It was Gods plan for me and will smith to split up and find each other again Poll (0) See Poll OptionsTo bring love and peace to the world
I think me and will smith were born the same year and we were each other’s first love Poll (0) See Poll Options
I need Trent’s help so me and Alex can be together and I know he will help us, he’s got more power than Elon musk than my ex Poll (0) See Poll Options
I remember meeting a guy older than me on a bus 481, to home he got off the same stop as me, he approached me in the bus , he was white , but I think Poll (1) See Poll OptionsI remember meeting a guy older than me on a bus 481, to home he got off the same stop as me, he approached me in the bus , he was white , but I think... See More »
You see someone like Hillary duff wouldn’t have made it through Australian idol or the voiceBut because she acted and auditioned for Disney she made it
I’m not fasting for 12 hours to diet it’s for spirituality and sacrifice, yes I’ll probably lose weight, but that’s not the goalI’m fasting because I’m a Baha’i and Baha’i l’s fast from the 1st of march to the 21st of march every year not too diet but because of spiritual reasons