Coralmist · 41-45, F
I watched Xena a few times. But I enjoyed Hercules'show more!! 🤭😄
exchrist · 31-35
Great show the warrior princess and gabrielle
nuddie · 61-69, M
Xena and her sidekick Gabrielle
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@nuddie Sidekick
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Her blonde friend is dreamy
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔 watched it........
JSul3 · 70-79
Xena needs a bluray release. All of the episodes were shot in widescreen, but the DVD sets are all 4x3 (1.33:1 aspect ratio).
BTW, am old enough to remember the Superman tv series with George Reeves....and yes, I have the DVD set.
BTW, am old enough to remember the Superman tv series with George Reeves....and yes, I have the DVD set.
slorollin · 41-45, M
Oh the things I learned watching this show 😂😂
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I never actually watched that, but I'm old enough.
Jlhzfromep · M
I remember well…
exchrist · 31-35
Zeena good times

Good ol days
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Xena needs a pedicure.
MrMortal · 41-45, M
@SumKindaMunster and you need a cold shower
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
Would've been a waste,😄 as she pretty much always went barefoot.👣
Would've been a waste,😄 as she pretty much always went barefoot.👣
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
All I remember is that there was some villain I was afraid of when I was 5 and in a hospital at night. I don't know who or what it was, what was his name...nothing. 😀
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Men: we just want a Xena Gabriel scissor off…
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I only watched a few of those shows, so for me, this does not qualify as nostalgia.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I Remember c: yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye
ArtieKat · M
Nostalgia's OK - but it's not what it used to be!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
My daughter loved this show.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Heard of it but never watched it
smiler2012 · 61-69
@MrMortal 🤔looks like kat slater and bianca jackson from eastenders lol 😆
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I remember Xena tv show
Gumba1000 · M
I preferred Callisto
HumanEarth · F
Thats Xena
Hell I can remember even older.
Who is this person? Look at everything in the photograph for a hint.
Hell I can remember even older.
Who is this person? Look at everything in the photograph for a hint.
[image/video deleted]
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HumanEarth · F
@JSul3 Well Mr. Hooper died in the late 1970s or early 1980s
JSul3 · 70-79
@HumanEarth So....that wasn't him in 1975 Jaws./s
HumanEarth · F
Mr. Hooper real name was Will Lee. Check the cast list
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
My high school bestie named her bunny after Xena
Rokan · 31-35, M
My elementary PE teacher looked and had Xena face. She was a mean sob...
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
Xena warrior princess! Sooo hot!
Montanaman · M
Was Zena one of the first shows with a lesbian relationship? Asking for a friend 👍🤔🌞
MrMortal · 41-45, M
@Montanaman oh boy... not sure if that spoils the nostalgia... or heightens the fantasy... 🤔
Montanaman · M
@MrMortal I'd go with heightens the fantasy. Zena and Gabrielle were a smokin' couple 😊👍😉
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
Xena worrier princess
MethDozer · M