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what do you all think happens when you die?

Personally i believe that it’s just like not being born again.
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“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”
― Mark Twain
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@SatyrService i’m from scotland, and i must have heard of mark twain before and forgot, because i’ve read huckleberry finn before.
@hollyyoung we all lose track
no fault In that,
Jimbo7 · M
@ArishMell Dickens and Shakespeare ,the greatest writers ever,period.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
Life Is the Journey... for Your Soul to Learn

And there is No Death !!
Soul goes on forever
Only the Body Dies
( Though in Bodies Dealth..One can Give Further Life and or Minimise anothers Suffering or frailities..through Implanting your Not useless organs [to you] into another still living Body )

Simular to how a Butterfly spreads its wings
In its Metamorphosis of from caliper to ButterFly !!

I Died at Least Twice
Once as a Todler ( brought to hospital DOA )
Again as a Late teen in a Boat Accident and drowning

The 2ed time..
I raised above my body
As i rose and rose.. through the clouds
Then..seeing a semi spiralling tunnel of Light
( Blindingly Bright and White )
Floating through the tunnel
At the end..I was Greated by a women
( I suspect was my GrantMother or Aunt..Still UnSure)
I was Told
It Wasn't my Time
I Needed to go Back and Face it
I was back in the water..being pulled by the boat
Garbling..Gasping for Air ( again )
When Suddenly heard a Voice
( same person i just spoke with..or rather spoke to me)
Say.. Stop Fighting it...if you stop Fighting it..,You will be Ok
I Imediately stopped Struggling
And popped out from under the inner tube
At same time my friend and spotter...Spotted me
They Quickly and Carefully pulled me back onto the Boat
The toe lines were Rapped and Enbedded in my Wrists
My wrists were Both Bloodied and deeply enbedded in my skin
In UnRaveling the toe rope
My friend said...don't worry
Ill Drive Quickly back to shore
Then drive you to Emergency room
Though..I Replied...Its Ok...I Dont need to
I was Assured..Ill be Fine
I Needed to Assert myself again to my Friend and the spotter
So..he drove me to my dock..walking me to my house
Again he tried to take me to Hospital...i Declined
8 hours later..he stopped by..waking me up
In looking at what was Torn and deeply bloodied wrists..while the tow rope had been deeply enbedded into my skin round Both Wrists
Yet Now.. there was No Blood..No Cut or gash..No Marks..Nothing
No Pain

My Friends
We are Here for a Reason
So Our Souls ( the core of who we are ) Can Learn and Move on
I saw Many others..a short distance away
More of shadowed figures..obscured by a foggieness
There was No Dealth
These Other Souls Looked over towards me
Though..Mostly i stayed fixed upon my grandmother or Aunt

In HindSight
I wish i had the ForSight..to Ask Relevant Question(s)..but i Didn't ( oh well )

In a Seperate Happening
I Rusted to the Hospital...the Only one rrom our Family
As my GrandMother was Dying ( on my mom's side..but her StepMother..i Never Knew any of my "blood" grandparents [ not that that actually matters]..)
In Arriving..
It was Like waiting for me ( i apparently was her favorite ) or possibly trying to hold on until someone from our family arrived
What I Witnessed was Beyond general Comprehension
Yet..after talking to her for a few minutes
( she was Hooked up to many machines and monitoring medical devices)
When...she FlatLined..yet...even though she was "ProNounced" Deseaced
She was still taking shallow breaths and Contined Speaking for 3 to 5 mins
Not to me...to Members of her Already Passed family members
I was Assured..by the staff..that though..that wasn't common Common
Neither was it UnCommon
Staff members said..they had seen that before
Yet..had No Medical understanding or Explanation
Other then..Yeah...Sometimes that happens

So to EveryOne
Enjoy your Life...Enjoy the Journey
Fear Not Death..formits Only a Metamorphosis and Notma Ceasing of Existence
GerOttman · 61-69, M
picture a river of water. as the river goes over a waterfall the water separates into individual drops. I am much like one of those drops when I an born. I live my life and when it end, I rejoin the river and continue on my journey to the sea.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I dared not speak of this at first. You'd never have let me out of containment. The truth is, I was aware of all of it. I suppose there was a sweet oblivion, like deep sleep, at first; but in retrospect, I think it was no more than a day. Slowly, but unmistakably, I reoccupied my corpse with dreamlike consciousness: numb for the first merciful hours, blind, deaf, and immobile, but then I seemed to reconnect to every nerve, and became aware of every sensation — moreso than I ever was in life. I perceived myself trapped within an immovable object, and the intensity of the struggle amplified: subtle, then acute, then racking. I cannot describe it completely — but imagine holding your breath, beyond urge, beyond pain, beyond desperation — head throbbing and eyes bulging — a dream of suffocation without end.

My skin blistered and split in the sunlight; biting insects descended rapidly. I felt eggs hatch, larvae crawl, gases build and burst within me, individual cells rupturing, interstitial fluids souring and blackening. Somehow my capacity to experience and store these sensations grew — even as I was keenly aware of my cerebrum being scattered and devoured, my perception expanded, into the gizzards of birds and the depths of fire ant dens. I was aware of every fingernail and strand of hair that pulled away in the wind — and my sensation clung to them as they settled in the ocean and dissolved in the maws of a trillion diatoms.

