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Overcoming my childhood. Still hard.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Burying my oldest son in July 2003 at the age of 19
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@nedkelly That I can imagine. When our daughter died my wife could not understand that I had to go back to work.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@SW-User I am very sorry for your loss
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Morvoren · F
Coping with a miscarriage, and a boyfriend who against all reason blamed himself for what happened.
And then learning I will never have be able to have children.
And then learning I will never have be able to have children.

@Morvoren That is so so sad. My wife could not have more after our daughter died. So I have no biological children either. Did your bf stay with you?
Morvoren · F
@SW-User Yes, we came through it together and we are married now.

@Morvoren That is lovely. And I’ve been married to my wife thirty two years too.
taneegoan · 31-35, F
living abandoned by my family
curiousaboy · 26-30, M
@taneegoan Very sorry to hear this friend, But you are not alone.
Surviving my own attempted undoing, twice.
Watching my father die.
Being virtually disowned by my family.
Watching my father die.
Being virtually disowned by my family.
Umile · 41-45, F
@SooperSarah strong
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I nursed my Grandmother and Uncle through the final years of their lives.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@SWUser123 I was in the first year of a Chef Apprenticeship when my Uncle was diagnosed with cancer. He was the primary care giver for Grandma at the time and already had some support in place. I changed to Aged care and Enrolled nursing. Posed as one of the day time carers, since Grandma didn't recognise me. I helped out during the day till he got home from work.
The Next door neighbours gave me a room to board in, so I was always close at hand. Grandma had a stroke 2 years later and we couldn't manage her at home and had to place her in a facility. I got a part time job there too and Uncle visited daily. I moved in with Uncle and took care of the house. He was devastated when she passed away 3 years after that. And he died a year later in 2009.
I never felt burdened. It gave me purpose. When I left Highschool I couldn't find a job, ended up on the street too depressed to see a way forward. The Chef course was the first available option. And then uncle got his diagnoses and there was no other choice, they were family. You do what you can for family.
The Next door neighbours gave me a room to board in, so I was always close at hand. Grandma had a stroke 2 years later and we couldn't manage her at home and had to place her in a facility. I got a part time job there too and Uncle visited daily. I moved in with Uncle and took care of the house. He was devastated when she passed away 3 years after that. And he died a year later in 2009.
I never felt burdened. It gave me purpose. When I left Highschool I couldn't find a job, ended up on the street too depressed to see a way forward. The Chef course was the first available option. And then uncle got his diagnoses and there was no other choice, they were family. You do what you can for family.
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
Change my mindset.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Dealing with the suicide death of my son.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@WillaKissing I hope not, I have sons, they are my life. I pray to God that one day you find peace. And peace for your beloved son. 🙏
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Lilliesandlight You know when reunited in Heaven I know I will. But there will always be this living with his loss until that day that hurts. But I will be fine. Bless you and your son's.
Lilymoon · F
@WillaKissing I'm very sorry to hear that 😓
Gusman · 61-69, M
Stop drinking alcohol before it prematurely killed me.
First stopped in 1992, (diagnosed with cirrhosis) for 18 months. Resumed drinking in 1994.
Stopped again in 1997. Started drinking again in 1998 before having my final drink in 2002.
First stopped in 1992, (diagnosed with cirrhosis) for 18 months. Resumed drinking in 1994.
Stopped again in 1997. Started drinking again in 1998 before having my final drink in 2002.

Seeing my grandmother, who was being looked after at home, in the last days of her life. I saw the end of life meds she was being given and it just added to the grief of it all, even though she needed them.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Identify my father's body in a morgue.

@SunshineGirl yes, that’s another horrible one . In my case it was my mother many years ago.

