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I'm tired of this word "Woke"

Can someone please explain to me what you believe "Woke" is, and how it violates anyone's Constitution Rights, or violates the Constitution outright in it's ideas and expectations.

I'd really like to know. 🤷‍♂️
4meAndyou · F
OKAY! ☺️☺️☺️ "Woke" according to 4meAndyou...😉: 😉😉😉

1. You have to believe that the world is going to end in 10 years due to "climate change", (which used to be "global warming", which used to be known as the "hole in the ozone layer"). Part of this is recycling, and not using your electricity, or your water, or your car, or your heat in winter. Also you can't eat meat. No bacon for you. You MUST really suffer or you are NOT woke. Of course, the pursuit of happiness in the Bill of Rights doesn't mean the government can't dictate what you can buy. 🤪🤪🤪 (But that hasn't stopped them). Is that Constitutional? Nope.

2. You have to believe that anyone one with dark brown skin should always be hired first, even if they are completely unqualified for the job. People with light brown skin don't count, because "they're not really black". Because it's ALL about the black skin and nothing else. Asians can go eff themselves...and the Hispanics just might, possibly, be a threat. And this is just SO Constitutional...see item 3. Shadow campaigns in corporate American to discriminate in hiring practices based on race? CRT in public schools teaching ALL kids that racism is woven into every aspect of our country? Puh-leez.

3. White men need to be crushed underfoot, and need only apply for work at McDonalds...or on road crews. 🤣🤣🤣 (See item 2).

4. You have to believe that "illegal immigrants" have NOT broken the law, and they are just Newcomers to America, and even when some of them turn out to be rapists and murderers, it's not Joe Biden's fault. See "Sovereign Nation." And protecting our borders. And "immigration laws".

5. You have to hate Donald J. Trump to the point of an aneurysm... there should be crying, screaming, and fantasy plots to have him die in prison. Because HE is a threat to DEMOCRACY. 🤣🤣🤣 Of course, this is a Constitutional Republic...but the woke Democrat/Socialist/Marxists want to throw that in the garbage. No more free elections. No candidates allowed that they don't like. No RFK. No guns, no "under God"...none of that.
Lots of Woke Trump haters go into deep depressions and threaten to leave the country. We wish they would, but they never do...🤣🤣🤣

6. NO religious materials should ever enter our public schools. Religions are suspect under Woke ideology, because they involve the Bible and the ten commandments...and GOD. Islam is okay, though. Even if the Constitution was BASED on the morals inherent in the 10 Commandments. Kids are not even allowed to study it as HISTORY and part of their civics classes. Even though the 10 Commandments were the FIRST set of written LAWS that we know of, and they are enshrined on the walls of Congress and the Congressional Library.

7. Public Schools should OWN your children. If the teacher wants to encourage your child into thinking he or she is gay, or transgender, or into changing his or her pronouns, that is the best possible scenario...because it's all about grooming kids and medicating them and surgically altering them so that they can't reproduce. LGBTQ is woke. ESPECIALLY if they are black kids.
AND...if you want to adopt a child and you won't agree to training them that Transgendering is wonderful...you don't get that child. AND the schools can take your kid away even if he or she is your OWN kid if you fail to support transgenderism. WOKE to the max.

8 Public School librarians can put gay or trans adult to child porn on their shelves and that is just completely acceptable. If you think those books should be taken off the shelves, you are NOT WOKE.If you don't support commercials on tv with gay guys sucking face, you are NOT WOKE. Of course, most of this is what pedophiles call "grooming"...because there are never enough confused kids in the world who get exposed to sex way too early. Perversion like that is definitely against the law, and is NOT part of the Constitution.

9. "Woke" was actually made into a national craze by BLM, whose founders are communists...so if you REALLY want to be a good little Woke person, you have to be communist. Communism is NOT part of our Constitution.

