Big problems like the car culture and the disasters like floods and fires it caused so far call for big solutions!What's the plan in California? South Carolina? What would you suggest?
Driving HistoryYes, I started out in one of those light blue, crappy-but-not-crappy, Ford Fiesta's, which was my first car. I remember doing my driving test in a little Mini and a Fiesta was the most 'non scary' car out there. Progressed to a VW Polo...burgundy,... See More ยป (1)
What would you do? Poll (5) See Poll OptionsYou are driving down a road in a car. From where you are, in about 500 feet will be a stop sign. At that stop sign you need to turn left to go to... See More ยป
who taught you how to drive?mostly my ex bestie taught me. a bit my mom. a bit my dad. my dad's sign owns a cattle ranch so lot of the kids started driving young. not to help with chores really, but just for fun my mom taught me to not gaf about what other drivers think of... See More ยป
Do you drive the car you have most wanted, or only what you could afford at the time you bought it?I used to borrow my parents' car, often, but then they helped me buy the car I liked most, at the local car showroom.