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Do you believe in an afterlife?

I'm honestly torn on the issue. I lost the love of my life to cancer, but we made an agreement before she died. If possible, she would reach out to me, and I would know it's her because we have a word that she'll use. It's been years now, and I've yet to see or hear that word. I've lost confidence that I ever will.
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BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Idk if afterlife exists or not.. But if does, I doubt it would be in the form religions predicted it to be..

I also understand that losing someone makes you wonder about these things, or wish they exist. I am agnostic, and I lean towards no afterlife. I lost my mother to Cancer a year ago, and I wished there was an afterlife where she could live the life she never loved on earth.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@BittersweetPotato I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not religious, but I think about the same stuff everyone else does. Realistically, there is nothing else and no one there for us. That's not what I want, but it is what it is.
I don't know... My husband died a few days after Christmas, I miss him so much but I don't know if he is still out there somewhere. I used to have a strong Christian faith but these days I'm less sure of anything.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@SW-User I understand. I'm sorry about your loss. Everything we feel and believe is part of the human experience.
ProfessorSwatz · 31-35, M
@SW-User my sincerest apologies to you and my condolences for your husband.
His high spirit energy is still with you, but he himself could may as well passed onto another plane of existence. What happens in certain beliefs with that is, when you’re really missing your loved one, if you see a cardinal anywhere near you ou of nowhere, that’s them. Sending you a message from heaven. Death is natural and we all are headed for it so it’s best to make the best of what life we have while we are here. Meaningful relationships, connections, helping others and being the best you can be.
He loved you beyond unconditional til the day he took his last breath and after that his soul was with you til he had to cross over. Don’t ever sit and feel left back or worries and lose faith, anytime you down and sad, and you feel that warm sensation or feeling familiarity around you, that’s him. Giving you a hug and letting you know it’s okay.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
From: "xxxxxxxx"
Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012, 18:22
Subject: post death experiences

About a year ago I related the story of my friend Kristin's NDE pior to her actual death in October of 2010. Since then I have had 3 odd experiences that are beyond my explanation. Let me begin by saying that I'm an engineer and was raised as a Lutheran and I'm not much for ghost stories.
The first happened in January of 2011. I've only spoken of this two Kristins' daughter and a close friend but I want to know if this is common.
In this first experience I was driving back home from shopping. The store is only about a mile to the east of me and it was around 6 PM (dark here in MN but the street lights were on.) I was about 5 blocks from my house when I suddenly seemed to be standing outside of a room, looking through some doors. There were tables/booths along the right side and back and dark paneling with edging about halfway up. Chairs were to the left of the tables and about three booths in I saw two people at on of the table. The person closest to me was a man hunched over the table and to his left was Kristin. She gets up, gets that tight smile on her face that she would get when she was really happy and bounces over to me and gives me a hug. At that point I found myself parked a mile to the south of my place at a bowling alley/bar/restaurant that I've maybe been to about 5 times. I called Kristin's friend Wendy and told her about the experience and she said that Kristin had gone to that bar a couple times but said she didn't know what she was looking for there. 10 months later on the anniversary of Kristins' death I decided I didn't want to be at home on Halloween night as I was too upset so I went down to that restaurant but couldn't find a parking spot by the way I usually go in so I went around the building. There was a door close to where I parked that I'd not seen before so I went in through it and there was another small bar that I never knew existed in that building and it was exactly as I sketched it the night after I had the weird car experience.

The second experience happened a month later. I went on a cruise to the south Caribbean on Holland America. On the second night of the cruise we were at supper in the big dining room in the back. Two of our friends are quite well off sue we were at a big round table on a raised floor. The seat to my left was empty.
The guy across from me was telling jokes and stories and while there was wine we had not had much and I felt something or sensed something to my side. I looked and I swear she was sitting next to me. Her hair was perfect, she was looking across the table and smiling, she was wearing a silver dress with horizontally oriented white diamonds, the collar or lapels on her dress were noticeable. Someone asked me what was wrong as I must have had my mouth open. I turned to say something, when I turned back she was gone. I choked down tears and didn't say anything.

The third experience was a couple of weeks ago. In the middle of the night I awoke from the strong smell of perfume. It was as if someone was right over my face. I looked around the room and house and the scent gradually disappeared. I smelled the bedding but there was no trace of it. It smelled very much like the perfume that she would wear.

OK, so am I nuts or is it all in my head or are these visitations??? Have you ever heard of similar stories???
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Hi and thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I was very interested by what your 3 experiences. The first experience is very rare but I have read of something similar. It's interesting that you had no recollection of driving to the bar / bowling alley which was a mile south of where you were. Also interesting is the fact that you went to another entrance on Halloween and saw the bar that you had seen Kristin sitting in even though you had not previously known it had existed.

