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Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself

1. Capitalism is (not) an economic system

What is capitalism? Textbooks will tell you that capitalism is an economic system. In it there is property and free markets.
But this explanation is too short-sighted and only plays into the hands of its representatives. For it ignores how its work goes beyond the economy. Capitalism is a form of society. As such, it builds on non-economic resources and destroys them at the same time. For example, capitalist activity is impossible without an intact environment. Nevertheless, the oil industry, for example, brings exactly that to its limits through short-sighted economic activity. Profit and its increase are above everything.

2. Capitalism destroys care work

Capitalism needs care work because it needs labor. So someone (usually women) has to raise and shepherd children, the labor force of tomorrow. This creates inequality between the sexes. Because only if some (mostly women) take care of the children, the others (more often men) can do wage labor. Wages, however, only exist for a part of this "division of labor."
Meanwhile, capitalism is also plunging this distribution of care work into crisis by pushing everyone into wage labor. In partnerships in which all parties work full time, however, there is often no time for family planning. In the long run, this leads to a society without a population capable of work. (This is needed not only in capitalism, but in every form of society).

3. Capitalism destroys the environment

Climate catastrophe, species extinction, plastic islands in oceans - human offenses against nature are numerous. But examples of good environmental policy are not. This is because politicians often act short-sightedly: measures such as trading emission rights will not be enough to save the environment and our habitat.
The problem lies deeper and is rooted in capitalism. Because under capitalism, corporations treat nature as a freely available commodity - regardless of whether it can then renew itself or not. Just think of the profit-driven deforestation of the rainforests. Successful environmental protection is thus impossible in the long term. If this fails to happen, life on earth and thus life under capitalism will be equally impossible in the long run.

4. Capitalism weakens democracy

Capitalism cannot survive without politics. This is because it is politics that enables capitalist action through a legal framework. Thus, the accumulation of capital only works if the right to property is enshrined and guaranteed by law. At the same time, however, capitalism weakens democracy. It leaves the management of the economy to corporations and does not allow citizens to have a say.
For example, large corporations decide when which product is manufactured and under what conditions. The people are not consulted. Thus, democracy is always limited in capitalism. But it gets even worse: the super-rich want full control and never tire of emphasizing their economic powers. At the same time, they accuse the state of economic incompetence and thus weaken its influence on the economy. Again, capitalism endangers one of its non-economic foundations: the political structure without which capitalist action is impossible.

5. Pure economic socialism is not the solution.

Socialism is back. Embodied by people like Bernie Sanders, it is increasingly in the public eye today. Good thing. But there are a few things to keep in mind for this comeback to be sustainable: just like capitalism, its alternative must be a form of society. Focusing solely on economic issues is not enough.
It needs a socialism that has a different relationship to non-economic resources than capitalism. Human welfare, conservation and political stability must not be subordinated to economics. They must be given the highest priority. Otherwise, socialism too becomes an omnivore, devouring its foundations.
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
To my mind, capitalism is not the problem. Ideas by thenselves rarely are. The problem is ideologically-blinkered capitalists who reduce society to ridiculous simplicity and cloak their selfish and destructive activities with righteousness and a thin veneer of intellectual respectability.

Capitalism used to be popular, now it has poisoned its own social roots. The future is socialist tinged.
Spotpot · 46-50, M
@SunshineGirl I agree ever since Reagan capitalism in the US has degenerated.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
No one alive knows what a capitalist society is, aside from a handful of indigenous tribes isolated from the modern world. That truly reap what they sow.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
The federal reserve/central bank has turned wall st. into a federal institution. The free market died with WW1 the league of nations/U.N.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@Gloomy everyones 401k has lost over 60% since Joe Biden. It is Socialism, basically communism that the USA lives under. To call capitalism the evil is hilarious.
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Richard65 · M
After Capitalism failed in 2008, plunging the west into an economic catastrophe, the banks were taken into public ownership and vast amounts of public money were pumped into the economy to bail out corporate greed. Capitalism survived because we privatise the profits but socialise the debt. In the UK, poor wages across the board were routinely subsidised by tax credits paid by the government, effectively meaning public money propped up private companies and corporations which weren't paying their employees enough to actually live on.
JSul3 · 70-79
Capitalism without rules and regulations is a danger to those not sitting at the top.

