Keep in mind how Tariffs work. When goods are sold from Canada to US, the US buyers take 25% of the cost and give it to the US government where it will go to T Rumps private bank account someplace.. I am guessing it will be one of the countries he just deported everyone to, but it could be anywhere.
Now the US buyers will not like this and will try to force Canada to reduce their cost by 25%, but that will be impossible in most situations, so the Canadian side will stop selling those goods to US and try to find other markets. Many of them will go out of business.
This is supposed to force the US to start making these products themselves, but of course that will never happen in the 4 years T Rump is in office so all that will happen is that Canada will lose a market, and the US will see shortages in nearly everything that used to come from Canada, like Maple Syrup.
Now the oil is a different matter since Canada only owns 20% of our own oil resources and the US owns most of the rest. This is why the Tariff was reduced to 10%. T Rump didn't want everyone to pick up on the fact the US already owns all the Canadian oil. They just need to figure out how to get it down to the States so they can add it to their reserves for later. Meanwhile the Alberta premier is a total redneck T Rumper too, who supports the US owning everything and will defend their rights to have it all. I wonder how much they pay him to be so hard-line about it. Anyways, that is the current situation.