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I wonder why is this still happening

Why do we hide the fact that we are depressed ? If it is an illness that affects every aspect of our lives why is it considered taboo to acknowledge it in public ?
I don't want to make my brokenness who I am. No one can help me but me. Still, it is nice to have an understanding shoulder from time to time.
@nonsensiclesnail I dont think it has to define who you are. You have understanding shoulders here.
@nonsensiclesnail I'll shoulder you from your brokenness, I know my friend, and it's so easy to make her talk about who she loves.
Because we get reactions like, “God helps those who help themselves.” From my niece, young at the time so could only have been influenced by the feelings of my sister and brother in-law.

Happened years ago now, but those words still cut like a knife, serving to pile onto my already intractable beliefs that I am to blame, I am weak, I am lazy, I am not trying hard enough, I am a burden.

And having an intellectual understanding that this is not the case does little to lessen the heartache. Especially since there is so much that is still not understood about depression and the brain itself that people’s perceptions will continue to evolve very slowly. In the meantime, the depressed have to find a way to exist in this world of misperception and lack of knowledge. And sadly, the best way to do that is oftentimes alone and in silence.
elafina · 36-40, F
When I was depressed I wouldn't want to talk to others about it because the moment I was meeting another was finally a moment I could breathe some fresh air. So it was me who didn't want to talk about it. I wouldn't want to have everyone reflecting back to me "oh poor her, she's feeling so terrible" , I was trying to go out...

But indeed I wanted to talk about it at moments.
So I'd say, any kind of illness is an intimate subject. As is a birth sign perhaps or a tattoo. You're not just sharing openly with whomever, you need to feel there's a frame or a certain level of intimacy or relatability... None definitely wants to speak about something close to them and risk not being heard. Or be bypassed..
@elafina I understand, however it is not the same if it deals with physical illnesses. Not being able to get out of bed or being unable to complete minimal tasks of daily life should be something to consider as serious as another disease, however the sufferers don´t disclose it for fear of being labeled and other people don´t know how to deal with the situation for lack of knowledge and information. It´s very troubling and frustrating.
elafina · 36-40, F
@Underconstruction it is... You're right we don't talk much openly about it.
If I were to be totally honest, I'd say it's contagious and that's something that sets it into a taboo state.
Like AIDS, Hepatitis, Herpes and other diseases, depression is contagious too.

Let's face it and let's be open.

Now, I have said that, I have friends with AIDS, Hepatitis, Herpes and Depression.
Am I immune ? I'm loving my friends.
But knowing for my own depressive tendencies, I know I cannot fully take in another with depression.
I know there is a time and after that I need to move, because I am in danger to fall back .

Is this relatable?

Sometimes the opposite can happen, and a person with depression can activate things within me and heal me furthermore...

But if we want to treat it as a disease, then we should stop insisting that is perfectly fine, because it's not. Everyone's life is hard enough to be expected to take loads in of other people's lives.
So when you are having low thoughts, why spend time with someone who is most probably going to get you more down ?

It takes strong and healthy individuals to communicate with depressed people. I was helped by people who were strong in themselves and I don't blame those who were in their weakness and couldn't handle more...

Because what makes a depressed person ? Too much load at some point I believe. And this same depressed person can place a similar load to another person who is nearing depression and drag them down too.
I had way too many depressed friends.
I've lost a friend to suicide and I'm still feeling guilty for not being there.

It's not easy for others either to handle the depressed so let's not pretend any more that it is. It's a big load, many times bigger than physical diseases..
Because if they have to face our ugly tears, they'd have to admit their own.

They'd have to consider not being selfish.

They'd have to be strong enough to care about someone who wasn't giving to them, but instead, needed to be given to.

They'd have to admit that their junk over positivity is a bandaid and face an existential dread they aren't brave enough to face.
elafina · 36-40, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON the more I talk about them, the more honest and clear I'm getting with my narrations. I'll keep on exposing them, to get deeper into my self importance and deeper into my self love...
It's one way to go around it..
@elafina Therapy and journaling can help.

There is no going around it, you have to go through it.
Hey, Churchill said that.. His version is more honest, hence, painful and profound.

To reiterate: I understand what you mean 😊
elafina · 36-40, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON yes I'm aware of that Churchill's quote. I was living by it for years. I prefer to be more gentle nowadays and take the long route around certain things,
protecting my peace.
More carefully choosing my battles. I'm rarely having them.
I prefer to think of myself more as a heart warrior now and centering into softness.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Because some people still consider depression to be either a form of weakness or something that is within our control.

