I think that I'm a cellphone hoarder....Is that a thing? I just realized today that i collect random stuff on my phone for no apparent reason sometimes. I had a message on my phone saying that my memory was low. So i decided to go and erase some things and its just horrific. I started... See More »
Lets Play Emoji movies.....Use emojis as clues to get people to guess a movie. It can be a title, a movie scene, a quote, you can just leave clues if you want, and not answer any, if you know an answer just chime in and answer it! No rules! anything goes......... Example:... See More »
What's the weirdest thing thats ever happened to you?As a child people would always ask me do you have a sister named Mary? My whole life I've gotton that question. One lady stopped me one day and said is your name Mary? Mary Boothe? I said no but people always ask if she's my sister, she replied, you... See More »
I call this one DIVORCEYou give everything of yourself, to a person. Conquering odds, you both defy. Fighting shoulder to shoulder against the world with them. Not caring if you love or die. You have this person now, your safety net Screw All that you fear and loathe... See More »
🤔 Am I the only one who wonders why Snickers REALLY satisfies ....Snickers, it's long, thick, has veins and the word snicker also means to giggle. So when they invented that candy bar someone had something on their mind. You black men have probably opened one and thought it looked familiar 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Stocks.....Anyone here own any?Has anyone here ever bought and/traded stocks. I opened a Charles Schwab account with $160. They give you 5 free stocks to start. My plan was to buy some small stocks and dabble into it a little bit. But once i got onto the site it was like chinese i... See More »
Wracking my brain 🧠There is a game that I used to play. I would like to get it again. It came from the play store. But for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it. It's a car parking game. There's an old lady driving a car and she has to go through different... See More »
Tattos yay or nay?Do you want or have any tattoos. If so what are they? I have 18 myself i have several flowers and butterflies, a bird on a branch on my thigh, an angel on my shoulder holding a tombstone, a mermaid, a padlock (my husband has the key) my 2... See More »
What if the music industry was a high school? Who would be staff, students etc....50 cent would be one of those students who graduated years ago but they always show up after school just to hang out in the parking lot . Andre 3000 would be a weird teacher who held his classes outside, he'd take off his shoes and he'd bring a flute... See More »