Who is to blame for the division in the states when it comes to politics?
I know some will say Donald Trump, but it's not as if the U.S was totally united before Trump was president. Did Obama have the country united? Did Bush? and so on?
Rush Limbaugh Before Rush, American politics was an argument over differing philosophy about what works best for America. But Rush came along and started labeling the other side, quite literally, The Enemy. Over and over again he repeated that Democrats hate America and want to destroy it. His message was very successful and soon he had an army of copycats who still proliferate today. Trump is just a byproduct of this. He recognized millions of Americans have been programed to hate the other side and rode the wave.
Obviously there are a lot of names we can throw in here. But no one worked harder to make American hate American like Limbaugh. If there was a 'wink' not enough people realized it. And the result of Rush preaching hate your neighbor? Trump awards him the Congressional Medal of Freedom.
I'm not inclined to defend him, but honestly, as far as the road to what are we doing to try to destroy the human race goes, I'd rank him as a sub-branch.
@MistyCee The good news is, Rush can do no further damage. But he planted some serious seeds, whether it was when he told a black caller to "take the bone out of your nose" or when he called a woman a "slut" for seeking treatment for ovarian cysts (progesterone, also used in some birth control pills). And he helped contribute to the atmosphere among some that consider racism and sexism perfectly okay again, no longer something society should be trying to overcome.
Division has always existed. There are times in history when citizens are more united than others...typically when there is a common foreign enemy. The current enemy of the people of the world are the globalist elites. As long as they can continue to sew division among the citizens of the world, they will remain in control.
Trump came along and exposed the left for how corrupt they are . The Clinton’s were very racist, they had celebrations for the old south and had many friends and mentors who were klansmen. Bush was a moderate Rino.
While Byrd would probably openly despise AOC but quietly ask her to bring him morning 🌮, Biden would sniff her hair from behind and secretly introduce her to the whole enchilada (hot sauce optional).
They all profit from the division, but we're responsible for it.
This is a nation of diverse...everything. Cultures, races, identities, politics, religions, philosophies and ideals. There are abound to be lines of division and different camps aligned along these areas. And that's great, that's where learning and growth happen, not unlike two tectonic plates meeting.
But there's an ancient war tactic so basic and so efficient it's lasted for millennia - divide and conquer. 300 million people are hard to control. But groups of people, if embittered enough, will fight each other as the ones at the top watch. They place their bets, they aid and abet, and last man standing wins. They may offer the wedges that divide us, but it takes all of us to really drive 'em in.
Why do this? With following comes power; with power comes wealth and privilege; with wealth, privilege and power, a person or party becomes invincible. The things we're wrestling in the mud about - abortion, lgbtq, religion - are merely colored flags to those in power. If we fight under a green banner, so-an-so will support green. Were we to change it to yellow, that would suddenly be the best color ever.
It's simple but it works like a charm. Look up The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street one day.
It's really a whole bunch of people. We never really recovered from the civil war, but what brought it to the surface, is modern commerce, and mass media, where we had to interact with each other.
What put the final in the coffin, is a President who led an insurrection on his own Capitol.
Biden has really screwed things up a lot. Trump did a great job on the economy and got a lot done. He did a lot of stupid things as well, but I think the media blew it out of proportion. Obama created a mess. I was mad a Bush so I had hopes for Obama. grrr he did not help things either. Id take back Trump but some one needs to tell him when to shut up. Id love to have him wisper in some ones ear, and they would talk for him. Mr Trump says..........just thinking out loud. Biden must go. We need to be energy independant.
@Confined Yeah, no doubt Trump wasn't presidential, that's for sure. But he seemed to get more stuff done than for example the current guy. The media liked to attack him more based on their agenda. The country seemed to be divided well before Trump
I think it started under Obama. He made anti-law enforcement statements. Also, after those five Dallas officers were murdered in Dallas, he went to a memorial service and lectured the families of the fallen officers. He was the divider-in-chief.
I think it goes way back... Independent states that were joined under a Federation... But still wanted their autonomy in most things... The more perfect union isn't!
Democrats like their power and hold onto it like a vicious rottweiler on crack, foaming at the mouth.
Why? Mega Ultra Billionaires who can make tons of money from the Great Reset and the globalist agenda. Karl Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, (who actively funds radical woke DA's and who hates the United States), and the Rothschilds. They are the mega money that floats the Democrat boat. Dark Money. Money from other countries, carefully disguised. It was Bill Gates et al who actually did a DRY RUN of the pandemic and lockdowns. It was planned in advance.
