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Bibipat · F
They should give it all for me.

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
They shouldn't exist in the first place.
MethDozer · M
@boudinMan He didn't actually produce them. He paid others to produce them.
I'm fully aware that an idea man has value. How much is the question and does the idea man deserve full credit for the final produxt?
You're not the inventor just because you came up with the idea. If that was the case the descendents of the creator of The Jetsons will be getting a handsome royalty if anyone ever invents a flying car.

The CEO most certainly is an employee. By definition.
fun4us2b · M
@MethDozer Jobs gypped his "buddy" Woz - According to Wozniak, Jobs told him that Atari gave them only $700 (instead of the offered $5,000), and that Wozniak's share was thus $350.[65] Wozniak did not learn about the actual bonus until ten years later, but said that if Jobs had told him about it and had said he needed the money, Wozniak would have given it to him.[66] ---

So Jobs pocketed $2,150 that was supposed to go to Woz...nice huh?
MethDozer · M
@fun4us2b yeah, Jobs was a POS.
anyone who has billions is inherently immoral as long as there are starving children in the world. they should pay their taxes [edit: as a flat rate that is applied evenly across the board, with no government handouts and and no shelters. not like they are able to hide now under laws they help fund through lobbying to keep from having to pay their fair share] and give a substantial amount away, but not all of it. if they have the ability to continue making more by having more than enough, then they should continue to make money to sustain their moderate wealth and distribute the rest to the needy
@Bodymindsoul child labor, working the elderly to death, and forcing disabled people to work in order to eat is your solution? society isn't solely made of able-bodied people, brainiac

i'm sorry but you are disqualified from the debate. try harder, fail better
@SW-User Possibly also supports eugenics for seniors and the disabled, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I’d been hearing that kind of thing forever, but less now that most people realize that there are homeless with jobs—who still can’t afford rent. 😞
@bijouxbroussard he'll be a senior one day, if he's lucky enough. possibly even disabled at some point, if he's unlucky enough. then he will feel the shame over the things he said today, if he's not a total sociopath. imagine thinking society is only comprised of working-age, able-bodied individuals. smh
powerofyou · M
No, and fun fact billionaires give more to charity than anyone else does.
@bijouxbroussard we are all bootstrap people…

🙄 @Bodymindsoul
@SW-User Except for the folks who had no boots, alas !
@bijouxbroussard some would say they should have started a business making boots. 😂🤡🤡 🙄🙄🙄
Budwick · 70-79, M
That is a stupid question.
Go to your room and consider the stupidity of the question then come back with a better one.
No, why should they, most rich people naturally givd large donations to charity
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Emosaur It tells me your mind set, and the indoctrination from the left on your views
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Gloomy · F
Business owners, shouldn't profit

The amount of wealth they accumulate by simply owning a business is fundamentally unjust. Even worse when all the big business owners do is consume luxury goods to seperate themselves both culturally and physically from their workers.
Gloomy · F
Not to charities because charities exist only because money is not distributed where it needs to be by the system. Billionaires shouldn't exist.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@Gloomy Oh boy who downvoted you, must be angry libertarians and Repugs.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Imagine if the ultra rich were like this

Wickflame · 46-50
They use charity as a clean way of money laundering..
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I think a higher tax rate would give resources back to the society that created said wealth and further eliminate the need for charity in the first place.
@Ryannnnnn exactly. charity is a shelter in which the uber-rich use to pay out only a percentage of what they would be paying in taxes. if all the ultra-rich paid their taxes at a flat rate we could feed and care for everyone, no charity or crippled welfare system.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Ryannnnnn I would be closing tax loopholes, reduce foreign aid, reduce immigration
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@nedkelly in my country Amazon hasn't paid corpo tax in 2 years because of our right wing fuck head government, we've actually given them millions.For "investing in the UK", meaning robotics for their warehouses which means no jobs created.

I fucking hate this government

They are people too, how many of us are ready to give up what we worked for or given to.

I just wish they will be nice to their employees.
@NotSureAboutMyUserName no, that's how conservatives and fascists have been. That's why human rights had to be codified. We didn't lose permanently to fascists yet.
But NATO certainly can kill everyone to kill democracy. That's the end game.
Businesses and the rich take in a sense. That's why I think they should give back somehow. And if it wasn't for the every day folks they wouldn't be wealthy in the first place. We all help each other even if we don't realize it.@NotSureAboutMyUserName @NotSureAboutMyUserName I look at it like a co op. We give when and how we can. If a company is doing well and can afford it they could give back by hiring more employees, increasing their current employees's salaries or by offering better health insurance or increasing time off etc When billionaires hire out of the country, that's concerning to me. But I feel like a hypocrite because it doesn't bother me when companies buy or have things made out of the country to save money because I benefit from it. I just think ideally people should do what they can to help others by giving back.
@Spoiledbrat I kinda said the same when I said "I just wish they will be nice to their employees.".
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No. I think they should be taxed appropriately.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
sometimes when I think of human society and I want to be able to visualise it I imagine a much smaller humanity, like 30 people on an island. things would have to derail seriously so that one guy would end up owning 95 percent of the ressources and then 4 people from the original 30 are now starving because of some flawed system that was ment to make sense initially but got corrupted by greedy people. we're thought that everything is ok because everyone can reach any goals with hard work and they're are no limits to how much one can own. that there are no limits to how much one can own makes no sense at all but we were fooled into thinking that its ok since we all could reach that. "the sky's the limit" 'dare to dream" etc. the reality is that these conditions are perfect for those that have the power already. the fact that there is no limit to how much we can own is very useful to the rich but almost useless to the poor but if they're been sold the american dream then even the poor will defend the right to the rich to own everything.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
If they want to actually stand a chance of getting into Heaven.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Matt85 added edit...

