I cannot tell a story of true love that does not involve great sacrifice.At which point does happiness come in?
People of the United States! Do not despair, though all might seem lost!Though the forces of Gangleslotte run rampant in the government in the wake of an election tainted by troll magic, there is hope! Our Lord Farblesnozz has never turned his back on those who are truly faithful, and He will reserve a place for us in... See More »
This morning, I ran afoul of one of the servants of Mayor Gangleslotte!The foul fiend had the audacity to knock at my door at 8:00 in the morning! I answered the door in my ceremonial Farblesnozzian garb, in order to invite questions. This is a strategy I use to deconvert those who have been deceived by the trolls of... See More »
Faith is the solid, unshakable confidence in God, which is built upon the assurance that He is faithful to His promises.We all get weary at times, but God is still there, and unshakeable. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? I did, when I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a scary 30 seconds of my life. Just one of those seconds is enough time to make you... See More »
Beware those who proclaim false religions, calling others "sinners" in order to take away their rights!Those people will toil in the dirt mines for eternity! For so it is written in the Holy and Perfect Gliberoo, in the book of Gribblefritz, Chapters 4-5: (Quote)
It has come to my attention that one of the trolls in the employee of Mayor Gangleslotte is spamming the good people of Similar Worlds.This is a classic tactic of the trolls in the employ of the Evil One! For he knows the wisdom of what is written in the Holy and Perfect Gliberoo, in the book of Ssatrams, chapter 1, verse 7: 7. A truth, repeated once, with evidence, is better than... See More »
Truthful or radical?These days there's a lot of talk about radicalisation of faiths. I like to put you a question now. In the parable of the paralysed man being brought before Jesus, is it right for a lesson or reading to tollerate someone else focusing more on the... See More » (1)