10. WOKE means whining all the damn time about how whitey did you wrong, and how you are SO far behind because of "systemic racism" that you need to be PAID, and you should have free food, free rent, free education, and free health care. You believe that FREE everything is a RIGHT. And THAT is not a part of our Constitution.

11. You HAVE to believe that the Constitution is deeply flawed, and just bascally throw it out the window.

12. You have to believe that abortion should be available to any woman, any time, anywhere, even right up until the 9th month, for any reason whatsoever. Because there is NO WAY Americans should be allowed to reproduce. THAT is not in the Constitution. Those who say it is a RIGHT are reading a snippet about "right to privacy".

13. You HAVE to support Palestine, and you HAVE to hate all Jews. It's required. You can't be a member of the woke club unless you hate Jews and Zionists and make them feel persecuted and threatened. Oh, and don't forget Asians. Woke folk hate them, too, and target them for theft and violence. The police are even afraid to come and defend any and all of them. DEFINITELY NOT a part of our Constitution.

14. You HAVE to believe that looting and stealing...constantly, is just a form of reparations. Whitey screwed your family for 200 years and you are OWED those diamonds, designer handbags, and furs...which you NEED so that your family can EAT them...🤣🤣🤣...(according to AOC), and that is against the law in almost every state except California..or Commifornia as I like to call it. Definitely NOT a part of the Constitution.

15. And last but not least, to be truly WOKE, you have to be stoned out of your mind because otherwise you might wonder if all of this was actually for real. 🤪🤪🤪
calicuz · 56-60, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP @4meAndyou

I'm not "Woke" either, and in all honestly I was just trying to gage what this "movement" had been reduced to by the opposing opinion, and why everyone on the right throws the word around like it was a good substitute for the "N" word.
While the left is guilty of allowing their messages to be watered down by allowing every other "movement" to ride the coat tails of all the other movements, it doesn't help to get messages out.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Ok, so do we agree that the original message of bringing attention to the fact that our police were killing innocent citizens in the streets before having their day in court was a good thing?
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@4meAndyou I love this! So true
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It's a term used to describe the collective identity politics obsessions with typically left wing aligned groups and individuals.

It has a negative connotation because of the word's association with leftist identity politics.

MAGA is the corresponding word that the left uses to describe right wing obsessions and it has a similar reputation but for different reasons.
calicuz · 56-60, M

that's what it's all about brother. 👊
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User That was a word salad that never made any clear points.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Diotrephes It was very one sided. Very shameful and scolding. Like speaking to children. Again, there was no counter point. No mention that perhaps as a "woke" person you should self reflect and really decide if the moment needs to be turned into a "lesson" from you to a person you think is wrong. No mention that other people's opinions are valid and maybe you agree to disagree in the moment. No mention of showing grace or tolerance for opinons you don't share. It's no wonder that shrill hypocrite blocked me and moved on.
Pfuzylogic · M
It is like anything positive that isn’t extreme right. They will take a concept and twist and mock it. From my understanding the original concept was the awareness that extreme racial discrimination has still persisted through the years and those that are woke are aware of it.
@Pfuzylogic 👆👆👆
Briggett · T
@Pfuzylogic well stated and short education for inquiring minds.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Trying to take your freedoms away terrorizing your beliefs and shaming your way of life, the left does this all the time...
MethDozer · M
@masterofyou Nobody is stopping you from saying anything. We are laughing at you because you yammer about rights being taken away without being able to substantiate.

Also is that what they told you while you served? Because that is what they had you fighting for at all. You were lied to. You were being used to fight for capital interest and imperialism. I mean I thank you for thinking you were fighting for my right to free speech which wasn't under attack by any foreign nationals in and so I didn't get drafted to fight their money wars.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Not to mention that the only actual right being taken away in the last 10 years... is the right to an abortion. Which wasn't really a left wing project.

