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Someone suggest a good horror movie

Im gonna kms
Alien, followed by Aliens
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@GohantheThird dont forget aliens vs predator
@MartinTheFirst bro, those movies kinda suck...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@GohantheThird you just dont get it, dont call me bro 👄
spjennifer · 56-60, T
The Exorcist
The Birds
Rosemary's Baby
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@spjennifer Ooh, going for the classics.🖤
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@LordShadowfire Yeah, they were somewhat more about the psychological scares along with the horror! 😫
Byron8by7 · M
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
TrashCat · M
@Byron8by7 My choices as well. Amazing film!
Byron8by7 · M
@TrashCat I have been fortunate to see it in a theater on two occasions, years ago, as well as on TV - HBO / Cinemax - in the '90s.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@beetlebumdont] 😆four years of trump
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@smiler2012 2 years biden much worse
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@TxOutlawTyler classic
The Black Phone......horror/psychological
@beetlebumdont ah, I see now......Alien, Predator and such...
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@SW-User event horizon and sunshine
@beetlebumdont heard of them.....but never have seen those.....I may give them a try.....thank you
MasterLee · 56-60, M
The omen is a good romcom
calicuz · 56-60, M
"Saw," but only the first one.
I saw the first 5. I lost interest after he died. @calicuz
calicuz · 56-60, M

The first one was great, with an outstanding ending. Second one was good for a sequel, but by the 3rd, the story got weak. I thought anyway. 🤷‍♂️
The first one was good. @calicuz
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Interview With The Vampire
I liked The Conjuring, The VVitch and Get Out. They're what i call good, not imo the best, just good.
I'm not much for horror movies, but I liked cabin in the woods.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@stound horror comedy, loved it
@beetlebumdont and it also tried to have a brain, not just splatter gore and stuff jumping out at you.
Saucylover · 26-30, F
The Night House
The Witch
Suspiria (the old and new one are both good)
Hansel and Gretel (the recent one)
Archive 81 (super scary Netflix series)
Also try out the Netflix Trilogy Fear Street.
Saucylover · 26-30, F
@beetlebumdont I’m glad that you liked it!! I’ll think on it, and if I can think of something similar, I’ll let you know.
Saucylover · 26-30, F
@beetlebumdont Have you seen Midnight Mass? I liked that one a lot. I binged it in one day. It’s a horror series on Netflix as well. Also, if you like American Horror Story, they have an anthology spin off series on Hulu called American Horror Stories. It’s two seasons and every episode has a different story/premise. Season one was better than season two in my opinion, but both are worth the watch.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@Saucylover i loooove ahs, didnt know that noice. Ill def watch both, thank you!
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
The new jeepers creepers is on Hulu
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@TrashCat I thought the second movie was the worst
TrashCat · M
@smileylovesgaming Anything after the original was awful imho
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@TrashCat the 3rd was pretty good
MasterLee · 56-60, M
huskyguy89 · 31-35, M
The one I think of I can't say is good simply cuz I have not SEEN it...however I'm curious about Jacob's Ladder. Sposed to have inspired alot of Silent Hill stuff. So that already has me curious. Uhh let's see..Exorcist is always a great one, I love Hellraiser (cheesey or no) hmm.. Silent Hill I found a decent movie.. If you want dark and like spooky. Anything Japanese horror.. Idk what it is about jhorror but DAMN the Japanese know scary
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@huskyguy89 i love silent hill, wish there was more.. seen the gameplays too. Heard about jacobs ladder but forgot about it so ill watch
Amylynne · 26-30, F
I liked all the black mirror stuff
but idiocracy is the scariest movie for me
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@Amylynne i wish there was another season
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@beetlebumdont yeah there might be the closest thing to the original Outer limits.. actually scary and weird
helenS · 36-40, F
"The Golem: How He Came into the World", early German expressionism (1920).
That thing is really scary.
wackidywack · 22-25
Event horizon
TrashCat · M
@wackidywack Wow! Great choice. It would be amazing if they could find the lost footage cut from the film and restore it. 👍
wackidywack · 22-25
@TrashCat literally my favourite
TrashCat · M
@wackidywack Yeah. It rates high for me
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@SarithBorn saw all of those
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@beetlebumdont Watch it again.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Them [1948]
Eating Raoul
TrashCat · M
Sorry for posting twice. How can I forget one of my faves. There are so many out there, but...
In The Mouth Of Madness
This is a damn fine film
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@TrashCat Absolute masterpiece. Total self-insert of Stephen King, but it works.
helenS · 36-40, F
@TrashCat Lovecraftian horror!
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
I just watched the menu last night.. And it does horror right though it’s more akin to a thriller movie which is probably why..
@AuRevoir he cut her ass off
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@Quoththeraven that was fresh
MasterLee · 56-60, M
TrashCat · M
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 1974
Martyrs - 2015 French version
House of 1000 Corpses
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@TrashCat martyrs might be the most disturbing, cannibal holocaust too maybe
TrashCat · M
@beetlebumdont True. but Martyrs is an amazing, well done film. I agree, it's not for everyone
Another good movie.. "The Descent"
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@TrashCat liked all 3 parts just wished a specific person survived...
Amylynne · 26-30, F
there is another. not a jump up and go Boo moive
not at all
Don't Look Up
do give it a look
it is about us, and the world we live in now
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Either The Last House on the Left or A classic....The Shining
TrashCat · M
@Nevertooold The first LHOTL only 👍
Wol62 · 51-55, M
The Fog (1980) version, essentially a very silly horror movie but a lot of fun.
Similar Worlds- story of a website
It will scare the hell out of you
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@ExperienceDLT not scare just annoy
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
How about maneater. Got to love a good shark movie
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@smileylovesgaming ill try, but i was thinking more like sth in woods idk
Banksy83 · 36-40, M
Tower of Evil or Horror on Snape Island.
I thought "30 Days Of Night" was pretty good.
I surprisingly really enjoyed Freddy vs. Jason.
minxy · 46-50, F
Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@minxy funny af
@minxy omg Katrina Bowden blew my mind in that flick. It was hilarious too.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
The Hills Have Eyes or 68 Kill
TexChik · F
The Grudge. Creepy scary!
Thriller-- Signs
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@SethGreene531 that was a good one
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Hereditary. A quiet place
Djofull · 46-50, M
The Dabbe series
Amityville is my go to
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Yellow brick road.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@ImRileyTheDog if only there was sth similar
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
The Shining
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
What type of horror are you into?
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Cosmic- The Color From Out of Space
Psychological- A Wounded Fawn
Mystery- Autopsy of Jane Doe

I don't watch Found Footage or recent zombie movies so can't help you there.
TrashCat · M
@beetlebumdont if you are into found footage,try: The Taking Of Debra Logan
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@TrashCat saw it
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I just watched The Menu and it was good. It's more thriller than horror though, but it has a lot of suspense.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst will it make me hungry
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@beetlebumdont quite the opposite, it'll make you question how much importance you put on food
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst already questioning it lol
btchstfu · F
i dont have a good one in mind but that doesnt mean u should kys

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