Monaschandroff86 · F
I don’t take any drugs except medication which I have to take
ArishMell · 70-79, M
No "deal" whatsoever.
I have never had, never will have, anything to do with illegal drugs, including marijuana.
I do not know anyone who does.
I have never known how and where to obtain any, and never wanted to know even in my youth.
Of the legal drugs?
- Tobacco? When aged about 19 I tried a cigarette once, a pipe on another occasion: disliked the taste, decided it a foolish waste of money, never tried again. That even before learning tobacco's health danger and antisocial effects.
- Alcohol? Yes: an occasional pint or two of cask ale (not "craft" or "artisinal", please!), a glass of wine or "wee dram" much more rarely, but nowthing like as often as in the past.
The "hard" and other illicit poisons? Illegal, dangerous. I have always had too much courage and self-respect for that.
A former neighbour of mine was found dead, by her boyfriend. I knew she had serious problems but not what or why, until the post-mortem and inquest revealed it. Her killer had been heroin.
No "deal" whatsoever.
I have never had, never will have, anything to do with illegal drugs, including marijuana.
I do not know anyone who does.
I have never known how and where to obtain any, and never wanted to know even in my youth.
Of the legal drugs?
- Tobacco? When aged about 19 I tried a cigarette once, a pipe on another occasion: disliked the taste, decided it a foolish waste of money, never tried again. That even before learning tobacco's health danger and antisocial effects.
- Alcohol? Yes: an occasional pint or two of cask ale (not "craft" or "artisinal", please!), a glass of wine or "wee dram" much more rarely, but nowthing like as often as in the past.
The "hard" and other illicit poisons? Illegal, dangerous. I have always had too much courage and self-respect for that.
A former neighbour of mine was found dead, by her boyfriend. I knew she had serious problems but not what or why, until the post-mortem and inquest revealed it. Her killer had been heroin.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire That is all you can do: you despise views opposing yours, you dismiss facts you do not like. You do not want civil discussion; only unsuccessfully and pointlessly to try destroying opponents by insults and false accusations of lying; rather than trying to understand others' knowledge and views.
You also make it hard to understand your views, by not stating them clearly.
You are also very callous. I said I knew what drugs can do, not only from the vast amount and variety of published cases but also personal experience. Alcohol had wrecked my former girlfriends' marriage, and eventually our relationship. Heroin KILLED my neighbour, whom I had been trying to help without knowing her real problem. You did not care. You made it pretty clear you regarded them as "anecdotes" I had fabricated, and falsely, offensively accused me of using them to equate cannabis and heroin.
I had NEVER said cannabis is as dangerous as heroin. Even the Law (in the UK) does not equate them, but places illicit narcotics in categories based on their effects and their relative hazards and risks* drawn from accumulating medical, social and legal, professional experience. Not social-media! Though I still won't use it.
Are you just as nasty to the people around you in real life?
If you want to take drugs go ahead. That's your choice. But though I enjoy the occasional, fully-legal alcoholic drink I have never taken and never will take illicit narcotics, even if you think it fine to do so.
*hazard and risk. I will extend you the courtesy of assuming you know the difference, because you have given me no evidence you don't - and many people don't.
You also make it hard to understand your views, by not stating them clearly.
You are also very callous. I said I knew what drugs can do, not only from the vast amount and variety of published cases but also personal experience. Alcohol had wrecked my former girlfriends' marriage, and eventually our relationship. Heroin KILLED my neighbour, whom I had been trying to help without knowing her real problem. You did not care. You made it pretty clear you regarded them as "anecdotes" I had fabricated, and falsely, offensively accused me of using them to equate cannabis and heroin.
I had NEVER said cannabis is as dangerous as heroin. Even the Law (in the UK) does not equate them, but places illicit narcotics in categories based on their effects and their relative hazards and risks* drawn from accumulating medical, social and legal, professional experience. Not social-media! Though I still won't use it.
Are you just as nasty to the people around you in real life?
If you want to take drugs go ahead. That's your choice. But though I enjoy the occasional, fully-legal alcoholic drink I have never taken and never will take illicit narcotics, even if you think it fine to do so.
*hazard and risk. I will extend you the courtesy of assuming you know the difference, because you have given me no evidence you don't - and many people don't.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArishMell I said I was done. You are incapable of having an honest debate without twisting my words, and you are incapable of admitting that you yourself have used manipulation tactics. You also refuse to provide evidence for any of the claims you've made or implied, and then you claim that I hate the facts you've presented when you haven't presented any. Don't make me block you.
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ElwoodBlues · M
This question reminds me of
I hope she's doing OK.
Regarding harder drugs, we had a distant cousin die of an OD because whatever it was that he bought was cut with too much fentanyl. That really brought it home that the risk of sudden death is way way too high.
I hope she's doing OK.