And altough the right to vote isn't officialy been taken away... the ability to vote in certain so called "red-states", or even having your vote matter, has been under severe attack since the late 70s.
Ynotisay · M
@Kwek00 You nailed it. 👍
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Being woke is claiming an insight to societal persecutions that the average person is unaware of

Whoever told you it was a violation was wrong but it does go against the spirit of the constitution because it presupposes that we are not equal beings in the treatments we deserve when it comes to its prescriptions or its assumptions.

Here's how that applies to you. You tried to tell me not to use words because they sound like Hitler despite the fact that he didn't invent that manner of speaking and to which you have used similar speech in reference to police that mass shooters who have anti-cop sentiments have also used(funnily enough you are doing it in this very post). Do you "want to use the words of a mad man?"

And because you have bought and tried to perpetuate a narrative simply because of an association of words deemed too close to the big bad Nazi man, that it defines you, is why you are tired of the word
calicuz · 56-60, M

I disagree. If your neighbor puts a hidden camera in your home while you're away, that neighbor is violating your Constitutional right to privacy at the very least.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@calicuz It would be labeled a different way, look it up, no offense.
calicuz · 56-60, M

No offense taken.
The way I see it is this. There have been historic inequalities and there are present inequalities. The extent to which they should be addressed, and how, is what divides people. Where woke begins depends on where you draw the line between "I want to undo any changes to how things were" and "I want to change everything". If you're far right then you're at the former end of that spectrum and anyone left of you is woke, such that any changes to the "good old days" are woke. If you're less extreme then perhaps you accept a certain amount of changes, but a female James Bond is a woke idea (for example).

The real issue of the woke debate in the modern context is the issue of change. If you think that things should change to the advantage of those who have, or have had, less rights or privileges then you'll likely be labelled woke at some point.
calicuz · 56-60, M

thank you, also well said.
to be aware of something :) idk how thats bad
calicuz · 56-60, M

Exactly my thoughts. 🙂
I try to avoid using the term because it's just another pejorative for something that actually is a great evil that needs to be identified. Woke ideology needs to be purged from academia and culture, so I try to call it what it actually is rather than the latest buzzword.

If you wished to define woke, a solid definition should be "a collection of left wing ideologies and norms (such as critical theory, intersectionalism, postmodernism, etc) rooted mostly in marxist adjacent intellectuals in the frankfurt school".

The national socialists (who were right about this) called it "cultural blshevism". It then got called "cultural marxism". Some call it political correctness, and now it's called woke. I just call it what it is... left wing social psuedo-sciences that need to be purged from academia, and eventually will (the ideas will never really hold up in the long run or sustain a society).
@BohemianBabe [quoteNo, I didn't say the motives of the argument are bad. I said we know the argument isn't true because people repackaged the argument to make it easier to sell, depending on the country and period][/quote]
That doesn't invalidate it either tho. logically sound argument can still fail to appeal to people (because human bias, etc) and can be repackaged by people who wanna sell it still. Just because the arguments are bad, doesn't mean the conclusions are. The only part of it's historical roots I disagree with is the emphasis on jews being disprportionately involves, and sometimes the scale of how far it spreads in culture.

I've literally never heard this. Maybe some kids at your college thought this, but were the professors actually saying that? And this isn't part of Marxism. Marx didn't really talk about gender.
I love you and wanna hug you. I feel like the fact you never have while I did, is an example of why people who differ on things need to talk more.
I'v heard it a few times bro. The first time was some bi-racial dude on Jesse Lee Peterson show, who was a professor and had a degree in like "whiteness studies" or something. So, literally a professor. He said african society was naturally matriarchal, and that is total, and utter bullshit. The Ghana empire... Ghana literally means "warrior king" not "warrior queen". People argue all the time that bonobos are our closest ancestors, and they are matiarchal, so patriarchal norms are all socially constructed. I actually don't take sides because what human beings are like in "nature" is WAY to complex of a topic. I personally think that human beings, with our frontal lobe, are unique in the animal kingdom with our ability to set things up based on abstract ideas an logic as opposed to our instincts. I also think the reason why people push gender equality as a natural thing is because they want it as a political goal, and you could literally just invoke the naturalistic fallacy instead and say that gender equality may not be normal, but we aren't beasts of the field and should still embrace it.

