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Getting worse and worse

My depression is getting so bad all I want to do is lay in bed and cry. I’m so alone and feel completely unwanted by everyone around me. I’m going to therapy and it’s not really helping and I still feel do empty and alone.
I wish I could feel appreciated and loved
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reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I use to suffer a lot from depressionfrom 15 to 30, I am not really cured because it could come back if I'm not careful, there is a series I things that I do that keep depression away and if I become neglectful and don't do these things it starts coming back. here they are, in order of importance:
- I pay close attention to how much carbs and sugar I eat. I almost never eat pasta, I eat something sweet about once a week, my rice or potato portions around 100-120 g for one meal.
-I exercise almost every day, if I go more than a day or two without exercising I start getting depressed
-I pay attention to being hydrated, if I don't i start getting depressed
-i pay close attention to what thought patterns cause anxiety and helplessness. I think of things i can change and try to make peace with things I can't change. not accepting reality is a fight that cannot be won. my motto is what occupies my mind should be voluntary and useful. I don't HAVE to be thinking of past things that frustrate me. its my mind, I choose carefully how i use it.
- i always have something to look forward to: a trip or an activity or the completion of a project. I call it my carrot. like a hamster in a wheel, if I have a carrot to run towards I can just go non-stop. the moment i've done my thing I was waiting for, I invent another objective. right now I have a ski trip in february and then I'm gonna go spend a month or two in Peru with my GF.
-sleep is important, for this I avoid stressful thinking in the evening because it disrupts the production of melatonin. I also take magnesium regularly, helps tension and sleep.
-P.S: forgot a very important one: meditation. It reminds me of who i am, my true self, everything else is impermanent. (true self--see "Ramana Maharshi", if this isnt clear I can explain it more.)
Hang in there, we all felt alone at some point in life. There’s people out there that you’ll meet one day and they’ll bring a smile to your face. Do little things that bring you joy. Take lots of walks in nature. Watch some good comedies and other shows. Don’t dwell on the depression but learn how to live with it and ignore it. Hope you feel better soon.
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helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User Thank you for your words; I was hesitant about posting my comment, because talking about something I've never experienced myself may seem to be a bit smart-assed. Thank you again. 🌷
@helenS I don't feel you were, but I only speak for myself.
@helenS If you don't learn about depression it will never go away. What is causing it? Is it as simple as seasonal disorder, or just dwelling on past experiences? Both are easy to solve. Do you need antidepressants, is this a chemical imbalance, is it inactivity, boredom? Learning when the waves of depression come can help a lot. You can't wish it away but you might be able to find out what causes it.
Punches · 46-50, F
Therapists and those other mental health a-holes are not going to be able to do much.

Well, one thing to do is to make an effort to make friends. Trust me, I know that seems difficult cause I am no expert myself.

Maybe hit up the clubs. You do not have to drink.
Or if someone says something to you, try to carry on a conversation, maybe get their contact info.

Maybe plan for lunch or dinner. That is way cheaper and more therapeutic than some therapy session with some psyche

Even if things don't work out, you won't be in any worse shape than you are now.
Isthisit · F
I know it feels impossible right now, but i think you need to love and appreciate yourself first and foremost. I think once you learn to love and appreciate yourself you'll feel it from others.
I wish you well on your journey
Disguised · 56-60, M
Comfort Shell

Drawn deep inside my shell.
Escaping from my living hell.
Tight and safe defending door.
Secure, safe, worried no more.
Breathing silent give no clue.
Eyes tight shut never seeing who.
Pass world leave me alone.
Stay outside safety zone.
Shell gets smaller squeezing tight.
No room left for inner fright.
Comfort found peace at last.
Willing this to never past.
In control with no hell.
Comfort drawn from my shell.

I can't promise things will get better ... but im still here
gdon39 · 46-50, M
I’m sorry to know you are hurting. I’m in the same boat.

One thing that helps me is exercise. What are you doing other than therapy?
Jenna76 · 36-40, F
*HUG* hope you re doing better today.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Sorry. I hope it gets better
Flowers90 · 26-30, F
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
What do you think would help you get through this
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Are you on antidepressants?
They take a while to kick in, but they do work.
I'm on citalopram and aripiprazole as an augment, along with therapy and it helped with my depression a lot.

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