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What is your honest opinion of President Biden?

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Considering you are a troll it doesn’t bother me. Now fly away! 😜
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You used Two syllables maximum!
You do not disappoint.

Driver2 · M
A soulless , evil man that only cares about power .
Definitely being controlled by some group of people that want to destroy the country
@Driver2 😉👍 whatever helps you sleep at night
Driver2 · M
@SW-User good comeback 🤔
Slade · 56-60, M
@Driver2 All the sinister Obama minions are controlling him. This is a catastrophe
TexChik · F
He is the demented puppet of an unelected Kabal that is running this country. He is corrupt and has a history of being exposed for his lies.
@TexChik fair enough
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
> unelected Kabal that is running this country.

Billionaire real estate developers!
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
@DownTheStreet I'm sure YOU could d a much better job huh genius?
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
@fernie2 I didn’t put my name forward for the job, did I?
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
He is way better than the dumbass that he replaced.
@SubstantialKick Agreed !
Pfuzylogic · M
A President that actually cares about our country and takes on the most difficult problems that face our country.
Like with bush 43 he is cleaning up the mess left behind.
45 decimated the state and immigration department and pouted instead of doing a proper transition like an adult.
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@Pfuzylogic Nice photo shop bullshit.

So you have nothing other than Trump isnt President. Just as I thought. Looks like we're all the worse off for that .. not that I am a big Trump fan.
Pfuzylogic · M
Don’t be modest.
I’m sure you voted for him twice or you wouldn’t get huffy.
The embodiment of all the things the left fabricated about trump.
@SW-User ahh
4meAndyou · F
He's a puppet of Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, and his far left cabinet. He's completely incompetent, can barely speak, and he uses his son, Hunter, to make shady deals all over the world and skims 10% of whatever Hunter can get.
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4meAndyou · F
@Stereoguy Hunter doesn't even dare to access his Chinese payoffs now, because he will make the golden goose look like the dirty crook he really is.
coven · M
I'm not American, so he comes across as a person who likes to be seen to be doing good things for America and in the world. But I have an instinct thtat he might not be trusted in the same way he comes across . I base this instinct on his climate Policy and his withdrawal from Afghanistan. I think both were mistakes
@coven But here’s the thing: other countries complain about the US playing the role of “World Police” yet won’t let it withdraw from that role. Afghanistan is a sovereign country, not a US possession.
coven · M
@bijouxbroussard yes, the idea of world police is a good idea and USA are primed to do that as they are so powerful. The problem with that is uSA overstepped their role by occupying the country for its own goals rather than for the goals of other country security. More thinking needed but unfortunately there are warmongers in control of the military
@coven And this is why I said initially, "leaving wasn’t the mistake—that was necessary. Going in was the mistake."
And it happened over several administrations. Arguably we should’ve left sooner, but Biden gave them even more time than Trump promised them. Someone was going to be unhappy, regardless of how it was done.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
A complete idiot
@MrBrownstone lol 😂
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
Slade · 56-60, M
If you saw his rant yesterday you'd know he's an angry, lunatic demagogue. He's never been a nice guy - all manufactured.

I read Reagan's letters in the Oval Office. He said of Biden "smiling demagogue and totally untrustworthy"

Looks like Dutch nailed that one
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User He goes from creepy whispering to mindless shouting every time
@Slade 😂sounds like a horror movie
Slade · 56-60, M

Much better than the treasonous orange shitgibbon he replaced.
@LeopoldBloom Agreed.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Thankfully, he's consistent. The things that make President Biden are the same things that made candidate Biden, Vice President Biden, and Senator Biden. He's affable, he's compassionate, he's a dedicated civil servant, and his natural inclination is to try to bring people together.

That said, he's not very bright or innovative. He's in many ways a product of the system of governance that rewards simple narratives over nuanced pragmatism. His pullout of Afghanistan, his vaccine drive, and to some extent his handling of the economy, while all generally the right approach, were all botched or stalled mostly because of how simplistic it all is.

