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50 dollar minimum wage

The higher minimum wage would just raise the cost of living and make it a two class system. This would make it to where you have the system of politicians and millionaires versus everyone else. Currently nurses make between 25 and $75 per hour. This would put an annual wage of about $100,000 which is more than teachers law enforcement and most any other worker currently makes without overtime.

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Spoiledbrat · F Best Comment
It's stupid.

Ynotisay · M
Just a little more context. That didn't get picked up. Here's what she said.
"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report that very recently $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Lee said when asked to defend her previous support of a $50 minimum wage and explain how it would be "sustainable."

The idea of a $50 minimum wage is over the top. And it certainly couldn't apply across the board. AG would have to be carved out. The other candidates are pushing for 25 and that's reasonable.

But here's what I don't get. When the minimum wage is increased it brings up wages across the board and the economy does better. When it's not, corporations are free to continuing making HUGE profits for themselves.

So the question is, who are people fighting for? Citizens or corporations and the richest? Have we been trained so well to kiss the hand that beats us that we willingly hurt ourselves in the process?

I think the two class system you mentioned is already in place. If interested, this is a great chart that breaks down the percentages of wealth in the U.S. since 1991.


As an example, in Q3 in '23, the top 0.1 percent held nearly 20 TRILLION dollars.

The bottom 50 percent held 3.64.

And a "trillion" is a FAR cry from "billion" or "million." I don't think most really understand what a trillion means. It's just a word.

Wealth disparity, in my opinion, is THE biggest domestic issue we face as a country. So I need to understand why so many are so committed to fighting for those who hurt them. I'll never understand that. It's the one issue that could bring together the right and left under the same roof. But we don't do it.
Ynotisay · M
@dale74 OK. But sorry. I can't relate. I'm an American. I don't think like you. My life is better when the lives of others are better.
dale74 · M
@Ynotisay so basically what you're saying is you're a taker instead of a giver in other words you receive more benefits from the government that you pay into the government I'm also an American
Ynotisay · M
@dale74 You missed on that one bud. I'm the giver. Things don't need to impact me personally. I've never received a freaking financial benefit from the government in my life. My tax dollars go to helping society and I'm good with that. You know, things like poor people being able to see a doctor or eat. I don't need to make everything about me. Like I said, my life is better when the lives of others are better. Maybe I'm just not your brand of American. The one who lives to whine, blame and hate made up enemies. Sorry bud. I'm a man. I'll leave that shit to your kind and just work around you the best I can.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
The reason for raising the minimum wage is because the cost of living is high so it would be the same minimum wage regardless as it's to match current prices, not the other way around.

Also in rural communities they're still paying 12 hourly and 3 hourly for service jobs with tips so no the minimum wage hasn't been raised to a livable standard
dale74 · M
@SatanBurger well if you live in California wait for the super boost and prices over the next two years
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Think of it this way: You’re running a McDonald’s selling 1,000 hamburgers a day. You make, say, 75 cents on each Big Mac costing $3.99. Will you raise its price by a nickel to $4.04 in order to make up for an increase in the minimum wage? That would be silly, because $4.04 is not an attractive number, and you’d lose too many sales as a consequence. Rather, you’d be satisfied with a lower profit margin on a Big Mac of 70 cents. But you notice that the Big Mac Meal is selling for $5.69; that gives you the opportunity to raise its price to the next attractive number of $5.75 in order to make up for the increased cost of labor. Will the demand for Big Mac Meals decline? It is doubtful that customers will even notice that tiny increase in price. Hence, Krueger concludes, “The net effect is basically no change in overall employment.” Profits might decline slightly, but not on every item. There are offsetting benefits as well: “decently paid workers tend to do a better job.”

So profits would not be in great jeopardy. Anyhow, the one thing this economy is good at is generating profits with most of it, of course, going to the top 1 percent. Corporate (after-tax) profits are currently ringing the cash register at $1.8 trillion. This equals about all wages and salaries earned by those employed in the manufacturing sector and in all government employment (state, local, federal) combined.


