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It's so sad to see the sheer frothing at the mouth, vicious hatred that some Trump supporters seem to have for the left.

They believe the lies Trump has told them and the lies they've told each other and now they genuinely see about 50% of their fellow Americans as enemies of democracy and the United States.
They hate, hate hate the other side and believe them to be actually evil and actively interested in destroying the country.

It's so sad to see how this one manipulative, narcissistic dumpster fire of a human being has managed with his "fake news" and cries of conspiracy to so deeply divide the American people.
And the kicker? Trump does not
Shit about any of it or any of you.
Trump cares about Trump and he has shown willingness to tear America apart for the sake of his own bloated ego.

Win or lose in 2024, i think this crisis of division will be Trump's only real legacy to the USA.
Fairydust · F
Bidens no better lol 😂 🤦🏼‍♀️

Sure. I also shout OMFG when i'm calm.
Next time you enter one of my threads try not to lose your shit and start hurling insults when you get called on your intellectual dishonesty.

Until then you're not worth my time.
pdockal · 56-60, M
@Fairydust yes they are gone and is fun working them up
pdockal · 56-60, M
@Pikachu then don't reply
If i lost my shit my response would be totally different
You never proved anything except that your incompetent to others who agree with me
BlueVeins · 22-25
Honestly I don't really mind that about Republicans. I mean, I fully believe that the Republican leadership either wants to destroy everything good about american or doesn't mind it as a cost. They do seem kinda evil, to be quite frank, and they are enemies of democracy. So in a way, it's a little comforting that the Republicans feel that way about me as well. I guess the only difference is that I'm right and they're wrong.

Well i'm sad to see the toxic right balanced by the toxic left.
Graylight · 51-55, F
They use labels they don't understand.
They repeat narratives they were fed that morning.
They mount empty and inexplicable defenses to obvious truth.
They cannot distinguish between opinion and fact.
They can't distinguish between JAMA and YouTube.
They must know alchemy because a lifetime of mediocre school talent suddenly results in learned and distinguished expert analysts in any given field.
And then challenged, they all scurry away from the light of truth.

The only contempt they should hold is against themselves for allowing the conditions to deteriorate so badly.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@redredred Fake elector committing the crime of impersonation caught on tape, identified and confronted. If not to sway the election, then why?

There was a circus mounted making a mockery of our justice systems in trying to pander to an ever-shrinking base.

Feeling are not facts and saying it doesn't make it so. What's so uncomfortable for everyone is how embarrassing your myopia is.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred You were younger during the Trump years too Red. Maybe you should add it to the list. I would place "Being younger?" in between:

"Middle East Peace?" and "Strong American Economy?" 😅

ROFL at "Middle East Peace?" btw. 🤣
That's what you get when you are so f*cking dumb that you take memes at face value and parrot them around.
summersmiles · 51-55, F
I'm really tired of all this hate.
It's exhausting.
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Fairydust · F
That’s Rich coming from you lol 🤡

Don't take cheap pot shots, dear. If you have something to say then say it😉
pdockal · 56-60, M
Really ?????
Weren't gas prices at all time lows
Wasn't the stock market at record highs
Weren't taxes lower
I could state more but why bother

I'm not in any cult

Scientologists say the same thing...but they're also trained not to expose themselves to any source which might be critical of or contradictory to the beliefs they already hold...
...didn't you do that very thing earlier?
pdockal · 56-60, M
So now we're talking about scientology ?????
Why do i even bother
It's exhausting

So now we're talking about scientology

Nope. We're talking about the same thing we were earlier. I was just pointing out that the cultish, information insulating behaviour of the Scientologist is the very same behaviour you exhibited when you refused to even read information which you labeled propaganda without so much as seeing the text.
That's dangerous behaviour. That's a path to radicalization.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Agree, but it began well before Trump. I think Murdoch started to push the media beyond even pretence of fair-mindedness towards bias above truth, blame and despise the poor, migrants and minority groups, dog whistling, eventually constant lies. Trump walked onto a stage in flames in his orange suit of skin and found everyone prepared to listen to anything.

True. I don't think Trump started the fire...he just fanned the flames for his own short-sighted purposes.
redredred · M
@Kwek00 I know you gave trouble with facts but Google Abraham Accords. Then pay attention while I school your sissy ass.

Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred Correlation and causation are just tthings that go over your head. Why do you even try when you are unable to make a coherent point?
Elessar · 26-30, M
Torsten · 36-40, M
funny how people see the opposite political side to be that way.
I am like a broken record with this, but you're all the same.
Incredibly hateful bitter people who blindly glorify politicians and hate others for doing the exact same thing.
Its one of the most childish things I have seen.

Here's the big difference, Torsten: You have not described a voting block or even a group of people with a centralized loyalty or affiliation.
You have attempted to deploy "the left" as an umbrella term under which you can place any bad behaviour by anyone who is not conservative.
Pure sophistry.
We're talking about an organized, mobilized cult devoted to one man and willing to do violence in his name.
You can't pretend that, that is something happening on both sides of the isle.
I understand and agree that people both left and right are guilty of bad behaviour...but that's not what we're talking about here. You have used your standard response without stopping to think if it's appropriate and it is not appropriate here.

So sorry, shove it up your butt🤷‍♀️
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Pikachu yes there are people obsessed with Trump on the right who are guilty of idiotic bad behavior and there are people on the left who are obsessed with Trump who are guilty of idiotic bad behavior.
I dont expect you to see that though because yall only see what you want and based on your threads I have seen from you, You're pretty infatuated with demonizing trump supporters.

