@SW-User 👏 👏 👏 You're better than most. Better than me in that. Commendable. #STRONG
@Umile I'm not better. You're not worse. It's about understanding things from different perspectives. My perspective is a spiritual one. (Not religious). I see these experiences as my learning for growth and people as catalysts. It stops becoming personal and I work on myself.
Forgiving is not my goal but I do forgive when I am able to understand. When you forgive a child you also try to explain to them why they misbehaved. This implies a meeting between the aggrieved party and the abuser, which is not always possible. Forgiving every foul deed makes no sense, we should make sure the crime is not repeated.
I'm not sure I agree with that quote. I think forgiveness is earned. Love has nothing to do with it. I'm not going to forget. If protecting myself from future problems with someone means I lack humility, then so be it.
@RunTheJulz I can feel you on that. 🤗 But. I must say. You are the root of it all. You are the captain of your own Life. You have to be kind to yourself. Can't sweat the small stuff.
I agree with Mother Theresa. Humility allows one to see the whole picture. Forgiveness doesn’t ensure the person stays in your life, but the process leads to greater understanding and growth - not to mention freedom, for as long as one holds a grudge it has power over them.
To be able to forgive means that they sincerely have reached a point where they regret their previous doings. To forget barely means to be able to move on for yourself, without having to give them any further thoughts.
Yeah, some things are easier to forgive than others of course, but nobody is perfect, so it’s important to live and learn. If you can’t forgive, you’ll struggle to hold onto anyone.
Some things i can but not all.. I forgave my stepfather for his reign of terror over us.. Ive forgiven a friend but its never been the same as it was. The early trauma i can't forgive but for my own sanity I've gotten over it.
@SW-User Forgiving, to me, means to be able to go forward without anger at the person. Even when I can do that, depending on what was done, of course, I am on guard. I don’t give people multiple opportunities to hurt me.
I have forgiven, but I do not forget and i never give the betrayer another chance they stay out casted in the you were forgiven but never come back zone.
Forgetting is important for you. While forgiving may or may not be important for them.
I believe in forgetting and moving ahead. I don't claim myself to be authorized person to forgive anybody, law of land and/or law of nature(Karma) will take their own decision. What is important for me is forgetting and moving ahead, when you truly forget, you no longer carries the burden of the past.
Yes. As long as we part ways. There's always someone else to start another charade.
Depends on the severity of the transgression. I won't let it get in my way. Example: one of the few people I'd call an "enemy" happens to now be an inspector in town. He's cool with me and I am the same in return, but lots of stuff went down between us a long time ago.