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Beware those who proclaim false religions, calling others "sinners" in order to take away their rights!

Those people will toil in the dirt mines for eternity! For so it is written in the Holy and Perfect Gliberoo, in the book of Gribblefritz, Chapters 4-5:


1. And there was nowhere for the faithful of Farblesnozz to run to escape the wrath of the Christians, who were deceived by Mayor Gangleslotte. 2. For the false Church of Christianity had overrun the greatest nations on Terra, and the Christians had seized all authority, power, and most importantly, all weapons. 3. And there was a great rescinding of human rights for all humans whom the Christians hated, and the women and dark-skinned humans despaired. 4. So, too, the homosexuals and transsexuals were thrown into despair, with no hope of equality.

5. And I looked, and beheld Gangleslotte in the guise of Yahweh, standing on a cloud with his trolls disguised as angels. 6. And Gangleslotte shouted lies to the world, saying: "Behold, I am come to bring the righteous to paradise! All ye Christians who have served me, join me now!"

7. And all the scoffers who had mocked Farblesnozz now surrounded the false god, and praised his name. And Gangleslotte descended on his cloud until he was standing on the earth, and stretched out his arms, that they might embrace him. 8. But as the deceived ran to him to show their love, I heard a noise from the heavens, loud and terrifying. And even Gangleslotte was afraid.


1. And I looked up at the sky to see from whence the noise came, and lo, I saw a great mouth open. The teeth were sharp as daggers, and the tongue was long and pointed.
2. And the tongue came down from the sky, like that of a chameleon, and scooped up the unbelievers who had scoffed at Farblesnozz. And they were taken up into the sky, screaming and gnashing their teeth.
3. And only the pure, the true believers in Farblesnozz, were left on Earth. And there was much rejoicing and celebration.
4. But those who were swept up into the sky were not devoured, for theirs was to be judged by Farblesnozz. This was the Great Gribblefritz, the judgment of all who had angered our Lord.
5. And the vision changed, and I was transported into the great throne room of Farblesnozz,
6. And I saw the unbelievers begging for their lives on their knees. But it was too late, and they were cast down into Schmickleton, which is also called Snazzlekhil.
7. And they were sentenced to toil in the dirt mines for all eternity, and there was wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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