You're not nuts - many people have experiences where they meet deceased loved ones. It is common to see loved ones or as you mentioned smell their perfume. At first these may take people by surprise and even shock them. There is a lovely book about these kinds of experiences which may help you to make sense of what has happened to you. It is called Hello From Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. It describes what many other people have experienced and you may find that other people have reported similar experiences to yours. Maybe it's Kristin's way of reassuring you about something.

Many thanks for sharing your very important and interesting experiences with me.

Best wishes

reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
maybe there is an afterlife but we are not meant to know because this experience on earth would be less meaningful if we knew. imagine you have always existed , that you are an eternal spirit , and sometimes you come for a little trill ride on earth , a little vacation from eternity, but if you clearly remembered being immortal nothing would mean anything. so we intentionally come here with no memory of our eternal past and only remember right after we die and then we laugh our heads off realizing how we took everyting so seriously and how exciting it was. maybe once she died your love remembered it all and now realizes she would ruin it for you if she intervened and also , in her present perspective , life literally last a few seconds to an eternal being so there is no point in reaching out, she'll just let you finish your trill ride and you will both laugh about it when you die. I like to see it that way, makes the experience make sense but I can't say "I believe" because, what does that even mean? some kind of subjective certainty? I just like to imagine it that way.
ProfessorSwatz · 31-35, M
@Ambroseguy80 yes I most certainly do believe in the afterlife.
I believe this life is one phase and the afterlife is another.
I don’t believe it to be the same as how they portray it to be in the movies but there is another place a higher calling in the spiritual realm but I also believe you can’t get there until you learn everything your supposed to learn here in this life. We come to life with a mission and a purpose, over the course of years we forget and some lost sight of it.
I believe after losing sight of what’s important, and forgetting what you were born for, it’s a chance the spirit can get turned around and reincarnated back through generational lines of birth.
Once you figured out your destiny what you came fr, even if it was to give the world utmost true version of love they could’ve imagine and helped others, when you pass a calm easy death, I believe you go to your heaven. Karmaic deaths I believe are reincarnation to relive what you went through and find a better way to evolve, which each incarnation you become better and more humble in life.
They say your eyes and your demeanor/will and drive are the only things you take with you to the next life, which is why when you bump into someone, they seem vaguely familiar even though you haven’t met. You haven’t but your souls may have in a passed life.
ProfessorSwatz · 31-35, M
@Eoghan you should watch the movie
“Enter The Void”
It’s literally about what you just asked
What happens after death and the experienced, how it affects the people around you and all.
It’s on IFC, and you can find it on Tubi
Google it.
Great movie. Pay close attention because it’s based off the Tibetan book of th dead and they talk about it in the movie.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@ProfessorSwatz I certainly will. Thank you!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Eoghan I love that channel. It is an interesting theory for sure.
CestManan · 46-50, F
One theory says that the deceased spend a few hours or maybe a couple days here but then move on. If that holds any truth, then after several years they are gone gone.

I think the idea of an afterlife was born out of the fact that it is nearly impossible to imagine, in first person, ones self not existing.

Try this -

Imagine yourself driving down a familiar road, or laying in bed, maybe spending time with a lover or just whatever you do.
You think of how you feel, your surroundings, who might be there, all that. You do not see much of your own person, just what is around.

NOW try to imagine not existing, from the same perspective (first person).
Or try to remember something from before you were born. REALLY try to tap into your psyche for either one of those.

It takes your mind to a place that is almost suffocating.

People cannot accept that one day they will no longer exist so that is why there are speculations of an after life.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I had a near death experience in 1998, and as a result, I strongly believe in an afterlife. I met my two angels who worked on repairing my physical body over a few days, and I survived. I have no fear of death, and I believe I will see them again, but only when it is time. I did not see anyone I knew during the experience, but I believe I will.
revenant · F
Yes. Not too long ago one of my grandad, dead when I was a kid..just popped into my mind for unknown reasons.
I asked : show me if you are around..give me a sign..I got 2 that day. I forgot the fist one but the second one surprised me : I received a book that day , I opened at random and first word I read was the town where he was born...a very unknown small town.
revenant · F
@Eoghan I really hope you succeed. It is mesmerising when you get signs and sure of course you doubt as to their veracity, just coincidences...
revenant · F
@Eoghan I will give you a tip which always almost works. Take a white piece of paper, unlined.

write 1 1 1 1

Underneath write what you want to say with just a few words.