I don't understand it. The more bits of me there were, the larger my capacity for the perception of pain. As I decayed into pieces smaller than living nerves could possibly distinguish, the character of the discomfort changed — from burning and aching and breaking I might relate to you in human terms — to something worse that I cannot fully articulate: a terrible, maddening stretching of every part of myself from every other part. Humans often numb to chronic pains in life, do they not? Yet every year, every month, every second that passed — I swear it only intensified over time.

I don't understand it. The more bits of me there were, the larger my capacity for the perception of pain. As I decayed into pieces smaller than living nerves could possibly distinguish, the character of the discomfort changed — from burning and aching and breaking I might relate to you in human terms — to something worse that I cannot fully articulate: a terrible, maddening stretching of every part of myself from every other part. Humans often numb to chronic pains in life, do they not? Yet every year, every month, every second that passed — I swear it only intensified over time.

I do not think this is a punishment. I do not think it is caused. I deeply suspect it is simply our condition, our nature to go on this way, do you see? In all that time, I was certainly, absolutely, totally alone, and before long all memory of life had shriveled to a cinder, lost beneath my interminable anguish. Alive again, I suspect I cannot quite recall the worst of it — as if my living brain is too small for the experience.

As Overseers, we witness, inflict, or endure great suffering. Yet what awaits us all is worse, the way an earache is worse than a bee sting, the way frostbite is worse than a burn. I was dead for eighteen years, and my misery eludes description. Dare we try to fathom the collective agony of legions of ancient dead?
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Maybe we return to the atoms and molecules that make up the universe until some or none are needed to form something/one in another place at another time.
rockstar · 31-35, M
@Picklebobble2 That’s like a scientific description of reincarnation. Interesting.
@Picklebobble2 best answer
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
It's probably just like before we were born.

I mean, what I hope is that my consciousness lives on unburdened by a physical body, and that I can travel to any point in space and time, on a scale from the Plank length up to galaxy superclusters, and zoom in on anything I want to observe, with the ability to understand what's going on perfectly. And maybe be able to hitch rides in the backs of peoples minds, see through their eyes, experience life as they do, for a while.

I'm not holding my breath, though.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
I still haven't figured out what's happening while I'm alive.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@GuiltyBiStander life though
Is the Journey for Your Soul to Learn

And there is No Death
Soul goes on forever
Only the Body Dies

Simular to how a Butterfly spreads its wings
In its Metamorphosis of from caliper to ButterFly !!

Ill Explain elsewhere within this Thread
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@TheDisciplinarian the soul going on forever sounds like torture. forever is literally forever.
Mardrae · F
I believe we go through a dark tunnel where we visit with our loved ones in spirit form. It's a type of resting place. There's a very bright light and we are drawn to it. When we go through it, we are reincarnated again. My beliefs are what I experienced in a past life regression session.
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@Mardrae i’ve heard lots of stories about people that have had a near death experience. like they’ll die for a few minutes and be brought back to life, and a lot of them say they seen their loved ones, but they all have different experiences so who knows.
Mardrae · F
@hollyyoung I believe it's all in whatever you believe. For instance, if you are a Christian and believe in Jesus, you'll see him when you die. If you think you're a horrible person who deserves Hell, then you will create one with your own mind and go there. If you believe you'll see your loved ones, you will. It all has to do with the power of our minds.
I don't know, don't care, I'll find out eventually
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@SW-User ye
Banksy83 · 41-45, M
@SW-User Your heaven bound
I think my body will rejoin the earth and my energy will be released into the universe and "me" will no longer exist. However -- I have been hearing so many stories recently of apparent communication from the dead that I'm skeptical about my skepticism.
That's probably either the most non spiritual way to say something spiritual or the most spiritual way to describe something non spiritual. I like it.
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
When I was a kid… I thought when you die that’s when the ending credits starts rolling.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Bignakedguy If that's what happens I hope the credits are not like modern film and TV ones - interminable lists that sink the stars among hundreds of background-service titles and names, rolled too rapidly for anyone to read anyway....
Maybe from the moment I die, even tho many tens of billions of years have past, to me, in the blink of an eye, I will be born as me again, to live out the same exact life, down to typing these exact words, as I've done endless times before.
@SW-User that a Watchmen reference?
@froggtongue I don't know. I thought up the theory about 30 years ago and called it Reus. But I know the theory has been thought of before but haven't researched it. Just a strange theory that I believe could be true. It's that the universe is in an infinite loop, doing the exact same thing over and over, with countless big bangs happening say a hundred billion years apart. I believe it more than I do that there's a magic wizard in the sky anyway. So oh well just a theory. She asked
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@SW-User maybe that’s why people experience deja vu
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
My love ones will mourn for sure then after a while they move on. 🤷🏻‍♀️
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
I'm a Solipsist, a Metaphysical Solipsist to be exact. That means I'm really the only one that exist. Everything else is an illusion. Just kidding lol. I don't know.

