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thatbuggerpaul · 100+, M
What has been your worst experience, since you came to SW?
The image feed

helenS · 36-40, F
Being blocked by a man who called himself "AmericaFirst" (or some such); he asked a question "for Americans only", and I sent him kind regards from Europe as a light-hearted reply ==> blocked.
@OogieBoogie He was ridiculous, wasn’t particularly polite to all Americans, either. 😅
@bijouxbroussard He was nuts.
Thinking he could dictate that only Americans could answer 😂
Who does that shit ?😂

I'm not surprised he's gone .🙄
@SumKindaMunster I remember that weirdo! Also, blocked
Foxes · F
Letting myself be fooled by someone I thought was my friend.
TexChik · F
@Foxes yep me too !
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
my entire relationship with a guy i met on another site n he brought me here. it took 3 years of my life and i’m still healing from everything he did to me, and he’s still telling people we’re together even though we broke up over a year ago.
it makes sw as a whole very bitter sweet for me
BlueVeins · 22-25
@poisonouscupcake I just wanna squeeze the body issues outta youuuuu ):
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@poisonouscupcake is that person still on the site too?
actually being stupid enough to meet someone off here in person. won’t do that ever again.
deadgerbil · 22-25
@deathfairy idk if it's him, I don't wanna drop the username, but was it that one Hispanic guy or nah?
lol nahhhh, you talking Sasquatch?? he lives like 1 hour away from me!!!!! but no, we never actually met up. i was smarter already. from the first guy 😂

im talking wayyy back from 2016..
deadgerbil · 22-25
@deathfairy ah way before my time on here then
JustNik · 51-55, F
It tears a lot when someone I enjoyed here dies. We don’t have the same closure here as when we lose someone in our physical world. I just sit here with my grief and all the pieces that were always missing and just wait for acceptance.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@JustNik Yeah...there's been more than a's a bit disconcerting.
@JustNik @JustNik So sorry to hear that, my condolences
@JustNik I really understand this. I lost two of my first friends from EP who were here, in the last month and I still am in shock. And I keep seeing their profiles together at the top of the page. The three of us had been talking together for twelve years 🥺
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
When my longtime-friend left me here after 6 years of daily contact without saying at least good-bye.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@walabby I am very sure that his church was not the reason because it is a very normal, protestant church.

I think that his family might be the reason.

But, however: I would have been ok with stopping our friendship.

But after 6 years of daily contact I would have expected at least a goodbye: „Sorry for leaving but…. Thanks for our nice time.“ Something like that.

But leaving without any word, without any goodbye… still today I can‘t understand why he did that to me. 😐
walabby · 61-69, M
@Loretta78 People (some) suk... :(
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@walabby You are so right. 😞
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
So far, either it was the unstable girl who dmed me and told me to kill myself and I don't even understand what triggered her? If it was a post I had or a comment or just my existence or jealousy or she just lashed out on a random person and this time it was me.

Or, it was the hero complex white knight psychopath the other day who tries manipulating young SW women with mental struggles and tried turning me and another sweet girl against eachother.

I think the first one is more understandable even if she said very horrible things to me in dms. At least she didn't pretend to be a good person like the psychopath guy, it just gave me all the shivers (and not the good ones)
@Queendragonfly I would hate that crap too, heebit jeebies and all that
AbbeyRhode · F
Not that bad, really, but I guess the inevitable wiener pics. I just laugh, block them, and move on. 😄
@AbbeyRhode Weiner pics are the worst!

SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I'm getting real sick of these alternate profiles where people I have never spoken to before are unbelievably hostile towards me for what seems like no reason...then I come to find it the profile attacking me is a"alternate" of some prick I cast aside months ago.

There should be something we can click on in user profiles that lets us see their alternates so I know what I am dealing with.
Blondily · F
@SumKindaMunster Great idea 💡
@SumKindaMunster Good call and I agree with you
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I haven't had a truly bad experience

unlike meetme, this chick told me to go take my face for a shit and that really hurt me..
@Matt85 There are some ugly ass people out there
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@mindlessdrifter Thanks man.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
The nude photos I got yesterday.

They were more traumatizing than last year when a member told me not even a taliban gangbang could fix me
@Jenny1234 Mean people suck
JasminD · 22-25, F
@Jenny1234 Really? Oh my goodness! Mind you, on is it The Experience Project, my grandmother (on here) apparently got a message that she should have aborted my mum (on here) with '..a wire coathanger..' once.

Some people are very sick.
JasminD · 22-25, F
I had this innocent little comment to this guy, aged 25+ (I think) about the new Beatles song, 'Now & Then'. I said that I didn't like it.

Cue an avalanche of comments about how musically illiterate I was, that my tastes stink and that could I even comprehend - with my tiny little illiterate mind - what a technological marvel this was and that I've never heard any such disrespectful and disgusting comments in my life before...

Wow....all from saying 'I don't like it'

It's still a poor song! Sorry, not sorry!

JasminD · 22-25, F
@mindlessdrifter Album track? Sure! But....single? Absolutely not!