You keep talking about shoving things up my butt. Can you please keep your fantasies to yourself. thank you

there are people on the left who are obsessed with Trump who are guilty of idiotic bad behavior. I dont expect you to see that though

lol i literally acknowledged that fact in my last post....
But of course at this point you've stopped paying attention to what i'm actually saying and are now fighting for your own ego as demonstrated so juvenilely by your clumsy buttsex reference*.

Not interested, Torsten.
Sorry your one size fits all response didn't work here.

P.s. That is to say your clumsy reference to buttsex, not your reference to clumsy buttsex😜
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@pikachu] it only shows the weakness of humans and how they become easily taken in . these people are beyond brain washed by there messiah and cannot see the trees for the woods..you are correct trump is a dangerous man to have and be around .but you look down history how humans have been sucker punched and it has come back too bite them

Yes this is definitely not a new phenomenon. Trump is just one more in a line of power hungry sociopaths who think of their countrymen as tools for their own ambitions.
When the generation turns over and the cult of Trump wains, his legacy will not be as some here declare "The greatest President of our time" but rather a short-sighted megalomaniac who tore America to pieces for the sake of his own ego.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
Yes it is sad. However, the same could be said for how the left hates Trump supporters.

I think I said enough by saying all you have to do is switch the names.

And while i mean no offense, to be blunt i think that was facile rhetoric.
It seems to me that if real world examples of this mirror image existed then you could have presented them as readily as i did.
I think you don't want to go into detail because you're not confident that you can.

. I care about avoiding a civil war.

Me too.
But i think intellectual honesty is probably a very important part of that effort.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
@LordShadowfire what proof has anyone provided that people who suuport Trump are cultist. It's all just opinion. How the hell could I ever convince the left that they are wrong. I got more important stuff to do, like defrost the oven. Over and out.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Riverman2 I've seen plenty of proof. I'm not saying all people who support him are cultists, but there's a fair number of people who seem to worship him as some kind of god. If you want, I can provide links to articles on the subject, and I can probably find you some video. That's the difference between you and me.

But you've already drawn the conclusion that I'm worthless, so I doubt whether I'll hear from you again today.
redredred · M
I can’t wait for the crushing disaster about to befall the left in November. Your drooler in chief and the swarm in congress are about to be destroyed.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred Crushing freedom? Like...

- Telling gay people that they can't get married?
- Telling transsexual people that they should get kicked out of the army?
- Making sure women in certain states (and preferably the entire nation) can't have an abortion?
- Making sure that poor people don't have access to healthcare?
- Making sure that poor people don't have access to education?
- Actively disenfranchising voters of districts that don't vote republican?

... I guess MAGA socialism is real folks. Oh wait... it ain't, it's just conservatives making sure that they can do what they want at the cost of people that they don't consider part of the team or just "lazy"(, because that's the only way that they can explain poor people considering their ridiculous attitude towards the capitalist system).
redredred · M
@Kwek00 every one of your claims is a lie. Republicans haven’t done any of those things snd we libertarians certainly haven’t.

You lefttards, on the other hand, shut down businesses, schools, churches and other organizations for a flu epidemic. You consistently censor speech and violate second amendment rights. You are the fascists.
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MartinII · 70-79, M
And of some on the left for those on the right also.

I just see more coming from the Trump cult. Not Republicans in general, mind you. Just the people who drank the Kool-Aid.
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
Post of the Month.

Dshhh · M
it alls tarted with REegan
and then the monster Rush Limbaugh.
and all the little copycats.

it is all an only about power

it is all an only about power

Ain't that the truth.
I view all politicians with a certain amount of distrust. I can't imagine deciding one is my saviour to the point where i'd try to overturn an election for them.
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What do you mean?
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Yikes. That's insane.
But i guess these are the people who thought themselves heroes for trying by force to overturn the election results by breaking in to the Capitol and trying to kidnap Nancy Pelosi.
ron122 · 41-45, M
You believe Bidens lies. Do you think Biden gives a shit about you? The guyys a complete joke.

I'm not here to defend Biden.
This thread is about the tragic, hateful division that Trump has sewn amongst the American people and the viciousness with which his devoted following have bought into his propaganda.

There are always going to be political divisions as people value different things...but the visceral hatred that Trump has cultivated in his following for "the other" is heartbreaking.

Don't be a part of it, ron.
Trump has fed them so many lies that they are just a lost cause at this point.

I'm not sure if they're a lost cause but i think as long as Trump is on the scene, fanning the fires of their paranoia and hatred they will be unreachable.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@latinbutterfly @Pikachu I legitimately wish it were possible to influence the present by going back to the past. I'm not saying I would kill Donald, but I would distract the hell out of his parents the night they were supposed to conceive him.
I see it especially from some users on here

Well that's certainly what moved me to post. It's just so demoralizing to see how much some of these people have bought into Trump's destructive narrative.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Sad but true

Sad indeed.
I mean, a little animosity toward the political opposition is nothing new. If you didn't think they were wrong then you'd be on the same side.

But this...
This is madness.
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@LordShadowfire that's a good point

Yes there is absolutely a distinction between the people who voted for Trump and the people who worship Trump.
The former are just people with whom one disagrees politically.
The latter are the kind of people who tried to overturn democracy on January 6th.

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