I have a terrible cough 😫A headache and shivers ,runny nose and the doctors have no appointments for 10 days 😪
Radio StationsWhich is your favourite ,at home or travelling, I have an app that can get most anywhere in the world. Exact name and location be gratefully appreciated
I HOPE you are all ashamed for voting againstHard times Sunak ,I.might send him a fully loaded firestick as a consolation, that poor man.
Apart from lashings of Ginger BeerWhat else makes for a great picnic in the grounds of your local haunted Castle
Do you think you would have prosperedIf you had lived in the Holy times of mary and Joseph and the old washer woman who saved baby Jesus from the bullrushes
Would Donald Trump make a "good: baddieIn a Batman TV series With Biden making a cameo appearances as the riddler