Sprinkle with cinnamon powder and blow powder outside, garden or anything.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@revenant I'll try that. I'll wait until after dark, but I'll definitely do it. Thank you!
Lanie78 · 46-50, F
I'm sorry for your loss. However I do believe there is an afterlife of some sort. Also I do believe that loved ones who've passed do send us messages to show us they're still with us in spirit.
I have a Robin who regularly visits me, I lost my very close friend last February and this Robin has visited in recent weeks.
It's like it knows of my recent struggles in recent months.
Don't lose hope!
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@Lanie78 I may just need to pay closer attention to my surroundings. I'm sorry for your loss, too.
Renkon · 41-45, M
There is only Life. After life is the continuation of an individual's life without a body.

The question here is if you can contact your wife or vice versa. Yes, there are possibilities. But, you gain nothing from it. It will not benefit either of you.

Every life, in some way, is continuously evolving. The best thing you can do for your loved one is to pray for divine grace to help them along their journey.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
The personality ends at death,it only started to develop after we were born.
However the mental stream continues in a very subtle in a dream world.
Then due to attachments and desire it takes rebirth. Those are the Buddhist teachings at least.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@Entwistle what you just mentioned there is one of the most fundamental differences between hinduism and buddhism. in advaita vedenta the "I" is the true self but in Buddhism even the "I" is an illusion. oddly Buddhist version is even closer to a true "non-duality" which advaita is supposed to be all about. I have not yet fully understood how the concept of reincarnation in buddhism can be compatible with the notion of "no-self".
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@reflectingmonkey You are correct re the difference ideas of anata and atman in Buddhism and Hinduism.
Your lack of understanding about How reincarnation can be compatible with the idea of 'no self' is a common misunderstanding.
This may surprise you but Buddhism doesn't teach reincarnation,it teaches rebirth ..a totally opposite idea to reincarnation.
Rebirth in Buddhism ..there is no self that travels from moment to moment even when we are alive,let alone a fixed self that transmigrates after death.
Subtle mind is a stream,not a fixed thing..nothing is any fixed state ever..
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@reflectingmonkey None duality is the realization that what is experienced is not separate from mind. Mind and everything 'out there' are one and the same. We create the illusion of duality..'Me and everything out there'.. that's the illusion!.. the idea of a 'self' automatically creates.
Can you separate your awareness of a 'cup' from the cup itself?
There is no cup out there from its own side..the cup is a concept.
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
@Eoghan] nah...don't pay closer attention! You always find things when you're not looking for them! Sometimes it's hidden in plain sight! Keep the faith, but don't dwell on it! One day you'll be surprised! I subscribe to the Buddist belief that once your soul leaves your body, it immediately goes on to the next adventure.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Assume for a minute that she is in Heaven or some spiritual world now. Time must be completely different there. Maybe it just isn't possible for her to reach out to you, because you are in completely different dimensions. But if it is possible, she may just not realize that years have gone by. It may be mere moments from her perspective. I think you should keep your faith in the afterlife, and especially your faith in her.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@ServantOfTheGoddess I know this sounds ridiculous, but I hear stories of people saying that a deceased person reached out to them, and whether I believe it or not, I get angry at times. Why can't that be me? Like you said, we don't understand everything. You may be right about the time difference. This is all part of losing someone.
no. i believe some people experience an eternity within moments as a side effect of brain death, tho

i am truly sorry for your loss. i wish my comment wasn't so stark but that's what i believe
@Eoghan could be... i know i've spent the vast majority of my life researching things like this and everything to do with biology. a life well-spent so far, imo
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@SW-User I think we need more bluntness in life. 🙂
@Eoghan heck, yeah... after all, we don't have eternity to be beating around bushes ;)
dale74 · M
I am sorry for your loss @Eoghan but they may be wanting you to live a life of piece and happiness. They may have a choice and though they may want to reach out to you. They may have to restrain themselves. You see most religions believe you have total knowledge of everything after death. That means if they reached out to you it may not be the best for you.... you may try to rush your afterlife not knowing you may have an important role here that you have not finished.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
She may have shown you in different ways. 🤗
I’m sorry for your loss. 😞
val70 · 51-55
One interesting question. The best answer, although not mine, I heard recently is that we stay foot somehow and wait for our new bodies. That's been promised to us for the end of days and all that. Thus, nothing like the one we had before but for ever nevertheless. In short, I like to hold on the thought that we'll even meet up again in what ever way there is
Ducky · 31-35, F
I'd like to believe in it, but it seems a bit unlikely to me.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
If there was eternal nothingness we wouldn't be here now.
Only in the legacy defined by those who remember us.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
I believe we reincarnate. Makes more sense than heaven or hell and eternal nothingness.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Peaceandnamaste I agree. A permanent hell would be cruel, and honestly, so would a permanent heaven.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Dont if she promised then she is trying you are just not listening hard enough . Some people are sensitive others arnt its not yourself to blame its just life . Find a genuine medium they will help you talk to her . Please dont give up on her as I guarantee she isnt giving up on you . You just need a go between to make it happen .
I believe in lots of things to do with the afterlife. One that our soul is never gone and another that humans aren’t permitted to fully understand the afterlife while on earth. I think souls will always find each other. I’ve nothing really to back any of that up. It’s just my thoughts.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
I know there is some kind of life after death. Maybe something spiritual but very real. I have experienced it. I guess I should post the story.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Nitedoc Please do.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@Nitedoc If you're comfortable doing so, I would enjoy reading it.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Eoghan I would rather tell you about it than post it here. I'll make a note to write it and send it to you.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I absolutely do.

