Look from this prespective kinda starts to make sense. We have french people you have french people so lets do it canadians and as a bonus you guys also get nice beaches in the mediterranean and south america too. (1)
I once got expled from a BarThere was this free drinks for women thing going on and me and a friend were just asking for drinks and giving them to our guy friends. We try to act cute and blame the guys but they just thrown us all out.
Story from universityIn my second year i had a friend that after getting out of a exam said that it gone so well that he is going to score a 20 or very close to it. People may not believe it is true but he score a literal zero. To this day i still poke him with this.... See More »
I have a confession to makeMy work colleges are always amazed how my ancient work computer works so well compare to theirs that are more recent. The truth is that my computer was upgrade to the max that the motherboard allows with the parts i stole from other's people work... See More »
Someone stoled my work chair.I love that chair, who ever stole that chair better hope i don't find out who stole it.
I hate hikking with my husbandHe always walks too fast and forces me to run to catch up to him. I hate it so much.
Have you seen what the pictures that new AIs can make?It is absolutely insane. I always tough that the artist would be last one to be replaced but i guess they are the first. I question if in fact they are in some way sapient. https://www.midjourney.com/showcase/