We have seen the removal of the safeguards and protections, resulting in environmental, social, and economic consequences.
Do you have a job?
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBabe What is it? Trolling on SW?🤣
@ron122 Nah, I do that for free.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBabe I respect your honesty.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The pragmatic reality is that you need a little of both, which is what social democracies try to provide. The weakness of outright socialism and/or communism is the reduced incentives for everyone to pull their fair share or strive to innovate, improve without some existential motivation. Capitalism provides those incentives but winds up being self-destructive and dysfunctional because it ignores the needs of many and the environment for the few and greedy if unchecked by regulation. Both approaches lead to dictatorships, either fascism through those that the richest capitalists can control or Communists with a capital C through alpha dogs that can impose the system on all. Hybrid social democracies try to avoid the pitfalls of both while harnessing the good parts of each.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Capitalism leverages human nature. It works because it favours how humans behaves. No system is perfect, but no other system offers so much opportunity to realize human potential. Don't be so afraid to get out there and confront your competition. Your fear is dripping from your every word.
Capitalism is the system that works just needs tweaking- better welfare net, higher living wage, union representation for private workers, lowing the gender pay gap and finally realising that housing is a human right and maybe redefining housing all together.

Get that sorted and we'll have the perfect system!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic I agree. That's a thing we need to address. It's one thing when small businesses have to do that in order to survive an increase in the minimum wage, but a big box store like Walmart shouldn't be allowed to do that.
JSul3 · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic They are allowed to do it because they can. There is no law against price gouging.
Simply check out the corporations that made huge profits during the pandemic.....and they still are.
@JSul3 Yup.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
My grand analysis of recent history is that we are (the West) in a slow death spiral between fascism and neoliberalism, with aspects of the former gaining ascendency and the latter (with periodic mild resistance) co-adapting to it more and more.
Spotpot · 46-50, M
@Burnley123 Well you need to adapt otherwise you are out of the game like labour in the UK been for more than a decade now.
originnone · 61-69, M
Really a giant pyramid scheme. The whole premise is that you always need more people for it to work. It's not a self sustaining system,....which is one reason I support finding something else that works better in today's world. I don't think that's socialism or communism either really, unless they are well regulated and have sufficient checks and balances.....

I will say that I don't agree with all those items above. It isn't capitalism that destroys the environment. It's poor regulation.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Thanks for the post.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Capitalism is not central consolidated control.

If you want to know how central control of an economy fails, just take a good look at how the Soviet system collapsed.

You blame their competition. Okay. Obviously their competition is superior.

*Drops mic*
Gloomy · F
@SteelHands Capitalism breeds monopolies, class division and a bourgeoisie that exploits people and nature.
Also the Soviet Union is hardly the only socialist system and hardly the only heterodox economic theory
Castenmas · M
You’re not casually gloomy, are you?
The inequality we see, the war in Ukraine, the ecosystem meltdown - no accident. Capitalism always concentrates the power without strong popular control.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
i have trouble saying this to my socialist friends but I support the revolution yet am a small business owner.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Capitalism is a tool. Like any tool, it has its time and purpose. Even Marx and Engles considered Capitalism to be a necessary phase in preparing a nation for communism.

Capitalism is but a tool. I happen to believe it is time to start reaching for the next tool. The largest problem of capitalism is not that people disagree about when it is time to move to the next tool, it is that some people have bought into the myth that it is the only tool that can work.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Capitalism is self destruction.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Peaceandnamaste Unregulated capitalism, without rules and regulations, certainly is.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Socialism is communism without guns where everyone is equally poor
@Patriot96 democracy in the economic system is socialism. You need billionaires to run you. You're not really ready to be a country, yet. Just the workforce of theirs.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
That's the problem when discussing the problems of capitalism. People assume you want to try pure socialism instead.

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