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Anyone get pounding head/jaw/temple pain?

I have TMJ and while Ive had pain around the jaw muscles sometimes, Ive never really had a POUNDING throbbing pain. I have had it now off and on several hours. Ive used an ice pack earlier tonight and that helped it go away, now its back. 😢 Anything else help pounding pain? Advil? Massage?
Fishy · 36-40, F
I get jaw lock problems when I sleep and ice pick headaches sometimes,

For me personally the cold doesn't help the ice pick headaches, I need warmth,

Also if I haven't eaten or drank enough water, or am lacking sleep, it can trigger the icepick headache pretty bad 😖
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Fishy aww do you clench or grind at night? Im sorry Fishstick, thats rough. I get like pains around my jaw and Its typically manageable, although sometimes I have to lay fown for hours. Ive never really had this throbbing pain at my temple. I guess Advil is my next choice.
Fishy · 36-40, F
@Coralmist sometimes I grind my teeth in my sleep, yeah 😅
But I know it can be worse depending on my sleeping position,
Like if I'm sleeping on my back and my head tilts to the side,
So I have a small squishy pillow that I use to stop my head from leaning to the side,

It helps C:
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I had a really bad headache, once, but I didn't have any pain in my jaw. At first, I thought I could sleep it off, but every time I went to lay down, I thought I was gonna vomit and every time I went to the lavatory to attempt to vomit in the commode, nothing came out of me. And so here I am, going back and forth, between my bedroom and the lavatory, until I decided to take four acetominophen pills, each with a glass of water. After that, my headache was gone and I was feeling really good.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Sidewinder Glad it helped. Rn, its diminished but Im wary of going to sleep, I think laying on the affected temple may exacerbate it😔 So if that occurs, Ill take Tylenol, and perhaps also with Advil..thank you🐦
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Sidewinder that's not tmj. You have nausea. Please look into what is causing you to have heavy nausea like you have been experiencing. I have that too. Horrible horrible feeling EVER!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I had it in 2020 on and off for about two months. 😑 I almost believed I needed a root canal then. Freaking hell. I used ibuprofen but the only thing that eventually helped me were cervical spine exercises and keeping my jaw position in check, constantly correcting it.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
I used to have tmj. It was the worst pain in the world. I would wake up crying. It was always on my left side but it ached so bad I went to the dentist. They took out all my wisdom teeth out with released pressure and I never had the pain since.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@ScarletWitch Thats great it relieved pressure. Unfortunately my wisdom teeth were removed as a teen, and TMJ started a few years later.
Take two extra strength Advil (ibuprofen) and two extra strength Tylenol (acetaminophen). They are safe to take together.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Hockeyfan1bc Do you know roughly the mg. Dosage? I have liquid advil and tylenol.
@Coralmist stand by. The Advil is 2x400mg and the Tylenol is 2x500mg.
@Coralmist That's the correct dosage... I take that 3 or 4 times a day.
firefall · 61-69, M
Advil can help. Heat packs were what my orthodontist prescribed, and they worked well to relax the jaw muscles, for me

Nude massages by attractive members of your preferred gender also work wonders 😂
Neuralgia... only heat tends to help that better than cold does.

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