Get over all my pain and trauma.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@SW-User I hope you are doing well and welcome back

Umile · 41-45, F
@SW-User 💯
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
move to usa from croatia
Leaving my premature baby in NICU
Torsten · 36-40, M
2 years of family court
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User i am indeed. A lot of shit went down during all of that and its for the best that he knows none of it
As0if · 26-30, F
Well... I wasn't expecting I'd be here tearing up for these stories... sending hugs yall 🥺

@As0if dont tear up on my accord. Its made me who i am today, and its the reason zi've achieved everything that I have. We all come from different walks of life.
As0if · 26-30, F
@SW-User True, I've been through some bad things myself and as you said - it all made me who I am today... But seeing all these sad comments... I'm just sensitive 🥺
exexec · 70-79, C
Move my family 800 miles away from all of our friends and relatives. It was also one of the best things I ever did.
Notanymore · 41-45, M
Giving up the small family that I felt the most happy with.
Blondily · F
Many things
Leave my daughters bio father
When my parents died
When my niece died
When my dog died
Recover from a painful accident
Give birth
Recover from surgery
Leave my daughters bio father
When my parents died
When my niece died
When my dog died
Recover from a painful accident
Give birth
Recover from surgery
MRHOTDOG11 · 51-55, M
Learn to walk again !! From a truck accident 4 yrs ago !!
GypsyMiss · 46-50, F

Work 4 jobs while going to college full time after my dad passed away. Had to step up to take care of the family.. those were some depressing years.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
Move on after finding out that the woman who said thar she loved me , was only using me .

@Ramon67 I have t shirt with that on it. Join the club.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
Watching my sister go from talking and living life to having had to pull the plug on her.
And watching my dad starve himself to death. (But his mind was not right and I don't think he knew he was doing it.)
And watching my dad starve himself to death. (But his mind was not right and I don't think he knew he was doing it.)

@melissa001 Gosh

Raise an adult
exchrist · 31-35
@SW-User its been extremely humblying for me. I wish it were different. The only thing i can do. I do my best to let go and cooperate. Ive never felt so scared. And the recheck/goback over/review faze is 3 times more daunting. Ive always done that triple check anyway. But now its exhausting.

@exchrist I'm sorry you are struggling ...Don't fight it just do what is best for you
exchrist · 31-35
@SW-User i was able to get to that place after 3 weeks intensive inpatient i even quit smoking drinking and every orher bad habit as a result being nearly 40 its very humbling.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Going back to work in ER after an 18 month old died in my arms
smiler2012 · 61-69
@mangomonkey accept the sudden death of my dad in 2014 was very very difficult as you can imagine 😣

@smiler2012 that is very difficult. That news is a major shock.
nevergiveup · M
Leave my kids with my x wife. They stayed with me every weekend and went on holidays with me. I have always been there for them
Trust... A lifetime of abuse has left me with zero trust in others.

@HootyTheNightOwl Never trust anyone who says you can trust them.
It’s difficult to trust anyone on here. So often you are taught what hurt is.
It’s difficult to trust anyone on here. So often you are taught what hurt is.
@SW-User I have a small group of people on here that I trust.
We had been talking for months prior to me reaching that point though - so it's not like I wake up one morning and say "Hey, I'm going to trust the entirety of SW today".
We had been talking for months prior to me reaching that point though - so it's not like I wake up one morning and say "Hey, I'm going to trust the entirety of SW today".

@HootyTheNightOwl Take care
Isthisit · F
Move out of the house i had been in for 10 years and move in with in laws.
PatKirby · M
Endure 3-4 hours of non-stop agonizing, excruciating pain in the ER while the emergency staff dragged their feet before helping me pass two sharp-edged kidney stones.
Steffanie · 56-60, T
Came out and told my wife I was gay, one of the hardest and saddest too. I do wish now I’d came out earlier in life and not pretended to be straight. That way I wouldn’t have hurt her.
PhoenixPhail · M
Survive. It's the only thing I've ever done.
meggie · F
Start again and leave the past behind
Umile · 41-45, F
I think I'm gonna have to do it soon.
Katie01 · F
I had a tummy ache recently but I was really brave about it
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Swallowing my pride and becoming better than what I was
bijouxbroussard · F
Deal with loss. It’s still hard, and I tend to not get as close to people.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
My marriage
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Lilymoon · F
Let go of certain family members
exchrist · 31-35
I still havent had to do the hardest thing . . Yet.
PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
Walk away from my life so that I could survive.
metaldog · 51-55, F
learn to be on my own
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Helioskull · 22-25, M
Tell myself I dont have enough time to beat off before I leave
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exchrist · 31-35
Regenerate my kidneys and liver
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
In a word? Divorce.
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