It's been a long day without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again Rest in peace now, I know you're tired. (1)
I lost you 2 years ago todayIt's an hour and a half past midnight and the calendar hits another day. This day however will be full melancholy. I miss you in my life. It feels like yesterday we were together and yet too many years ago as well. I remember walking the canal path... See More » (1)
As The World ShrinksI'm certain many feel this way. As I age and watched death consume family and friends, Vickie being the most painful, I find myself occasionally looking into those from the past. Each time I find someone has passed my world feels smaller. This past... See More »
My baby cuddles is goneYesterday , my baby passed away in my arms. He survived from 10 a. m. yesterday and passed away at 2:20 p. m. Up until yesterday, he was eating and doing well. Yesterday morning, I realized something was off. He refused to eat and was hardly able to... See More » (14)
Did you know you were sick?Were you afraid of the cost of healthcare? Or were you so used to being so strong that you didn't realize how bad it was getting? I love you and I miss you and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.
Sweet dreams Nan ❤On 23rd December at approximately 7am my beautiful nan fell into her eternal sleep. She was 101yrs and 25 days old. I hope she's at peace and she's found all her lost loved ones on the other side. I will miss her forever but I'm so greatful she's no... See More »