But it was the whole attack! I've recently popped up some India Arie tunes and, if someone said they didn't like them, I wouldn't try to tear them a new A-hole for not fitting my narrative, or demean them. I'd just say 'fine' and then move on.

Isn't that the rational thing to do?

@JasminD Absolutely rational
@JasminD well that's fucked up .
Music is art .

And it can be the most complex and technically complex art , but it doesn't mean you HAVE to like it 😂

What a dip shit to say that to you 🙄
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Trusting someone enough to talk about my trauma only to get a message a few days or weeks later with a triggering content and I refuse to believe he didn't realize the effect it would have on me.
elafina · 36-40, F
Well... for sometime and because of my interests with spiritual stuff, I've attracted a crowd of "spiritual" men all judging and trying to have a say on how I should do and continue with my life with advice that I can't tell if I've been asking for... But I felt like hunted down. I was reluctant to post because of it. So I blocked them all, despite I liked them as individuals, and my experience is better now.
Perhaps it has to do with my mom and my strict religious upbringing that I tried to let aside and move on...
@elafina I can definitely relate, especially the religious upbringing
elafina · 36-40, F
@mindlessdrifter I'm trying you know, despite all the pressure I've been through, to allow myself to find a connection with spirituality. But I find that in my sensitive case, any kind of pressure towards any direction is bringing resistance and putting me off.. maybe you can understand this.
So I felt like in my daily life's posts they were kind of force feeding me wisdom and advice. It's not how it should be passed on...
@elafina I totally agree. Pressure makes life unbearable
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
When i joined i enjoyed someone's posts a lot. Then i found that he suddenly left this site.
It was sad.
@NerdySoph That is definitely disturbing
Cyclist · 41-45, M
@NerdySoph but what was your best experience 😇
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
@Cyclist the jokes some people post are really good
Worst ?

Prolly the time I got stalked .
It got scary when it reached into my private life: where I lived, what car I drove, threatened me and my kids .

Took me a few weeks to add it all up and work out who it was .
I was horrified that it was someone I knew in real life .

But it affected me. Fear like that doesn't just fade once you work out who it is .

It showed me just how fucked up people can be.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@OogieBoogie You are so right.
I am just glad that apparently they’ve stopped now with threatening you and your kids.

You know, I had a longterm-friend here who left me after 6 years of daily contact without to say at least goodbye.

And actually I know everything about him (so as he knows about me too).
I know his real name, phone number, address and really everything and it would be easy for me to stalk him (and his wife and his 6 kids).

But although I was really, really hurt when he left after 6 years without to say anything, I didn’t stalk him because I think when he doesn’t talk to me anymore it means, that he doesn’t want to have contact with me anymore. And although I am so much hurt I respect that.

But to stalk someone and even threat family and kids means no respect at all and is cowardly.

I am glad that they stopped stalking you.

Just be very careful with people who have the possibility to hide their anonymity behind a screen.
@Loretta78 it's sad that we never realy get to know people .

You think you .....but you dont.

People have secrets, and dark sides and hidden traits that we never know of .

Even myself ....this one experience bought out stuff in me that I never knew was there - I got venehemt and vicious.

The hardest part is letting go you did .
Not following.
Not searching for answers .
Not digging deeper .

Just letting go .

I think you are wise to do so.
Sometimes it's not worth finding out - you only find out stuff you wish you never had.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@OogieBoogie You are so right. 😐
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
A couple cases of discovering that friends of mine were genuinely awful people who had done some pretty heinous shit to others, and doubled down when called out. Blocked and moved on, I don't let people like that in my life but it was still gross.

Thankfully, nothing that's ever been personally threatening to -me- in any serious sense which is better than some have got.
Raaii · 22-25, F
Late to comment here
when I joined
I thought I'll never have any bad moments on this site atleast 🤦‍♀️
I see other users experience and I feel my experience is still not that worse
I'll add in future
Also little little upsetting things happen a lot but now I think it's upto me
How I should react to it
I'm not feeling bad
Though months back there was a comment tht made me upset
It's silly, I can laugh about it but I seriously overthink
So I made a post roughly saying I miss food cooked by mother since I'm living far from home now
And an user commented lik I'm complaining too much
I should learn to cook etc
And I'm like I'm not complaining
I'm just missing
I can ofcourse cook
I was little vulnerable
And felt off
Th users repeated umcessrry comments and texts gave me a big headache then
Now all oka
@Raaii Happy to hear you worked through it. Thanks for your comment
4meAndyou · F
Well...I suppose I've had all the usual experiences. Men calling me the C word because I don't agree with their politics, men sending me dick pics, men wanting to sex talk when I absolutely DON'T want to sex talk, just the usual.