This time understand that he was Jewish.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@DeWayfarer What's the implication there sir
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Matt85 Jewish before Christ fall under the Jewish law.
Charities are more corrupt than billionaires.
revenant · F
Only if I am the charity 😎
@SW-User lets set the record streight right now!! i am senior right now and still start at 4am and i still get it done all so a bunch of losers can set on there cans and collect handouts and there are jobs and are available in this area maybe you need to find one instead of looking for a free ride read your history book communism dont work!
@jackieash there is jobs you need to work one so you know what your talking about
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jackieash · 26-30
@Bodymindsoul You literally didnt take any notice of my comments, did you? What I am saying is paying a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. Too many employers pay too low pay for long hours. And I know what happend because Ive had a few jobs like that.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Remember when the leader of the world food bank said we could end world hunger with 6 billion, and Elon musk proved him wrong? It was hilarious to me. The reason why I laughed at that go look at what the USA alone spends on SNAP $113 billion every damn year.

In 2021, the United States budgeted $38 billion for foreign aid spending. As of this reporting, it has disbursed over $32 billion. Almost 25% of that budget has gone to just ten countries: Ethiopia ($1.13 billion)


Our Charities alone for 2016 were 27 billion dollars that's from the regular people the middle class the lower class and the slightly upper class.


But no we can't force people to be charitable. This comes from your heart, from your belief that there is a reason we should help our fellow man. Some do, many don't. But we cannot force them because that's not the right way about it.
All their wealth? No lol. Ideally they should share some of their wealth, but they shouldn't be forced to beyond what is already legal with regard to taxes. While it may be immoral to not share your wealth if you have lots of it, it is also immoral to take from others what they have not given you.
@Emosaur it's sad to think I have to inform you of this when you're apparently an adult who really should've had a job by now, but people who work do so with their consent. As an employee, you (or rather, productive members of society) make the choice to work and earn an income, as opposed to not earning an income. If you are really ambitious and motivated to succeed, you can actually earn quite a lot.

Now, when you take money from people, you are doing it without their consent. I would also say that if anyone has contradicted their beliefs, it's you...wanting to take money from an employer or owner so you can profit and become equal to them IS very similar, if not the same, as capitalism. The only difference is that people who accept or embrace capitalism are prepared to work, instead of committing what would constitute the illegal practice of theft. You see, the theft that exists in reality is very different from the delusional idea of theft you've conjured up in your poor lil boi brain. You are nothing but a lazy, wannabe capitalist who'd rather steal people's money so you can live well and make a profit instead of working for it.
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@Emosaur 🤫 no one cares
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
No, but they should pay some taxes
They certainly should be taxed accordingly before they wash their money and tuck it away.

But not give it away…
Pretzel · 61-69, M
nope. even their tax shelters end up doing good eventually.

they may have millions in the bank but that money is lent out to people to buy homes and cars.

they employ people.

and I don't like the idea of the government deciding how much money a person can have.

from what I've seen of governments with that much power, the common person ends up with little or nothing.
Gloomy · F
@Pretzel Either private business owners decide or a government which you could elect does

