In areas where police resources are slim and police response times are ridiculously slow, you might need one. It could be the difference between living and dying. I have a friend right now who is going through a messy split with her husband and he is abusive and mentally ill. She has a restraining order against him. But, a restraining order is just a piece of paper. There are many women in these types of situations. And the right to bear arms provides security to them when the police cant get there fast enough.
@HoraceGreenley Got a link?? My Harvard gun study says the opposite.
* Guns are not used millions of times each year in self-defense * Most purported self-defense gun uses are gun uses in escalating arguments, and are both socially undesirable and illegal * Firearms are used far more often to intimidate than in self-defense * Criminals who are shot are typically the victims of crime
I'm an old soldier (Vietnam vet) that seeks out the homeless to bring them food, water, and other necessities. I've had a concealed carry pistol permit for many years and because some of the homeless have been through our legal system after committing misdemeanors and/or felonies I am always armed wherever it is lawful to do so. I've only had to present my pistol once after two homeless men tried to hijack my car while bringing them provisions. I held them at bay until the police arrived to arrest them both. Body language and eye contact or lack thereof speak volumes. So yes, of course I support the 2nd amendment.
I just want to say that there are many options between "allow all guns" and "ban all guns."
I support the 2nd Amendment; I also support requiring gun licensing, gun permits, gun registration in an electronic database, and a limit of 10 rounds on magazine sizes.
They are basically completely unnecessary, people just have them because of small penis problems or because everyone else has them....but usually small penis problems.
The government really ought to go and collect every gun from every citizen in America who isnt police or military like all the other modern first world countries in the world.
I can dismantle literally every single point gun nuts make. I have never heard a single pro gun point anyone has made that I am not able to easily dismantle.
They are to protect against tyranny? How are you going to shoot down a F16 flying at 20,000 ft? Criminals don't follow laws? Well then why have laws at all? It's in the constitution? Amend it. What about hunting? Security is more important than your fucking hobbies. Freedoms? You aren't free, that is why you pay taxes.
Also I say this as someone in the defense industry as an engineer, a military veteran, and who used to work for a firearms company.
We need to be giving the police teeth, not any stupid walmart dumb ass.
I'm very pro. I just heard of what Hamas did and all I could think of was that if all those women were armed, a bullet would have ended that. But that's also placing it on the victim's responsibility and I don't think that's right.
I'm generally just saying that's why I'm very pro gun. I feel like if anyone is in that situation then that's dire and they need to do anything to get out of it 🔫
I feel like personally, women can be more violent in times we need it.
I have a few, but they are locked up and hidden away except for one. At this point they are pieces of my family’s past and sentimental objects. I’ve never needed to pull one out or use it in an emergency. I don’t fear the real world enough to need them, but I have them.
my Unkel gave me a 22 rifle when I was 10 years old, taught me how to shoot and hunt,,and all the safety thing , as a kid food was short to cume by,,that was 71 yeas ago,
kids need to learn how to use a fire arms.. also be tough the safety of owning one
I do not need a gun for any genuine, professional purpose (I am not a farmer or gamekeeper.)
I am not interested in sports shooting (legitimate game, or artificial targets); nor in collecting antique firearms.
There is no other reason for ordinary citizens, like me, to arm themselves, but I can understand lax gun ownership and common murders by shooting can lead to widespread ownership by mutual fear.
I have never owned and never wanted to own, any guns.
One or two farmers apart, a former work colleague who enjoyed clay-pigeon shooting and a friend who owned three or four antiques, I never have known any gun owners, either.
I have guns, and went through some of the same simulations that cops go through when I went for my cert. That was really eye opening regarding the split second decisions that have to be made. It was amazing how fast a dude standing with a crowbar can suddenly close in on you, how much adrenaline kicks in, resulting in my first shot about 3 feet above his head. The scariest was the active shooter in an office building.
I don’t own guns personally but I believe sensible rational people have the right to own them. We need much stricter background checks and tighter registration laws. If you’re a gun owner you shouldn’t see registration as “They want to take my guns away” but rather see it as “They now know that these 3-4 weapons are secured in the hands of a responsible owner.”
Pro hunting rifle/self defense pistol, anti assault rifle. I feel society should have far more community outreach/programs with a mission to prevent gun violence. I think there should be free public mental health services for everyone.
@Starcrossed there is no such thing as an assault rifle. It’s a tactical weapon. AR does NOT mean assault rifle, it means Armalite rifle Calling it an assault rifle is like calling a car an assault car because somebody ran over somebody else with it. These same firearms arms are for sale in other countries. Countries that prohibit firearm ownership are the same countries where people live in poverty. When you take away the ability to protect yourself, you leave behind nothing but victims.
I do not need one. I suggest people do not have them unless they are trained how to use them. Do you really need to carry one on you and with you? Think carefully. I am a Canadian. I do not have a gun culture. Nor do I want one.
@XDHyperGirlXD1 if you remember correctly in try Dundee style I knocked him out with a 16 oz can of baked beans I took from your shopping trolley... Not a bad toss either at 47 yards
@dale74 Exactly, I was watching an old US Marines pistol training course video that was recorded shortly after the adoption of the Beretta M9 9mm in 1985. One commenter said that he was a Range Safety Officer in the Corps around the time of the transition from the 1911A1 .45ACP pistol to the M9, he said that it went from barely a handful of recruits qualifying for pistol to nearly every recruit qualifying.
Left leaning gun owner here. I've got a .45 and a 9mm. My reasons are for self protection. When I lived in rural NH it was a necessity to protect my animals and mylf. Now I have them to protect myself from rw nuts and from bigot trash who want to kill gays for fun. Everyone should have to take training' be certified and licensed to purchase and own a firearm.
Everytime I'm in the USA, I feel like I need a gun. The way the USA is going, I think a gun is necessary but there should be more background and mental checks before owing a gun.
@goodlil666 I'm undereducated about firearms? You don't even know how to read.
I'm a US Army Veteran and mechanical engineer who designed machines that manufacture bullets. I stated this already but you're illiterate.
Firearms are to defend against tyranny? I also already addressed this. But you can't read for shit.
I can demolish literally any argument about why citizens should have firearms.
You probably read the first line and then lost your mind because you felt threatened that the government should take away your surrogate penis, as they should.
Illiterate people not in control of their emotions are more likely to shoot other people in a road rage than do anything productive with firearms.
@goodlil666 good luck stopping the US Army with an AR-15....they can crush the entire country if they were given the right orders. I should know. I was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division.