DrWatson · 70-79, M
When I was younger, I did not want kids.
Our daughter was born after we had been married for 5 years. (Yes, she was planned.)
And while I love her very much, if we had not had kids I would have been fine.
Our daughter was born after we had been married for 5 years. (Yes, she was planned.)
And while I love her very much, if we had not had kids I would have been fine.
JonUK31 · 36-40, M
Agreed with my partner we don't want kids. I don't like kids, she does has nieces/nephews and likes them on the basis she can give them back. Neither of us would be up to full time parents.
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Holden · 31-35, M
Idc to have kids
LustAndMadness · 51-55, M
I have two children and I wouldn't trade them for the world. However, having said that, I never wanted kids. It was never something that I even considered. It happened and, as I said, I wouldn't change that. But had I never had kids, I wouldn't know what I was missing and I wouldn't have known to give it a moment's thought.
SaorUladh · 26-30, M
I think it would be a deal breaker for me. I remember not wanting kids when I was younger but something has changed as I've grown older.
dale74 · M
Only reason to have a wife is to have kids other wise it is not worth the trouble anymore. Very few women saves themselves for their husbands. Most the time men are having to settle for women who have children with previous partners. Are you saying just the man and children such as she's already got a child well and why should I take on all that responsibility if she's not willing to offer me a child but she gave you some guy she met it or nightclub. This isn't always the case and maybe I'm a little bit down I still believe that they're are happy marriages out there I would love to have one but having been burned by several women in the past I don't know if it's even possible.
naughtyone123 · 51-55, M
Having kids was never a focus for me. An accident happened and I found myself a dad. It was transformative for me. Unfortunately, later (much later) I found out that she wasn't mine. While that was tough, it did really change my feelings for her.
If you can't have kids or don't want them, there are guys out there who won't have a problem with it.
If you can't have kids or don't want them, there are guys out there who won't have a problem with it.
Poppies · 61-69, F
@naughtyone123 did really or didn't really?
naughtyone123 · 51-55, M
@Poppies Thanks for asking. Didn't really.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I’m pretty flexible either way
I can definitely see the pros and cons of having children
If my partner had their heart set one way or another I’d be all gung ho but in general I’m rather neutral on the idea
I can definitely see the pros and cons of having children
If my partner had their heart set one way or another I’d be all gung ho but in general I’m rather neutral on the idea
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The question is irrelevant for me at this stage of life (including the prostate cancer drugs I am on). Looking back, I had no strong desire to have kids. It so happens I inherited a four year old when I did get married, and that was enough for me. It was the meddling mother-in-law who kept insisting we needed another child, that I had to have "my own" -- I consider both mine, even though the first is not biological -- and then criticized me at every turn for playing favorites after my wife bowed to her wishes and we had a second, which we really couldn't afford at the time. So from my experience you have more to worry about from meddling grandparent wannabes than you do from your prospective hubby. But then we men are all individuals with different perspectives and priorities.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I've been married for 38 years and have no kids (just 2 dogs)....and I'm fine with that.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I would have been totally open to it back when I was unmarried.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
I never really wanted kids and I know several men that don’t want kids.
twiigss · M
I'm open to it completely.
Sapio · 51-55, M
I have two, who are now adults in their late 20s. I love them, but if I turned back the clock, I don't know if I'd have kids. I wanted to have kids with someone I was staying with, and the partner I had kids with definitely wasn't that person. I'm sure she'd say the same about me.
If she could have kids, and neither of us had a genetic disorder that would make it immoral, then yes, I'd want a kid.
If she couldn't physically I wouldn't hold it against her. Unless I had superhuman DNA, and was the first to have those beneficial mutations, like Spiderman. Spiderman must breed, Spiderman must have Spiderbabies. Lots and lots of babies who will transform the species.
If she couldn't physically I wouldn't hold it against her. Unless I had superhuman DNA, and was the first to have those beneficial mutations, like Spiderman. Spiderman must breed, Spiderman must have Spiderbabies. Lots and lots of babies who will transform the species.
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IllThinkofSomething94 · 26-30, M
Not open. It's very much an expectation I have.
IllThinkofSomething94 · 26-30, M
@sahi81 Why?
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@IllThinkofSomething94 I am from India. Here people don't seem open to that idea much... Westerners seem more open to not having kids. That's why
IllThinkofSomething94 · 26-30, M
@sahi81 fair enough, to each their own.
If I may, I am a single father of twin girls. They genuinely made life have value to me. They made me a better person than I was before they came. Children are always worth it.
Raising children will never be easy but I feel like people who are afraid they wouldn't be good parents, more than likely would be better parents than their own were to them.
If I may, I am a single father of twin girls. They genuinely made life have value to me. They made me a better person than I was before they came. Children are always worth it.
Raising children will never be easy but I feel like people who are afraid they wouldn't be good parents, more than likely would be better parents than their own were to them.
jehova · 31-35, M
I see no need to have children given overpopulation. Furthermore im aware i dont make enough money to support myself. So why raise a child in poverty. Finally. I donated sperm and had it taken it fathered children; whom are now applying to college. I have no reason to have kids of my own. Plus i definitely cant afford it.
I had the opportunity to have children, multiple times. It's not something I want or else I would be actively pursuing it.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I already have 3, I lost a good relationship by telling my partner (who didn't have any kids) I didn't want any more.
Classified · M
If there was a medical reason for it. Otherwise I would want to have kids.
looking4thesun · M
Too late for that, but if i was in a new relationship, I would be perfectly ok with that
Shallowaters · 36-40, M
Planning kids gets stability in your life and makes you patient and more responsible.
Justafantasy · M
Already having some if I ever decided to get a partner again I don't need more
Rambler · 61-69, M
I was fine with not having kids when I was 25. When I was 35 I changed my mind.
Lostpoet · M
Isn't family apart of the whole marriage thing?
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
She came with kids. A ready made family.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Very open i would work hard to have you carry our child....
jackson55 · M
Too late. I have two kids. Both adults.
in10RjFox · M
I have already made 2 kids with my ex wife.. so no issues.
iamBen · 61-69, M
Totally fine with that
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
The wife and I did not have kids, but that was because we married a bit late. Also, she had had enough of that nonsense when she had her one child with her previous husband. And I was OK with it.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Ferric67 · M
SomeMichGuy · M
I want them.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
At this age I wouldn’t want to have kids.
carpediem · 61-69, M
I wanted, and have kids. Also grandkids at this point. If my wife did not want to have them, it would have been a relationship killer.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
Happy enough to not have kids.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I've never wanted kids, and still feel that way.
VisionQuest · 51-55, M
I would prefer to not have kids.
eastcoastcycler · 61-69, M
I never wanted kids and have been married.
mindless · M
I prefer not to have kids
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
We will go extinct if we dont have kids.
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Panamared · 70-79, M
I never wanted kids
deletedAccountSoNotAvailable · 31-35, M
I am absolutely open..actually I need privacy as I am all time horny
caesar7 · 61-69, M
It depends. It must be a decision made by the two people involved. The only problem I would have is the quantity of offspring. I believe in two maximum. There are already too many of us on the planet as it is.