But the worst, for me, was the internal guilt I felt after blocking two of my former female friends. I blocked one of them because I was absolutely convinced that she was a male pretending to be a female, and the other because of her competitive and unforgiving nature...and also because I suspected she might be a male pretending to be a female.
4meAndyou · F
@DrWatson Yup. But that's the internet for a female. I have all sorts of filters in place so I don't have to deal with most of it.
@4meAndyou That's the worst
4meAndyou · F
@PepsiColaP I wish that would go away too
Blondily · F
Well I've met some very nice people which are most of the people on here.
But also have met some bat shit crazies, incestuous types, unsolicited dick pics, lol, you know, the usual riff raff the women get on here. 😏lol
Fairydust · F
Being harassed with a user and her alts, bringing my character down.
Adding me on another social platform 😏

That’s some kinda crazy 🤪
@Fairydust That's some kind of douchebag too
Fairydust · F

Yeah well I’ve done nothing to her but speak up about it and expose it for what it is.
i tried to stop a person here from being exploited by another member
this obvious Catfish... turned out to be a predator
30 years older that advertised
and she went to meet him

she was nearly take by force'
by a trafficker
yes i tried to report this, to no effect
both are no longer on this site
@SatyrService Good God that is horrible
@mindlessdrifter it is..she is no longer here
but I did re connect.
she was not trafficked per se, but was certainly exploited

she is safe now,
and oddly
Coralmist · 41-45, F
A few really rude users but the one I felt so low was A user who called me a f@#%ing c*nt , because I didn't reply in one day.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
@Coralmist Sounds like he was a bit unhinged
@Coralmist I am sorry that happened, wow, what an obnoxious prick
Nothing terrible. There is the occasional idiot that feels the need to harass. I'm happy to dish it right back until I get bored and block the fool.
Two actually. One old lunatic harassed me. I thought he was trustworthy. He was a nightmare nutcase. Second time when a younger lady harassed me on multiple posts after I thought she was a friend. Those were the worst experiences that really hit me hard.
@mindlessdrifter both occurrences happened unsuspectedly and they were both creepy and unstable.
@SW-User Gives me the chills
@mindlessdrifter that girl was pretending to be a sweet little lady then she turned into a witch. I even had a nightmare the same night she harassed me. She was actually the devil in my dream. She had a lot of simps to protect her.
Torsten · 36-40, M
honestly its just been interaction with some of the completely insane moronic delusional people that this site seems to attract. There are some cool people here and that is what makes me stay but damn this site really attracts mostly those at the bottom of the barrel.
BlueVeins · 22-25
realizing the gravity of the things i had done on EP as a teenager, far too late
Pfuzylogic · M
When i first came here on day one it was reconciling that EP had ended and realizing that this web site was a total different animal.
Both I and the site has improved over time.
Elisbch · M
There's not much I take personal here so therefore I can't say I have worst experiences. It's just not worth it.
I guess being ghosted by someone I'd put years into getting to know and realizing I never knew them at all (I guess as much as you can and never meeting in person). I've come to the conclusion that no one (especially) here or in real life should one ever really count on knowing someone or take them seriously. 🤷. Too many (most) people flatter themselves when they claim they care about anything let alone any one.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Having a dear friend end up in jail. His loneliness took him down.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Handfull1 An SW friend?
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@helenS yes. Long story.
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
Finding the love of my life (aside from Hector) and fucking it up.
Having to scroll just once to reach the end of posts of the day.
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
Getting unsolicited dick pics from fruity dudes 🤦🏻‍♂️
A young woman, apparently a bit unhinged, accused me of refusing to be her friend because supposedly I’d said she "wasn’t smart enough". Not something I’d ever say, and I had no memory of interacting with her on any topic. But she repeated the accusation on several of my posts until I finally blocked her. It was very unsettling. 🙁
Pfuzylogic · M
Even when you disagree, I have NEVER seen you pull that card.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard The weirdness of some people seem to be as endless as the virtual world they are coming from…
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@Pfuzylogic I agree with you. Bijoux NEVER would do something like this.
Not saying publicly, but I left twice and I don’t really like to chat to people or make friends here but still people can get you. I returned after 2 years with this account and hopefully only a select few might remember or cotton on to who I am now I changed my username.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Jubba the Hut sent me a nude pic
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
Rude people,which isn't that bad
calicuz · 51-55, M
The Image Feed. 🫣

Pfuzylogic · M
@calicuz Freak Show! 😜
minxy · 46-50, F
The massive overhaul and change that has shifted this site away from what it used to be.
@minxy I agree with you
Ramrod · 46-50, M
Can't seem to make real friends,people who you would actually talk to and get to know ????
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
being judged by people and being accused of doing something that I never have done.
Nothing all that bad. I don’t remember most of it.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Fake maple syrup on the pancakes!
@hunkalove And ragged ass bacon
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Hhhhmmmmm not that I know of 🤔
the image feed ..
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
I guess when you realise a woman youre talking to is a man.
Or when a freaky guy posts an unsolicited photo of himself wearing panties etc.EWWWWWWWW!
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
It was pretty early on.... had my photo, which was my pfp at the time, stolen by a bot troll and used as their pfp.
DDonde · 31-35, M
It's crazy thinking about this question just how different this place is today from when I joined.

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