Driving while impaired by alcohol, illicit drugs, genuine medication or plain over-tiredness is always bad, inexcusable, and in some countries at least, illegal.
Tiredness was added to the list in the UK a few years ago, after some horrific "accidents" due to it. I think the tipping-point was that of a lorry smashing into the back of a school minibus, on a motorway, after its driver had nodded off.
At least some of the motorway service-areas are now heralded about two miles in advance, before you reach the advance signs for the services' entrances, by signs saying starkly -
Tiredness Kills. Take A Break.
Obviously if the drug itself is also illegal, you are committing two offences by driving under its influence; and open to being charged for both. If you cause an accident by any wilful impairment your insurance would almost certainly be null and void. And it would all be your own fault.
I passed a road-side matrix sign recently that, having no road-closure or other specific information to show, displayed this advice to anyone suspecting the offences being committed:-
for sure driving high is far less dangerous than driving drunk, no comparisson. now having said that , it doesn't mean that its a good idea to drive high. a few things to consider: are you a regular smoker? like do you smoke every day? if you do , then you should be fine but I would still avoid driving during the first 20 minutes after smoking, during the "rush", as we call it here. if you are just an occasional driver then THC will have an effect on your brain more similar to a light halucinogen and I would definitely avoid driving after getting high. also , weed does something to how the body and brain consume glucose, its why we get munchies, and what happens if you don't eat when you get munchies is that you crash. so if you're high, don't drive hungry, then you reflexes might be affected more and also your concentration.
@Roundandroundwego The laws in "Murka" are "Murkan" only, so may differ from those in other nations in this respect; but even if legal there, if you are "high" you are impaired almost by definition.
Many drugs - both illegal and prescribed medicines but also alcohol - will make you drowsy or "high" or will otherwise affect your thinking and reactions, according to both your resistance to it and to the amount still in your blood-stream at the time.
Legally speaking, yes. But honestly, I consider driving while stoned to be less unacceptable, while still not being okay, really. The worst thing you can expect driving while stoned is that you'll be overly cautious.
@LordShadowfire Why even risk it? No-one needs to be stoned! Those who are, choose to be.
Nor indeed be drunk. I do like a drink occasionally, and had two pints of beer only last night, but I would not even think of risking driving while under the influence.
I have never used illicit drugs: never wanted to, and I don't even smoke tobacco.
Honestly, though, getting behind the wheel under the influence of anything is just dumb. I take full advantage of the fact that cannabis is legal where I live, and I keep gummies next to my PS4.