Not necessarily "heaven" but I believe our consciousness leaves our body when we die and goes on to a different life form.
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
@DearAmbellina2113 fuck, the closer i get, the more i hope your right lol
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
@plasticpants02 we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It just travels to find another system to be a part of once the old system ceases to exist. I see no logical reason why our consciousness would not be the same way.
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
I always used to think when we
it's because God who ever he/she it might be has a better life and job wherever we may end up.

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Eoghan · 36-40, M
@Adamski24 I've thought about this before.
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
@Eoghan it's definitely worth thinking about
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Adamski24 Can't you just hear someone JUST before exiting the womb saying, "You mean I have to do this BS all over again?"
TexChik · F
She’s not a ghost. Of course you can’t hear her. Have you tried a psychic ? I have heard stories from friends . Since you are desperate , try to find a reputable one and see if the word is spoken through them . 🤷🏻‍♀️
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Yes. I believe our soul will transcend to another existence. I have actually seen ghosts of relatives so I know it exists.
I believe in an alternate realm aka heaven but i don't presume to know anything about it... i just wonder
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Yes I believe there is an afterlife at least that's what they tell me in the Bible we will wait and see....
Confined · 56-60, M
I have known a peson or two that had a near death experience and saw the other side.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@Confined Did they describe what they saw?
Confined · 56-60, M
@Eoghan People who pass can see and hear everything going on around them until they depart.
Some go straight to heaven. I hear some can come back and visit. I suppose just keep your eyes open. Not really sure they can make you see or hear anything but you never know.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I do yes, half a religious and half my own personal interpretation.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
I believe, I just believe it looks basically like this world.
Ferric67 · M
I'm sorry for your loss.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I’m so sorry.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
I think we reincarnate
cycleman · 61-69, M
So much BS is said to fabricate dreams.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
@cycleman energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I hope we simply wink out of existence, but there’s absolutely no way of knowing what lies beyond death without actually dying.
helenS · 36-40, F
After drinking water from Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, she can't remember your secret word.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
My brother sends butterflies, sometimes if I’m doing something stupid I can hear someone yelling my name but it sounds like it’s from so far away.
meggie · F
There is no evidence of it. You need to put the past behind you and face the dawn.
ProfessorSwatz · 31-35, M
@meggie there isn’t an real substantial evidence, but it doesn’t mean you Can’t have the mental notion to think of the best possible outcome for the person you may have had a connection to. That’s how some people move on, that’s how some people continue to live a life they loved when someone they once had is no longer around.
Not saying yeah, Let’s hang on to the thought and get depressed about it, but people should embrace that death is a natural part of life and it happens, sometimes slower other times faster than anticipated.
But just saying Forget about it because you can’t tangibly see the results doesn’t make for a better experience.
I believe we come back as something, or someone, just we don't know it
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I'm not sure, but ALL of us will be finding out, won't we?
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
I believe there’s something beyond this world we can’t just disappear and never move on there has to be another world
Wiseacre · F
Same contact after many, I don’t believe there is anything after we leave this mortal coil. Fucking depressing! Life is the shits, then annihilation. 😢
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I've seen enough stuff that I can't not believe in an afterlife. It's possible that she hasn't been able to communicate because she's already been reincarnated.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Eoghan I've met more than my share of skeptics who tell me that my experience doesn't prove anything to them, but I really don't care. I'm not trying to prove it to them. I've seen enough to prove it to myself.
Eoghan · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire I believe you. I can't explain what happened to me. I can only describe it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Eoghan what's funny is, I'm a huge horror fan, so the memory of what I saw makes me happy, now that I survived it. It's like a little glimpse, a confirmation that everything I thought about death is true.
No, but I believe that our spirit or essence lives on somehow, I don't know how to explain it much more.
@SW-User I like the idea of people planting a tree over a grave. Like that person becomes a part of something new.

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