And as bad as it all is, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was a better candidate than the other guy, given how Trump never bothered to have platform goals for 2020 and turned every speaking opportunity into an ego stroke
@TinyViolins Consistent?? He flip-flops more than .. well .. flip-flops. Nothing he's touched appears better for it.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
he seems slow in the head
@FurryFace Not slow, brain dead! I think it's a requirement now to be president..
marybmom · 41-45, F
A very sad situation, a president that can not resign or be removed from office because the VP would have to be replaced as the candidate in the next election and that has never happened before. He is struggling to live day to day yet alone lead anything. America's hatred for trump got him elected and he has failed to live up to a single promise. Almost everything he has touched as gone badly in a hurry. His biggest problem is he has never found himself. Since 1972 when he became a senator he is on which ever side of every issue that polls the strongest, so never knowing what he truly believes he sways as the polls blow and has no principles. With is age restricting his physical body it makes him appear weak and with him taking no personal stance on anything it makes america appear weak.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
He unfortunately has dementia. I have never cared for the man, but at the same time he is pitiful. I like even less the one who will take his job. He was never fit to take office but they wanted Trump out so there you go.
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
He is in over his head.
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NickiHijab · F
Meh. Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden. They're all the same but I have a special disdain for Bush and Obama.
@NickiHijab And why Obama ? 😳
NickiHijab · F
@bijouxbroussard Obama is responsible for more war than Bush yet he won a Nobel peace prize. Both Bush and Obama are responsible and roaming free despite their war crimes and I don't have any respect for either one of them for this reason.

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia... And Yemen if we count the one air strike in 2002 which many don't.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.

Obamas wars were more covert and not confined to the battle field. In just his first year of presidency he carried out more airstrikes than Bush did his entire term and I'm not even defending Bush because I don't need to dislike one to like another. Obama, alongside Saudi officials are responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. People look past this because they're become immune to it but it really is just glorified terrorism.
@NickiHijab The U.S.’s position as “World Police” has made the possibility of any other position almost untenable. I don’t think we should ever have gone into Afghanistan or Iraq—especially once Bin Laden was no longer an issue. And I don’t understand the reasoning behind our support of the Saudis air strikes on Yemen.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
The far lesser of the greatest evil this country has ever seen.

Both Democrats and Republicans have shown repeatedly and in infinite ways that commercialism and capitalism is evil in and of themselves.

Even Berny Sanders has succomed to to the whiles of at least commercialism if not capitalism with his many commercials for governors and congressman along with interviews.

Yet given these things Biden at least has some empathy for at least the average US citizen, which is a far far cry from the potential dictator that still is attempting to get back into office. Though Trump is not likely to succeed given how he has divided his own party.

Support for corporate lobbies is huge among both parties. Yet should be basically be outlawed. Corporations are not people that can vote for anything. Yet as lobbies corporations have shown their vote is greater than the people. Which is no where in the constitution.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I like Biden better than our last president. But I am not happy with his lack of toughness toward the Taliban. If he does nothing about the Afghanistan takeover, he will certainly lose my vote.
@greenmountaingal It was his predecessor that started this whole sorry mess.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@greenmountaingal What would he do about it though?
@greenmountaingal Afghanistan is a sovereign nation. If they don’t want the Taliban in, it’s up to them to remove them. We trained their soldiers, sent arms and our military for the last 20 years !
Noble peace prize winner for being a dumb-phuck
DCarey · 46-50, M
I hate him with a passion.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
He’s a joke
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Is he really the president? I rather doubt that he won the election. He certainly incompetent at everything he has done. He makes Jimmy Carter seem like a genius at being POTUS.
@hippyjoe1955 on paper yeah he is but to many of us it doesnt seem so
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
He reminds me of my grandfather that had some brain issues. I'm not saying that in a petty or disparaging way either; the way he fumbles with his words and just his general demeanor are similar.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
His policy is pretty much the same as all of his predecessors. His job is to maintain the empire - even if it's falling apart.