CEO compensation these days is roughly $7,000 an hour (that is, assuming a 40-hour workweek). In fact, CEO-to-average worker pay has increased by a factor of 15 from the 1960s ratio of 20 to 1 to the present whopping 300 to 1. But in some companies it is astronomical. At Chipotle the ratio is 1,522 to 1. Yes, you read it right. That is not a typo. In some firms, the CEO makes nearly 2,000 times as much as the average worker. At Walmart the ratio is 1,133. Do these CEOs deserve their millions? Not by a long shot. Take the CEO of Coca Cola company. He still pockets $25 million. His rival, the CEO of Pepsico writes a check to himself for $22 million. Yet, I have not heard any of the Republican presidential hopefuls suggest that these millions are hurting our exports. A pittance to the coolies hurts the economy, but the millions to their bosses are quite all right.
dale74 · M
@SatanBurger first you're overestimating sales at a McDonald's average total sales at a McDonald's in the United States is 6,500 a day that's on an average day. And each one of those McDonald's has an average of 15 employees per day working. Now you said earlier that labor only makes up 25% of the fast food market cost well 25% and you're basically going within a two year period from $10 an hour to $20 an hour yes they did have a sliding increase the 15 and now it's going to 20 but that average is out of her a couple of years from 10 to 20 so you have doubled the cost of Labor. I'm telling you to go research the economic principles against minimum wage so you can understand both sides of the argument which you currently do not.
TexChik · F
Nope, businesses will shut down and people will be forced to find health care elsewhere.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Well, I can't say anything about dollars and economy systems in those countries but I know what effects it will have where I live. They basically want to do everything to make it harder for small businesses to survive because with the minimum wage the compulsory social and healthcare insurance raises too. That applies to the insurance employers have to pay for the employees too, therefore the wages will most probably go down even for the more qualified workers, which could cause these workers will simply leave the country and get employed abroad. Or the employees will hire people on minimum wage and pay the rest under the table, which of course means that the employees would have minimum retirement pensions. Well, if they will ever have them at all..
dale74 · M
We went from 3.76 in 1988 to 7.50 in 2023 basically doubled in 35 years now people want to go from 7.50 to 50.00 with out skilled labor.
dale74 · M
@MethDozer but not like they were trust me raising the minimum wage destroys the middle class
MethDozer · M
@dale74 No it doesn't. The middle class is already shrinking and unattainable for most. Every attempt to try and save it is being at to asked by the GOP and the right in favor of upper class.. minimum wage and government regulation of business and unions are the only protections the middle class has against a buisness and ownership class that actively is at war with them and labor as nothing but a resource and commodity to be exploited.
MethDozer · M
@dale74 Don't fall into their trap of toxic thinking. Others being raised up to your level isn't an attack on you and doesn't hurt you. Class hierarchies are dumb.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
How many classes are in the current system?
Straylight · 31-35, F
@GlitterEater Class is on a spectrum. 🙃
dale74 · M
@GlitterEater typically you have the upper class making more than 250k midfle class about 36k-250k below 36k a family of 4 would be eligible for government assistance.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@dale74 So, two?
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
That would destroy the fast food chains. In LA a Big Mac Meal cost over 20 bucks.....are we thinking 40 bucks for a meal? More?

Check out the 15 dollar menu....

But hey.....a simple cheese burger at least cost 8 bucks whoohoo what a luxury.

Lemme guess....a toy are not free in those happy meals either.
shinyplasticlove · 51-55, M
All that's gonna do is make the unemployment go up and prices too high. Alot of fastfood chains will implement robots.
dale74 · M
Is already cheaper to eat at a sit-down restaurants than a fast clean restaurant even with the tip
BigImo · 26-30, F
The cost of living is always increasing anyway even without the pay rise
Rent food power medications fuel.. will go straight up.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Does the cost of living go up now?
The cost of living has already been raised even without doing that .
We already are almost devoid of a middle class any more.

What people want is to be able to eat and afford a roof over their heads . For that they need money, a decent wage - enough money to just exist - minimally .

The government has the funds and means to do it . They need to stop hemorrhaging funds and pour it into the economy .
For the people...
So the people can work and buy....
And keep the economy going .....
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
$50 an hour would be nice.

But they tax you here before you get it. Tax you where you keep it. Tax you when you spend it on items already fucking taxed.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon? 🌕
dale74 · M
@FloorGenAdm and if you miss by a million miles you'll still be Among the Stars
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dale74 · M
@jshm2 I wholeheartedly agree with your post that anyone who runs a business should pay a living wage but they should not be forced to by the federal government through a minimum wage. I used to have a business my employees normally started out at twice with minimum wage was.
Yes, yes, how dare the poverty sticken ask for more ....the bastards
dale74 · M
@OogieBoogie feeding the poor is what we do to help those less fortunate when the government takes it from you by force and then redistributes it then you are not sacrificing yourself you're being forced to sacrifice there is a big difference. If let's say you have a child and you and your spouse separate yet she still provide a house for them to live in money for food and clothing that is you sacrificing to provide for your child in the caregiving parent. When child support steps in they base everything on money and they provide a percentage of your check to the other spouse that percentage may actually be far less than what you were already providing but there's a difference one you were doing it because you care the other one because you are forced there is a huge difference.
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
@dale74 because being Nerf is awesome and flipping burgers sucks?
@dale74 whatever man.
Apparently your axe to grind is with the poor and not the government .
You choose how you view the world .
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
MethDozer · M
I love when y'all talk about how anything that helps give to the lower class of have nots from the upper class of Havers. Will lead to a society of Haves and have nots.

That said $50 is a bit much

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