I'd like to think I'll end up in a gala, everyone will be well dressed and meet interesting people.
After my death , I thinks it's like breaking a light bulb, it's done for.

Nothing left.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
you're wrong, the spirit continues on to heavenly realms, there is an afterlife and it's wonderful.
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@darkmere1983 i don’t believe that at all. if there was an after life what’s the point in dying? don’t think we are special enough for an afterlife.
Our journey in the physical form comes to an end, while the spiritual one continues.
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@SoulKey that’d be horrible
Jimbo7 · M
We hopefully go to another dimension, I dont believe in the bible but dont disrespect those that do.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Well, what happened before you were born?
After you die... more of the same
Spumoni · 46-50, M
I turn into Lego flowers
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@Spumoni fun
@Spumoni omg I love the Lego bonsai tree! I wanted it for so long haha
Spumoni · 46-50, M
[image/video deleted]
Convivial · 26-30, F
The end, finis, it's all over red rover... No more time left
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
All I know is that the human remains regenerate the planet at some moment, whether the worms get it naturally or it is postponed through embalming, or it is sped up through cremation and spreading of ashes, or the new expedited recompositing options. Other than that is another great unknown step on this journey we take . . .or it may just be the end of the journey.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Nothingness and it makes me very uncomfortable
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@Muthafukajones same. it’s creepy to think about, but i’d prefer nothingness over having a soul that goes on and on forever and not being able to stop it.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
@hollyyoung I have a nurse friend. I asked her about the moment of death. The biggest fear I had was that you become blind and can’t breathe and possibly can’t hear. So you’re trapped and suffocating. She said that too many failures happen simultaneously for a person to really comprehend it as happening that way.

I have had several near drownings. There is a moment when your body lets go and you completely relax. I hope that when my time comes it is a sensation like that and not a terrifying one. No matter what will happen I know that it is natural and that everyone must go through it.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
in one version of reality, the entire universe only exists because I perceive it. When I die the universe will simply cease to exist!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I personally believe we are transported to a wonderful place where we have no bodies, therefore no disease, sickness, or mental illness of any kind. There are things which transcend language, emotion, even intelligence as we know it. We are reunited with our family, friends, loved ones, pets, etc., and live in a permanent state of bliss.

Either that or we all go out for drinks.
The smart money is on nada, nothing, finito. But no one alive knows for sure, no matter how strongly someone feels like they know the answer. Whatever you decide, live like you’ve got just one life.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
i never believe in reborn so they are gone with me forever
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
meggie · F
Sometimes I experience something I know I've never seen or done before, like I have lived before. Or perhaps I've dreamt before. It's baffling to me.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I think you die, and decay
and your molecules make up something else in time
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Pretzel Only the Body Dies !!

Life though
Is the Journey for Your Soul to Learn

And there is No Death
Soul goes on forever
Only the Body Dies

Simular to how a Butterfly spreads its wings
In its Metamorphosis of from caliper to ButterFly !!

Ill Explain elsewhere within this Thread
Ontheroad · M
Nothing or any consequence. The journey is over and I'm gone.
I am sure we all have different destinations, including me :)
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Except much faster. In the twinkling of an eye we will be transformed.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
You go on to the next life, if you've got one coming. Otherwise it's the cessation of consciousness.
worm food
the end
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@SW-User real
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I think the same. It's the end of our consciousness.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
I was taught that our body will decompose but our soul will spend eternity in either heaven or hell.
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@Lilymoon i really hope this isn’t the case
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Various bacteria will start consuming my body.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
You get blocked by the man upstairs.
I imagine that’s so. I believed something along those lines as a child because it made sense. Occasionally, now that I’ve lost loved ones I wish there were the possibility of a reunion in some other realm, but whatever happens after this life, alas—no one’s returned to report. 🥹
Nothing, you just stop existing
My family here put me out with a death curse. I'll be ready for battle immediately. They'll be there ready to tear apart my soul and eat it. I will call upon the God of fire and have no mercy. The first truly righteous battle.
HumanEarth · F
Do you believe in God or the afterlife
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@HumanEarth i don’t know
HumanEarth · F
Well it all depends on what happens in your after death
swirlie · 31-35, F
Our souls are eternal, whereas our physical body is trapped within a space of time called "a life on earth". What this means is, our soul does not die nor can it die but our body eventually ceases to function. When that happens, our soul leaves our body and continues it's existence in eternity until called upon to experience another life in another time on earth.
swirlie · 31-35, F
But why would you assume that a soul going on forever is meaningless torture?
Why would you think that?
hollyyoung · 18-21, F
@swirlie it sounds like torture because what if u didn’t want ur soul to go on forever? so you’d just be going on and on without being able to stop it, that sounds horrible. forever is literally forever.
swirlie · 31-35, F
But what you're describing is what happens to us anyway!

As our soul hangs out in eternity, every once in a while it does stop. And every time it stops, that is called a 'lifetime'.

This means we hang out on earth in a body for it's lifetime, then we return and hang out in eternity until we decide we need to stop again. You can stop as often as you want to, or you can hang out in eternity for as long as you want to, it's always up to you.
That the light at the end of the tunnel is the birthing room where we start our next life.
hollyyoung · 18-21, F

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