When Donald Trump came along after 8 years of Obama, the Democrats went into shock. They were convinced that they had all the power in their pocket. Then, suddenly, they didn't. That wasn't supposed to happen!
We are divided BECAUSE the mainstream media, CNN and MSNBC and a few others actually WORK for the Democrats, and do nothing but repeat approved Democrat talking points, which are designed to divide us by race, sex, victimhood, Roe v Wade, Religion or lack thereof, and so on. The Democrats in power today are largely Marxist at heart, no matter what they pretend in public, and the Marxist goal is to divide, weaken and destroy.
@Thinkerbell long time drunks and druggies build up a tolerance. I had a distant cousin who went to college - good student and athlete. But a SERIOUS binge drinker
After one brutally long drunken day Freshman year he just didn't wake up. He didn't asphyxiate on vomit, he literally died from alcohol poisoning
Irony is that if he was a regular ol' ner do well drunk the coroner said he would easily have survived drinking as much as he did
I heard of one binge drinker at college who gulped down one shot after another until he passed out.
Fortunately his friends dragged him to the bathroom and got him to throw up most of the liquor by tickling the back of his throat..
May have save his life...
@Thinkerbell I've turned many people over so they are on their stomach with their heads hanging over when drunk. So when they inevitably puke gravity takes it away
If he puked they kept him from asphyxiating, but hard alcohol will be absorbed almost immediately. He must have had a 3 day hangover.
If you want to get drunk even quicker do what Marilyn Monroe did - take her vodka in an enema
I would say the country hasn't been united Since Bush Sr back in the late 80s. Usually crisis is what brought the country together. WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, Cold War etc etc. Obama created a ton of division in his own right, as did Bush Jr.
Bill Clinton was pretty widely accepted and focused on the economy... until NAFTA...
@ShadowWolf Yep, he didn't get credit for the things he did right. Certainly not presidential and at times didn't behave as a president should. But the guy in charge isn't doing much over there is he
I'm inclined to blame Trump for a lot, but this issue has been with us from the beginning, and adopting a Constitution to form United States only seems to have put a bandaid on the mess we had under the Articles of Confederation.
We sort of moved and adapted the bandaid a little bit after the Civil War, but we kept it more or less intact instead of replacing it, and I think Trump has pretty much more or less just exploited that (as has pretty much everyone else, to be fair).
"...States (or voters really) have always had competing agendas."
...as do the people/politicians of every country in the world.
The difference in the US is that we have had a Constitution that has (so far) prevented any one group from establishing a one-party dictatorship, something very few other major countries can say.
Now im no expert but the biggest division seem to be the fact that the worlds largest democracy has only two choices to vote for... need a bit more competition.... a third or fourth party snapping at the big boys heelsss
Well obviously the Yankees and the Rebels have never come to terms. Self evident really.
if we only stopped blaming everyone else but ourselves, Trump, Obama, God, etc, we would wake up faster. It's us who wanted to be divided therefore accepted the division, nurtured it , multiplied it, fed it with our emotions, anger, hate and negativity. We are where we are right now because of US.
@SW-User so you along with everyone in the USA hates anyone other than yourself or anyone like you? That’s essentially what your saying? Pretty broad and bold statement there! Did you take polls on this? Facts upon facts to support this? Maybe you are guilty of hating on others and can’t come to terms with it? Speak for yourself and not of people you don’t know. There’s your PSA for the day.
@Ravens80 how bout you just breathe .... for the start. Then look inside yourself instead of lashing out on me
Neither Obama nor Bush ran on the campaign of keeping people out of this country. "Us vs. Them". Even with the understanding that we may need to upgrade our immigration laws, making that the face of one ethnicity and referring to them as "rapists” didn’t get us off to a good start—it played into the racism that is still a big part of this country—and made it acceptable again.
It's a snowball effect, but radicals have made it acccelarte . I suppose it's all of us who pick one side above the other and will not listen to any other side but our own,those who ignores facts,(real ones), shelter the bad acts of thier party, and keep pushing unqualified presidential candidates forward
They knew. Even back in 2016 Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, etc; they KNEW how bad Trump is/was [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM]
The people. They let the media play them and don't wanna take responsibility and wake up to the fact that this color nonsense has never affected society except for civil unrest
What all the politicians have in common remains the same 💸
P.S. People really act like voting trumps the ace in the hole (electoral college) and I wonder who associates with and influences them 👀
All I know is division is best blamed on whoever you hate most. Thus ensuring more division.
Obama divided the country. Instead of uniting it while being the first black President he drove a wedge between us and set things in a backwards motion.
What Trump did was to give, no, he encouraged and gave voice to all the wacko's to come out of their hiding places. The division has always been there.