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Badass427 · 36-40, M
Hey mindy, long time since we have talked😊

doodlebug2013 · 41-45, F
Oh my goodness yes! It's either that, or my husband starts snoring, or I can't get comfortable, or my allergies start acting up, or I take benadryl before going to bed so my allergies don't act up and it makes me tired but because of either my brain not switching off or not being comfortable enough or noise I end up going the whole way through the drugged tiredness and come out jittery on the other side, or last night our three year-old came toddling into the room just as I was drifting off scared because he "saw a weird bug" out the window. It was a firefly. What he was doing with the curtain open in the first place, and how he got it open, we couldn't get him to say.
It's an extra coffee sort of morning. I hope yours is better!
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
I've had chronic insomnia since puberty. I'm also bipolar and it's especially bad during the "high" times.
roo423 · 51-55, M
Danny1924...have u ever heard of private messaging? Take it offline..Ur making this all about Urself ! Give it a rest !!! Maybe talk to wulop2 in private....
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I get that it happens to me quite often too the trick is to clear your mind of all the things that are troubling you and concentrate on sleep ,people will tell you to think of something that relaxes you or calms you but I find that not thinking of anything but sleeping works for me you have to kind of trick yourself into thinking that what's more important it is to get some sleep rather than keep yourself awake thinking about things.
Same here
I usually sleep around 4 hours
But I take a nap
When I have a chance
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
When I'm in a "manic cycle." There's that hyper feeling like I never need to sleep.
CathrynDsw · 31-35, F
I know exactly how this is, me too. I end up going back online.
veronica211 · 31-35, F
Dude I'm the same, my sleeping pattern is so messy now
funtravler · 36-40, F
I have the same problem sometimes, reading helps me!
roo423 · 51-55, M
Maybe eat dinner earlier...skip liquids before bedtime..and a nice hot bath may let U relax more....and once U are in bed, U immediately start to think I going to be able to sleep...I've been there..breathe deeply and try to sleep...Good luck! Another thought would be to get into yoga....or transcendental meditation...
ron122 · 41-45, M
When that happens I usually just get up for a while
tpsouthampton83 · 41-45, M
I usually listen to a story, like a book on CD. Something I've heard before, with no major dramas. Like a kids book or mild comedy. I close my eyes and focus on the audio, but it's no new information so my brain gets bored and turns off. I'm asleep 5 minutes later. Hope your sleep is better now
CathrynDsw · 31-35, F
It's horrible, I have this too
Highonheels · 51-55, M
You could try taking an herbal supplement called Valerian root it helps me just take it as described on the bottle and it should help but not gaurenteed as with anything it works for some but not always for everyone we are all different
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
Me too, dear!
tpinukSorryGottaGo · 41-45, M
Try listening quietly to a book on tape (or CD/Podcast). One you hear for the first time when you are awake. Kids books work quite well. You focus on it and your mind ignores other things, then you just doze off
wuiop2 · 41-45
Danny1924 - Basically, I stop breathing 20-30 times every hour when I am asleep. It leaves me exhausted almost every morning. I use a CPAP machine at night, but this doesn't always work well for me.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I'm not real big on takeing prescription or otc meds but I do herbal stuff but an herbal supplent called Valerian root used to work for me you might try something like that
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Same here.. have to breathe and focus on just breathing... then with each breath, relax toes, then legs, then thighs.. all teh way to your fingers.. that helps me..
UnholyUnion · 31-35, M
Have you tried aroma therapy at night like burning scented candles with scents that promote sleep and relaxation such as vanilla or lavender?
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I'm kind of the Same way ,it usually takes me awhile to fall asleep I know what you mean about your brain not switching off
rickoo164 · 56-60, M
Never thought about doing some sports, when you physically dead meat it's easier to fall asleep... It works for me though !
missit15 · 56-60, M
I have that problem as well. I have learned to meditate and hat seems to help a lot. Otherwise i would average 3 or 4 hours of sleep....
My mind does that as well sometimes..never been one to fall asleep at the drop of a hat..I try not to eat a few hours before helps me
RPFeeder · 36-40, M
I used to read accounting books to force myself to sleep, now I just use melatonin. Best of luck!
RPFeeder · 36-40, M
Melatonin also helps.
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
you ever try meditation? OR deep breathing? Excercise helps me too but crazy wild mind, I totally am there.
ashrock1990 · 31-35, M
same here..unending loop of thoughts traversing through the galaxy of my mind..lets play thumb fight..
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ronisme1 · 61-69, M
i get up and listen to music - soothing music - makes my mind stop thinking - try it - it really works for me -
Danny9124 · 31-35, M
Is it because of your well endowed body or is there something else what holds you back from sleeping, Mindy?
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I know the feeling sometimes I'm the same way I have to really clear my mind and concentrate on falling asleep
Danny9124 · 31-35, M
@veeceekay1991 ah so you are kinda overtired, but still quite fit, right? btw, do you have time to chat?
Danny9124 · 31-35, M
What is that exaclty, @wuiop2? o. o And am I right about that overtired thing, @veeceekay1991?
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ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Melatonin doesn't help me at all, not even a yawn and I doubled the dose
have you tried reading, do you have your phone on in your room when you go to bed?
wuiop2 · 41-45
I have something very different - obstructive sleep apnea. Also not fun. :(
zjordan · M
i have the same problem, a few times i couldn't sleep at all
Danny9124 · 31-35, M
@veeceekay1991 what do you mean with high times exactly? o. o
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Have you tried deep breathing and imagery training?
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
I'm awake now. It's 4am and I haven't slept since 11.30.
Sounds familiar. Do you pick up your phone and surf the interweb?
It is why I am here now!
Better to just get up then roll in bed
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Rest up and think of clouds. That helps
TheRealRonnieJ · 22-25, M
I know I hate it when that happens, friends?
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Sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep
mathsman · 70-79, M
Is it better if there are two of you in your bed?
VAMPFREAKZ69 · 46-50, M
I get the same way where I can't sleep

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