Do you know why I love horses so much because they are Gods angels, they make the right judgmentThat’s why they are free spirited
Yess Trent is Elliott north and the real prince William, and billstickers, which is why Elliott is the one it all makes sense now Poll (0) See Poll Options
Elliott north, doesn’t even like when I show too much affection, and he doesn’t give me acknowledgment anyways and he cheats on me
If gays were bad , why did God create two women, and not two men, maybe bisexuality is ok, but not gays I’m just making a point that is all!!
If snakes. Are evil why was it in the garden of eden in the first place, if god put Satan on earth , then ,the snake could not be evil, the garden ofEden because garden of eden wasn’t on earth
I broke it off with him now , he says he still wants me , but he isn’t Elliott north , he just acknowledged it