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He was listed #14, two years into his Presidency, in a poll of historians. I think he may stay in that range possibly go up.

Infrastructure bill alone left a huge footprint
He brought millions of kids out of poverty
Went after monopolies
Got rid of junk fees
Lowered prescription fees
Brought "normalcy" and procedure back for a bit.
The Gaza cease fire and previous hostage swaps
Incredibly strong economy
Low unemployment
Handled soaring inflation, which was a worldwide response to markets opening up as Covid wained. The US was the world leader in handling and reversing inflation.
GDP growth was high
ERA finally got signed
Gas production at an all time high

I'm not making any of this up btw. It's not my opinion. It's what happened. Watch the personal attacks happen right away because that's the only defense to the truth.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Pfuzylogic Where's your accomplished president fuzzy.
Where is he and why. Why isn't he getting another term? FYI his failing brain isn't a good excuse.
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TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Considering he inherited the worst pandemic in over a century, a decades long war in Afghanistan, historic levels of civil unrest, wide-spread distrust in American institutions, and the largest ever single-term increase in the national debt, he came into office behind the proverbial 8-ball

I believe he had the best intentions, but he definitely fell short of accomplishing everything he needed to and bungled things he shouldn't have. If nothing else, I'd argue that he at least helped to restore a sense of normalcy to American politics after 4 years of Trump's buffoonery

Unfortunately his legacy is going to be tarnished by his age and high inflation, even though America out-performed most of the developed world in post-pandemic economic recovery. Looking at stats like GDP growth, wages, and unemployment, Biden should be hailed for having a strong economy, but for most people, "the economy" just means gas and groceries.

Overall, I'd say 5/10. Glad I voted for him, but I would've preferred someone else. I still have every reason to believe he was a far better choice his opponent.
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955 America is Not in charge of the world!
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Secretsmile No but it certainly thinks it is and acts accordingly.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Secretsmile And nobody is in charge of America.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Very good. Biden acted on the issues most important to me: ending the Afghanistan occupation fiasco, environmental protection, support for labor, climate change, infrastructure, record low unemployment, campaign finance reform (the DISCLOSE Act).
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Maybe a C+ He started out pretty strong with good foreign policy and tried to push for solid domestic policy. Things were really getting back on the rails. Then Hamas attacked Israel, and Israel responded the way it usually does with disproportionate force. And that basically hosed his foreign policy score. His domestic score was hindered by Manchin and Sinema not supporting his big legislative agendas.

He did get things moving in the right direction, even if not everyone felt it yet.

Most of the credit goes to his administration. He really was too old to do much himself. But he had the experience to put good people in place and get out of their way. His FTC picks were amazing. We need an FTC willing to block mergers and acquisitions by these major corps. His was the first to do so in any meaningful way since I've been old enough to vote.

He just lost so many points from fumbling the middle east.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
He did well from the perspective of our enemies, and he flooded our country with criminals.

On the benedict arnold/white rage milley scale A+.

He encouraged law breakers, increased the flow of drugs to our youth and increased human trafficking.

He sold secrets and gave taxpayer money to foreign governments without any accountability.

He encouraged a decrease in law enforcement and flooded the workforce with unqualified idiots.

He decreased respect from foreign nations by not having a backbone.

When the curtain came down he preemptively pardoned everyone who carried any water for him. He commuted sentences of murderers and rapists in his final days.

He put himself on display as an extreme case of elder abuse.

He signed legislation he had no memory of.

If he wasn't competent to be tried for his crimes, he wasn't competent to be president. None of his pardons should be valid, and preemptive pardons should be illegal.

Any member of congress who accepts a pardon, by definition is guilty of a crime, and should be removed, fined, and stripped of their security clearance, pension, healthcare and protection.

Biden/harris are an international disgrace.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@Darksideinthenight2 you sure need a reality check
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Darksideinthenight2 trump has been sworn in for 5 days. I realize you worship him like a god but he gets a lot of time to reverse the damage done by schitzenpantz.
Economically, Biden did very well with what he inherited.

For the first time in literally GENERATIONS, real wages are growing for the lower quintile of US workers. And they're growing FASTER under Biden than they did under Obama or Trump. For the first time in GENERATIONS, the lower half of workers are sharing in our economic growth!

