm not that level of "pro" yet... but this is still a good hack if you're into making music n stuff (1)
More music/rhythm theory stuffSorry, this is probably common knowledge to any of the real musicians here on sw..but I'm posting this here for future reference because calculating rhythms in my head and trying to keep up with the tempo is kinda my Achilles Heel rn lol... See More » (9)
Polyrhythm explanation that actually makes sense 😂Yeah I'm posting this here for future reference. Deal with it 🕶️ https://www.fittonmusic.com/writing/rhythm/rhythmpattern/rhythmpattern.html... See More » (5)
With all the stuff I've been trying to learn about polyrhythms, all it took was a simple visual to help me understand it Why do 99% of the tutorials have to over complicate everything? (Yeah, I'm posting this here in my "Music Theory" folder for future reference) 😬 (2)
Need some music theory help... I know about tuplets, divisions and polyrhythm, etc... but the heck is this?How does it work? (1)