Capitalists are no different from authoritative governments when it comes to exploitation
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@Gloomy I won't dispute that. And sometimes the big business owners are the government without regard to the political structure.
BlueVeins · 22-25
No, I think billionaires should use their money to lobby the government to enact policies which render charity unnecessary and billionaires, less prevalent and influential.
All of it? Nah. The vast majority of it? 100% yes. No one in the world needs a billion dollars. You can live the maximum luxurious lifestyle with 500 million. Anything over that should go to charity or be taxed for the purpose of improving public education or national infrastructure.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, but they should be taxed.
Give me a billion. They say you shouldn’t judge other people until you are on their shoes. So let me be a billionaire for a bit and then I will get back to you.
jackieash · 26-30
@SW-User You'd buy a billion pounds/dollars of shoes....?😜
@jackieash shoes, whisky, women, etc. but definitely shoes, yes
No I don’t think so. If you look around you at products you use like Netflix and Amazon, yeah billionaires and funding. Investments in new ventures would collapse, art wouldn’t be bought, beautiful cars wouldn’t be produced, no luxury brands would exist, the world would become a very dull and one fit for all place. Lots of billionaires invest money for the improvement of people’s lives. Sure some don’t but that can be said for the human race as a whole. The only people who say that are people that don’t have that kind of money….do you see the majority of them in soup kitchens or volunteering?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I think it should be understood that billionaires are mentally ill and have a serious greed addiction and after a few million dollars we should stop giving them money.
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Not all. But a LOT. They can't take it with them, so why not do something good with it?
jackieash · 26-30
@DearAmbellina2113 "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven".
jackieash · 26-30
@DearAmbellina2113 That would depend on if that billionaire has a sence of empathy. Quite a few, it has to be said, have the opinion that if anyone is in poverty it must be their fault. As people I know often say, so many people are one pay day away from losing their job, their home, everything. It is a sobering thought.
No why should they ?
@Roundandroundwego that sounds like communism and it never works..and thats all im going to say.
Gloomy · F
@Bodymindsoul typical US anti-Communism
The cold war messed up your perception and lead to your country becoming a Capitalist hellhole. Even other western capitalist countries have realized that the non existing social system and lack of market regulations are a terrible way to organize a society.
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GLITTER · 36-40, F
No not really but I do believe those in charge of how much things cost should chill the fuck out and make living a bit more cost friendly
soulshadow · 36-40, M
No.. but at some point.. like afyer your first billion, the more you make the more money you pay in taxes go to charity.. so like.. you make one billion you pay usual government taxes but a must pay am additional 10 percent of taxes on tge charity of YOUR CHOOSING not forced charity the government decides you must donate to. Then you make 2 billion you pay 20 percent in charity of our choosing. Somthing kike that.. increasing the amout if charity you must pay for every billion you make. Etc.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
No maybe if you worked a bit harder you wouldn't think such stupid things
jackieash · 26-30
@ExtremeNext Working harder doesnt making you richer. It knackers you. Tons of research has found longer hours working leads to lower productivity and higher risk of burnout.
Jexie · 26-30, F
@ExtremeNext I work harder than most people..but its not a literal question. Just a general wonderment when you see the stark difference between the rich and poor. Also hard work doesn't always equal to wealth
Nimbus · M
Yes, she's a nice girl and needs it.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Nimbus Mrs Smiler?
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Nope!
We both know what Mrs. Smiler needs and only Smiler can give it ;)
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Nimbus 🤔her a divorce nimby 😆
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
No.They should be free to make their own choice the same as everyone else.A lot of charities are corrupt.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Yes.. millionaires too.. And anyone with money to spare..

You do not need to be a billionaire to give..
hell no..

commies need to get a job and stop trying to angle other ppls money...
nedkelly · 61-69, M
No, maybe if the government had better tax laws it would help.
No. Charity is good and all, but it doesn't fix systemic issues.
Billionaires should stop funding the right-wing establishment and start funding politicians and media that want to actually end poverty.
jackieash · 26-30
@BohemianBoo I'm afraid you shouldnt hold your breath because it won't happen. The more people have, the more they want. Naturally, I can't speak about America, but I do know in Britain, billionaires and millionaires squirrel away their fortunes in off shore tax havens and hedge funds. Instead of asking the super rich to consider a few more pounds to help out, Britain has had a policy of austeritystarting in 2008 with a "Labour" government, then leapt on with vampire-like relish by tories. Public sector jobs and services were the main targets for this austerity. In 2010, the national debt was £0.75trillion. The most recent figure that was allowed to be released , earlier this year was £3 trillion. Many , including myself, believe this figure is less than it actually is, but even if true...where has the money gone which was withdrawn from the public sector services and jobs? And stll, the austerity message is still being pushed by our so called leaders and ministers.
@jackieash Oh, of course. I have no delusions that the entire upper-class is going to start donating money to socialist causes.
But there are a few good rich people and they help more when they focus on systemic issues, not just giving to charity.
Dshhh · M
NO, not even but
bill gates, has giving a lot to some smart charities., like the malaria thing.
very good

but they should be Taxed like it was 1971
that means a lot
being rich should not be worshiped
even if all we did was make them pay the same tax on cap gains,,
it would help the budget
Mirage · F
No, it's theirs to do with as they please, who am I to dictate to them.
Although it would be nice to think they helped out poor, hungry or abused children.
No.. but some would be nice.. and to legit charities too 😒 i don't discriminate against the rich.. so long as they didn't come by their wealth by illegitimate means 😒
Bartleby · 51-55, M
All? Seems unrealistic.

One would hope they donate a good portion (and many do!) but if you compel charitable giving it’s not really charity anymore.
GovanDUNNY · M
Its sinful to have that much money thats doing nothing while people's are either starving or in need of medicines and treatments.
Iwillwait · M
I think they should do whatever their hearts tell them to do. This is the most telling to all of their character.
Wealth taxes.
Oh wait...the billionaires control the law makers who pass tax legislation. 🤔
"give" indicates a voluntary action. Many of the comments suggest coercion.

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