There are more than 5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION) more people employed now than during the peak under Trump. Just read the graph.

And the number unemployed is historically low!

Inflation? The pandemic deflation was followed by worldwide inflation; that is now gone.
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Pfuzylogic · M
So glad he came into office and cleaned up the mess the previous President left us in. We had just became the country with the worst casualties and Joe turned us around and made the U.S. the country with the strongest economy! THAT is what I like to see our country leading in.
Watch the egg prices soar now that * is back in office. He terminated our relationship with WHO with the current Bird Flu active,
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Best U.S. president of my lifetime.

Considering the difficulties he faced: B+
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
O.K. This is weird.

I like @hippyjoe1955. And I certainly wouldn't flag his remarks and I'm confident he wouldn't flag mine.

We don't always agree, but other than light teasing I've always found that we get along and I enjoy our banter, even more when we find common ground.

That is why this notation from SW is troubling:

This conversation has been flagged for potentially containing hostile language, insults, or attacks. If this is the case, we strongly recommend refraining from adding a reply. Instead of replying, consider blocking the user from contacting you. You can also use the "Report Abuse" button on the user's message or report the matter to local authorities if necessary. Please note that engaging in an argument may result in account penalties for all users involved, including yourself, if you contribute to the argument.

I suspect someone doesn't like either of us (or maybe it's just the silly SW auto bot).

But I did block someone a week ago for an ever increasing amount of personal insults directed at me. And I wonder if that person is going around flagging my comments with an alt account.

As debates go, the above one is pretty tame.
isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
AbbeyRhode · F
THAT was not a Presidency. It was a seizure of power by a corrupt and treasonous regime. A regime that didn't do ONE positive thing for the American people. Instead, it fed the public a steady diet of lies, propaganda, hate and division. It destroyed our energy independence and our economy. It created an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. It alienated our allies while enriching our enemies. And it encouraged and supported the foreign invasion of this country by drug runners, child traffickers, murderers, rapists, thieves and terrorists.
4meAndyou · F
@AbbeyRhode Well said.
YoMomma ·
In terms of sabotaging, degrading and disrespecting the country he did really good.. but i didn't mind him freeing people on trumped up weed charges .. I'm happy for them to be out after all these years
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
All the negativity they tried to pin on Trump, the Biden administration accomplished. But I don't blame Joe because he was a puppet of his party.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
@B2nd2none it only landed on Biden because the incoming president always inherits what the outgoing president did, and with a Republican congress, Biden couldn't get anything done.
Pfuzylogic · M
@B2nd2none @soar2newhighs
I don’t remember billionaires at Joe’s inauguration. 🧐
@Pfuzylogic Perhaps you’re aware, but if not, when he was running this last time before the bottom dropped out he went to NYC and got together with wealthy donors. He came away with close to $25 million.
Do you think he mentioned to them about
“Paying their fair share”?
I seriously doubt that.
And no doubt you realize money is the heart and soul of politics regardless of party affiliation.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M

Enough said
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@MarmeeMarch He should have bowed out. That's on him.
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@MarmeeMarch Yup. He still shouldn't have. I blame him for handing the White House to Trump.
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
out to lunch
Reject · 26-30, M
I mean he beat Trump. To this day I get to hear Trump crying about saying it was rigged, so I’m happy with that alone.
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Reject · 26-30, M
@gregloa You’re right. Beating a joke like Trump isn’t something to brag about. Who’s bragging? I’m just happy about it.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
Solely as president as it relates to the US good, not great. I think in the future people will judge him more harshly.
swirlie · F
Joe didn't want to come out of retirement to run for the Presidency anyway, but then he did it as a favor for Obama. Joe didn't do it for the country, he ran for the Presidency for Obama, it's as simple as that.

But then Joe didn't listen to Obama when he was asked to get off the stage 4 years in, which then led to Kamala's failed attempt at a forced Presidency in her last-minute takeover bid as a patriotic favor extended to the Democrats.

Kamala as Joe's VP was no more interested in running for President than Joe Biden was after he'd already retired from the Senate and from politics.

