Opposite worlds? PINNEDHey Similar Worlds Let's talk about the Sahara Desert Welcome to the Sahara A place known for aridity and being very unforgiving with regards to open water sources Where all sorts of wild animals spawn And sand enters everything A question... See More » (11)
If you support the women protesting the clothing protocol of Iran PINNEDWhat do you think of the direct opposite happening in white countries? Where the protocol is counter to said country? (Quote) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11307349/Switzerland-proposes-900-fine-covering-face-burqa-ban-law.html (Quote)... See More »
Goodnight y'allMy time is up on SW with this account The nomad moves on. Who knows?? Ya might catch me back here soon Toodles
News Letter on a random SW member:Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it!!! Step right up and feast your eyes on the latest news about SOMEONE THAT WANTS NOBODY TO KNOW ABOUT HIM but still LIVES EVERYONE AT THE SAME TIME What a PARADOX this one lives, aye? News headline 1: A new rumor?... See More »
Let's say you come across a dude Poll (2) See Poll OptionsAnd this dude had a rock And this rock, he picked it up from a trail And the trail was built by a man named Nuno And Nuno used a machine built by... See More »
I hope Palestine can one day be freeThis fighting is a parallel to Ukrainian resistance against Russia It just sucks that most of us live in places that actually LOVE what Russia does. Just not Russia.... What's sadder is that people know it . They're just still tryna show their... See More »
Since everyone is posting music out here Poll (1) See Poll OptionsLet me get y'all hip to some real stuff. Rate this m8 Latest is as per request (4)
I have an idea@Andrew @Nuno @SW-Admin How about you guys make a default language per account. It seems like a simple feature to auto translate everything into English and have a simple language detection. Or, you can ask users for their default language, maybe.... See More »
Some concepts in one of the video games I play seem rather counter to my moralsAnd downright ridiculous Mans went to war to collect playboy magazines ._. Something about this component of the main character's struggle just doesn't add up right
THURSDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Poll (2) See Poll OptionsThe day before the best day of the week! What plans do you have for Thursday?
Testing, testing, testing. Did this post reach any humans that are on SW that actually respond and aren't dead inside?Testing?
Where do you think the old outlaws went?The gunslinger robbers and bandits of the past who would take guns and overpower the weak for money. Have they simply disappeared? And their progeny abandoned the practice? No newcomers? Whaddya think?
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