None of us wants to be judged, or told to pull ourselves together, hence we keep quiet about our suffering in a way we wouldn't with a physical disorder.
@AntisocialTroll Right. I agree.
People stupidly associate depression with mental illness. Everyone gets depressed. Everyone. But because of the way the media, our parents, even doctors deal with it and still think that it is caused by drugs and severe mental and physical reasons...they act like they are going to catch it or something. I am depressed most of the time because of severe mental traumas and abuse. i have had no one to talk to or help me deal with it. now i mostly stay alone and don't get so depressed.
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@Underconstruction depression is NOT an illness. it is a by-product. And i didn't say any of these things that you and Really think i said. stop attacking people if you don't understand. This is exactly why you started this thread, right? but it seems you want to just argue with people about it. i have suffered from depression since i was 4. the people i have known in my life are also depressed an abnormal amount of time. it is usually caused by someone else's mental illness.
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I don’t think it is as taboo as it once was, I hear and see a lot of people opening up about it.
@Sojournersoul But would you mention the cause ? That´s the point I am trying to make. If it is the appendix or the flu , people have no problem disclosing it.
@Underconstruction I have no trouble disclosing anything about it but i get your point with most people.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Well in this particular basket case, I have breathtaking communication impairments to live with. Expressing how I actually feel is still a herculean feat. And depression is one stealthy silent killer.
@YMITheWayIM I completely agree. It´s isolating and frustrating.
Ontheroad · M
I think it's because depression and its allied illnesses are little understood by the general public... even by many doctors, and what we don't understand, we fear, reject, belittle, and often ignore or stay away from.
@Ontheroad I absolutely agree.
I've come to consider that life itself is nothing but depressing. Pretending that happiness is easy is insane. Well actually happiness is just moments of oblivion, we need those moments.
Northwest · M
I don't know if it's a taboo. It's also about the group you decide to share with.

If they're not caring enough, or vested in your life (friends, family, concerned colleagues, etc.), that may simply not care enough to be listening to depressing stories.

You also don't want to be invested in these groups, because, well, it's depressing.

When I feel a bout of depression coming, I reach for my true support network.

I wouldn't unload on some new barista :-)
@Northwest Problem is that in most cases friends or family members don´t know how to deal with it and instead challenge you to get better as if it were on purpose or dismiss it as something minor ,not ever close to a physical illness. That´s where the problem is for most sufferers and that´s where they prefer isolation or to deal with it in private as if in shame, with very sad consequences as we all know.
Northwest · M
@Underconstruction Usually family wants you to get better, like today. I did not mean that your go to group should be your family, but you should have your own go to group, and only you know who that person or people are. Everyone else if going to create more anxiety that you don't need.
itsok · 31-35, F
Because some people don’t believe, understand, or want to be around it
@itsok My question is why ?
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
I was diagnosed with depression about 5 years ago. There’s still a stigma that it’s indicative of failure I think. Damaged goods and all that. I still don’t make any admission with job applications, as there’s no doubt in my mind that it would put me in a very poor light and I probably wouldn’t get the job - and furthermore, employers would make up some other reason for not taking me on.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I don’t think it’s taboo to acknowledge it but people probably hide it because it makes some people uncomfortable and not want to be around them
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Underconstruction As you probably know there are a lot of feelings that come with depression and most of them are not good and even self-destructive
@StevetheSleeve I know but I think they can be exacerbated by the stigma they carry. It´s a very frustrating situation for all those who suffer it.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Underconstruction Yes, very much so
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Because sadly, nobody cares how you feel, just what impact your behaviour has on the others. Everyone considers it your problem in the first place and your responsibility to take care of it and get better to be able to be a "functional member of society".

They don't want to hear about your problems. They just tell you to go to a therapist and return when you're okay again.
Ynotisay · M
I think what's happened over the past decade or so is that people who are a little 'down', which happens to most everyone, self-diagnose themselves as having depression. So it loses the weight for those who are clinically depressed which is like 3 or 4 percent of people. There's a difference.
lonely0ghost · 16-17, FNew
because everyone only wants the nice and pretty side of us. i have been suffering for depression for years i just got out of it for 2 years but it feels like i might just be going back again. it feels like i’m trapped here forever and ever
Because we're all so trained that someone is trying to get something over on you or use something against you, id think
TheFragile · 46-50, M
I don't hide it. My friends, family, and colleagues all know about my depression.
@TheFragile Nowadays you can be more open about it to family members or close friends, but it is still something that is not openly mentioned as if it was a sign of weakness or embarrassment. Do you get my point ?
TheFragile · 46-50, M
@Underconstruction I do. It's the stigma.
WillaKissing · 56-60
I have no idea and I hate the old school thinking of "If I admit I am depressed then I am weird a wimp and broken".
Mudkip · 31-35, M
I can't relate, but I think it some people cope with it by hiding it.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
I just don't know who would really understand it.
Its not taboo, its just that some of us deliberately choose to find other things to define us.

I know within myself, there's only so much time a day i try allow myself to dwell on negative stuff .

Beware your thoughts - they become your words .
Beware your words - they become your actions
Beware your actions - thru become your habits
Beware your habits - they become your character
Beware your character - it becomes your destiny.

Lao Tzu
Really · 80-89, M
@OogieBoogie Beware of bombastic declarations 😆
@Really do you mean as in what i just posted or as in making them?

I have, in the last few years, been trying to curb what i spontaneously think and say.

And i truly think there is something to it.
Its not just philosophy, it has a root truth in psychology as well.

I see evidence of it in coworkers older than me: habits of behavior and thinking they cant even see they have.
The blamers
The complainers
The avoiders
The bullies
The wall flowers etc .

Traits we ingrain deeper every time we fall back on them 🤷
It worries me. I wonder what all of mine are .
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@Vestorius It is something that normally wouldn´t happen to people with physical ailments, compassion and understanding is mostly a given , it´s not the same towards those with mental illness, it gets confused with sadness , tiredness, or just plain laziness and that is so cruel and uninformed.
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