The US government has always been a gong-show as viewed by the rest of us out here in the 'real' free world who do not live in the USA. Where all this went off the rails for the USA in the first place was with Obama NOT having the good sense to NOT ask Joe Biden to come out of retirement and run for the Presidency against Trump in 2016.

It was Barack Obama who caused this American debacle, not Donald Trump, not Joe Biden and certainly not Kamala Harris.
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BigImo · 26-30, F
As someone who has actually studied history, he's genuinely top 10 best presidents in US history
In my opinion, an absolute and total failure.
I believe this was the worst president and administration in history. Complete and total incompetence.
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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@HappyCamper74 1000 percent agree
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Shaveit · 61-69, M
Incomplete… He got nothing done
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
lost in space
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Felina · F
I think those around him should have known better than to set him up for a fall’

Pun not intended 💖
isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
Do you think they may have been using him for their own purposes? @Felina

Not for his accomplishments, which were manifold, but the fact that he always said that he was, and should have remained, a transition president.

He should have said from the start that he would be a one-term president, which would have allowed for a proper primary and passing of the baton. Instead, he was forced out and consequently handed the country to Trump, who will now destroy it.

Jimbo7 · M
3.5 out of 50
Baremine · 70-79, C
He wasn't the best but he wasn't the worst either
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Shaveit Actually,Biden was the 2ND worst President in history -but that's still pretty bad.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Shaveit He did really screw this country up ;believe me,I'm no fan of his.But one President was actually worse,as hard as that is to believe.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
It wasn’t just Biden, it was the whole ideology of the democrat party, NEVER FORGET THAT !!!!!!
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
So much better than the one we have now.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Secretsmile you be a liberal, or illegal immigrant 😝
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
@ididntknow you kiss it buddy. 💋
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@ididntknow no thanks 😝
LLcoolK · 51-55, M
Why am I suspicious when SW asks questions about people's political views? Isn't there enough content on the site to answer this kind of question?
swirlie · F
This is not about me uncool one, this is all about YOU and your inherent fear. Yet you choose to ignore my words in your feeble attempt to deflect attention away from yourself, thereby attempting to hide the fear that you harbor within yourself.

I feel sorry for you because you've been very fearful for your entire life and in that regard, nothing has changed for you.
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FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Lower than Mr. Bean
PatKirby · M

And that's pretty low!
IM5688 · 61-69, M
F minus, (only because there's no grade lower than F minus)
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@IM5688 Well,you can always use the Peppermint Patty curve and go for a Z-......
Everything they thought Trump was Biden was the embodiment of
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Pfuzylogic · M
@SW-User trump couldn’t get legislation passed to save his life.
Everyone knows that my guy Joe Biden got massive amounts of legislation passed whether they were red or blue states.
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
There isn’t a grade low enough to rate it. The worst in the history of our country.
I think Biden did the best he could with what he inherited, including a pandemic and a populace with a large number of people too ignorant and brainwashed by the last (anti-science) administration to even be willing to try and save themselves.

After Trump finishes destroying our country, maybe survivors will realize that re-electing a con man and convicted criminal was probably the biggest mistake since pardoning Nixon. But who knows ? 🥺
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
Politics bores me to tears 😭
Baremine · 70-79, C
He certainly failed big time.
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Baremine · 70-79, C
@Darksideinthenight2 Fact the Biden presidency was a total disaster.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Baremine @Darksideinthenight2 Potentially the worst in United States history. Carter held that position but he wasn't a bitter old man. Biden schitzenpants was a vile ball of lying story telling anger his entire worthless accomplish nothing career.
gregloa · 61-69, M
This guy would have been so much better.
Judge him as a puppet. He was never a president but held that moniker.
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calicuz · 56-60, M
Have Kamala run instead.
Can you rate a puppet or his handler (puppeteer) ?
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ffony · M
History. Move on. No, wait ....
swirlie · F

Thanks Big Joe, for all you've ever done to save America from total ruination!
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Baremine · 70-79, C
@swirlie you have had one to many swirlies in the toilet 🚽
swirlie · F
You know I'm right and you can't stand it anytime I prove you wrong! 😂
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
He got us Trump.

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