So no, I don't like him.
LadyJ · F
[image deleted]
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
He is being manipulated by behind the scenes people. He was never this far left during his years in Washington.
@FreeSpirit1 yeah definitely not good
he's an enemy of our country
dont assume that because i frown on biden that im any fan of trump. because im a fan of neither.. just cause someone was full of flattery to get into office .. you shouldn't let someone's false promises mislead you from their actual actions and true intentions.. look at his history @bijouxbroussard
@SStarfish I have, and it’s a mixed bag. But we’re in the beginning of his administration and like I said, he inherited some serious crap, not the least of which was fallout from both a global pandemic and a conflict we should never have begun. Biden would not necessarily have been my first choice, but he’s a sight better than the man who was ready to actually “steal” the election for his own gains. The true “enemy” of our country was the one who constantly held rallies after his election to keep us at each others’ throats. 🙁
i see we have different views on things.. so i'll leave it at that.. @bijouxbroussard
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
George I, Wild Bill Clinton, George II, Pinocchio Obama, Biden. All peas from the same pod.
If one is not really running the country, then dont be a puppet. It's just embarassing
@SW-User well said
Klavan still says it best, "a venal houseplant"

Let's go Brandon!
@Herpet 😂
He's a spineless, senile sock puppet for the "Progressive" far left.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Typical career politician, nothing extraordinary or negative about him.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
An old guy. Could probably eat a little healthier. Position in life kinda sucks but thats who he wants to be i guess.🤷‍♂️ doesnt seem likes hes done much hard work in his life but i guess it depends what you call hardwork. (I have my own perspective on that). Maybe he could get a treadmill or something. Go for a walk while he watchs jepordy and eats his boiled egg and greatfruit wedge for breakfast.
Doctrble · 46-50, M
Not enough time to respond here what I think of him
Doctrble · 46-50, M
MarineBob · 56-60, M
I think hunter should give daddy some of the good drugs
curiosi · 61-69, F
Obama's third term.
@curiosi hmm
graphite · 61-69, M
Fiasco. Always has been.
Slade · 56-60, M
Today's poll has him at 33% approval. That means some democrats are starting to dislike him
@Slade do you blame them?
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User Not at all. Just wanted to know why it took so long
@Slade covid maybe?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I like the kid, numbers. He has heart and he has brought the USA back from the brink. Oh, don't get me wrong, numbers, he's not perfect, he's not a super-hero or an idol to be worshipped. He has areas for improvement. But, it's refreshing that he doesn't spend so much time talking about himself, denying the truth, praising himself, and claiming things that are not true with such rapid and reckless abandon. If I had to sum it up in one burst of sentiment, numbers I would say he reinserted "normal" into the mix and that's a welcome relief.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The joke 'president'. He wasn't elected and he is utterly incompetent.
@hippyjoe1955 agreed
Sadly Joe Biden is just a pupput and there is someone behind him pulling the strings. It's quite sad really because he is surely incompetent to be in front of the camera let alone hold the seat as a world leader. When I say incompetent, I mean that in the most delicate manner as possible. He is an elderly man who has no clue where he is or what he is doing. This in all reality constitutes as Elder Abuse!!! Sadly many people are blind to this. I watch him on the news and I question it in awe, like OMG, is this for real?
I saw a news clip of him the other day with his hand out to shake someones hand and there was nobody there!!!
I've worked in a nursing home long enough to know this behavior. It is clear to many he has some sort of dementia. Those puppet masters behind him DO NOT CARE! They don't care about him or us, the working class American citizens who are patriots of this country. Joe Biden is just their pawn, in a global chess match. Sadly since Joe Biden has been in office it's been one disastrous occurrence after another.
Pfuzylogic · M
You memory must be getting shorter ; when reagan pretended to be president he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and wouldn’t own up to it. To hell with our nation and those suffering from AIDS.
He has under performed the lowest expectation that people had for him ... far under performed
wildbill83 · 36-40, M

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