Regarding harder drugs, we had a distant cousin die of an OD because whatever it was that he bought was cut with too much fentanyl. That really brought it home that the risk of sudden death is way way too high.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues had a nephew that was addicted once. Fortunately he rarely bothered me much except one time when he got rolled. I really didn't know what was going on until long afterwards.
SomeMichGuy · M
@ElwoodBlues 👆👆👆
ArishMell · 70-79, M
There was, co-incidentally, a programme on the radio this morning about widespread use of ketamine by teenagers, some hardly even that, in Burnley, Blackburn and other towns in the NW of England. Though highlighting that area of course the same programme could have been made elsewhere.
It is terrible stuff. It has genuine veterinary and human, medical anaesthetic uses, but its misuse is not only highly addictive and could lead to trying other toxins like heroine and cocaine. It rapidly causes organ failure, particularly of the bladder first shown by considerable pain, abnormally frequent need to urinate with passing blood, and leading to the sufferer eventually incontinent, having to wear nappies .
It is terrible stuff. It has genuine veterinary and human, medical anaesthetic uses, but its misuse is not only highly addictive and could lead to trying other toxins like heroine and cocaine. It rapidly causes organ failure, particularly of the bladder first shown by considerable pain, abnormally frequent need to urinate with passing blood, and leading to the sufferer eventually incontinent, having to wear nappies .
4meAndyou · F
I do not touch drugs at all...any more. The ex was into Cocaine for a while, and I can't say that I didn't try it...because I did. I learned VERY quickly that I loved it TOO much...and I don't allow myself that. I told the ex it had to stop, and it did. It probably lasted for a month and half.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Having spent half my working life helping people who have been nearly destroyed by drugs (including abuse of prescribed drugs) I have no time for those who try to minimise their effects to excuse their use by the rich and privileged. I know all the argument vis a vis tobacco and alcohol, but adding to the lost of destructive substances is, IMHO, unwise to say the least.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK One of my former girlfriends was an alcoholic, but I discovered this only a while after we met. It had destroyed her marriage. She tried treatment but it did not work, or she did not make it work, and we split up after only a year. The tragedy was that she was attractive, intelligent and when sober, very good company; but closing her own life in around her, and mine with it. I could not risk taking her to social events like club dinners or going away on holiday with her. It really limited what we could do together.
That was some thirty years ago, and I have no idea where she is or what she is doing now.
You'd think the "rich and privileged" would know better but I think most of those actually on illicit drugs are only fashion-victim "celebrities" from show-business; not noted for much talent, or much more than fame for being famous. The problem is these are the types who attract attention through TV and glossy magazines, making their play-time antics somehow "fashionable". The genuinly rich and privileged don't get where they are by being ephemeral "celebrity" junkies.
That was some thirty years ago, and I have no idea where she is or what she is doing now.
You'd think the "rich and privileged" would know better but I think most of those actually on illicit drugs are only fashion-victim "celebrities" from show-business; not noted for much talent, or much more than fame for being famous. The problem is these are the types who attract attention through TV and glossy magazines, making their play-time antics somehow "fashionable". The genuinly rich and privileged don't get where they are by being ephemeral "celebrity" junkies.
KatyO83 · 41-45, F
My deal now is I stay clean. They brought me too many problems. However it was booze that was my real Achilles Heel. I managed to get of drugs pretty easy but booze was really difficult.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I smoked salvia divinorum once and it was one of the most uncomfortable experiences I've ever had. 🤔
I was also on Fentanyl and Percocet for about eight months back in 2011 and have no desire to ever take opioids again.
I was also on Fentanyl and Percocet for about eight months back in 2011 and have no desire to ever take opioids again.
YoMomma ·
No deal
No thanks. I use medical marijuana and that's it.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Never tried any, don’t want to
BrandNewMan · M
Having no dealings with them
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I don't touch hard drugs. Never have.
A few beers and a joint is strong enough for me.
A few beers and a joint is strong enough for me.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Been there done that. No more.
MicrowaveDinner · M
Some are pretty good
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Value judgment here: there are better things to do with my time and money.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Would never want to be even associated with them.
I don't use any " drugs"
vorian · 51-55, M
Not big or clever...but a lot of fun.
Iwillwait · M
Felonies ain't free, they're expensive.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Never took them.
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Frostcloud · F
the way this question is worded is so funny lol
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Not a fan. I've seen them destroy lives.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Deal is to stay away
bijouxbroussard · F
I don’t deal with them at all. I experimented with them when I was younger, and that was enough. That sh*t kills you when you’re old.
icedsky · 51-55, M
Seems to me it always ends the same.
Pfuzylogic · M
Just a second, breh is checking.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Three words...
"JUST... SAY... NO!!!" to ALL drugs... INCLUDING marijuana.
"JUST... SAY... NO!!!" to ALL drugs... INCLUDING marijuana.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Never touched the stuff
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swirlie · F
Cash up front, Sunday deliveries only and don't bring your mom.