That's not intersectionality. Intersectionality is the idea that a person has multiple experiences that cause a sort of umbrella experience.
So for example, I've had the white experience. But I've also had the male experience, the cis experience, the bisexual experience, and so on. Depending on which groups a person belongs to, we can tell what kind of oppression they're more likely to come across. For example, a person who is gay and male will face discrimination and challenges that a person who is gay and female won't, because our society is more homophobic when it comes to men.
I mean you're triyng to give a more acedemic definition while i'm just sorta giving a raw "this is what the fuck it really is let's be fucking real" definition. It seeks to explain how different parts of your identity effects your experience, namely how being white makes you benefit from white supermacy, being rich makes you benefit from capitalism, and how these things all come together to give you oppression points. It's basically all bullshit anyway. Latinos in 2024 are not more oppressed than white people.There are far, FAR more double standards white people are held to than latinos and blacks.

You're confusing sex and gender. Males and females are biological categories, that's sex. Gender is a social construct.
Gender as a word and concept never meant anything to do with humans. That came later. It was literally about whether inhuman objects were considered masculine or feminine, like nouns. The new application of the word is insanity. Gender identity? It's no less insane than if I had a word to denote whether someone was a dog, bird, or human not in reference to their biology, but with regards to the norms and identity they embrace. It's as silly.

But this is off topic and also doesn't matter, because I'm pretty sure most lefitsts would argue that males and females differing in temperment is all due to environment. Granted, some of it actually is. Also, I think women being into masculine shit, and men being in to feminine shit, is fine.
That doesn't invalidate it either tho. logically sound argument can still fail to appeal to people (because human bias, etc) and can be repackaged by people who wanna sell it still.

But it's not like they changed the way the argument was explained. They changed the conspiracy itself in ways that made it seem more current. Keep in mind, this conspiracy is older than Marxism itself. They added Marxists to the theory, probably just because the early Marxists were Jews.
They also changed the location. In Cultural Marxism, it's America. In Cultural Bolshevism, it was Germany. In Jewish Bolshevism, it was Russia. And before that, it was anywhere in Europe where the kings wanted to direct attention away from their own corrupting. You're not poor because of the king, you're poor because... uhh... the Jews! Or the Atheists! Or homosexuality! Or Marxism! Or wokeness! Whatever deflects away from the ruling-class.

I'v heard it a few times bro. The first time was some bi-racial dude on Jesse Lee Peterson show, who was a professor and had a degree in like "whiteness studies" or something. So, literally a professor. He said african society was naturally matriarchal, and that is total, and utter bullshit.

Well, he's wrong. And like I said, that has nothing to do with Marxism. Marx didn't really talk about gender much.

Also, Jesse Lee Peterson is gay. I know that has nothing to do with this, I just find it funny because he's yet another homophobe who turned out to LOVE THE COCK.

I also think the reason why people push gender equality as a natural thing is because they want it as a political goal, and you could literally just invoke the naturalistic fallacy instead and say that gender equality may not be normal, but we aren't beasts of the field and should still embrace it.

When people talk about "gender equality," it usually refers to how people are shut out of certain fields based on gender, and this refers to both laws and social norms.

For example, there will always be more men in construction because men are generally stronger. But how come for decades, women were discouraged from playing chess? Why was chess seen as a man thing?
"Gender equality" doesn't mean we need an equal amount of men and women in every field. It means they should both be welcomed in every field. We shouldn't be discouraging little girls from becoming scientists or playing chess.

It seeks to explain how different parts of your identity effects your experience, namely how being white makes you benefit from white supermacy, being rich makes you benefit from capitalism, and how these things all come together to give you oppression points. It's basically all bullshit anyway. Latinos in 2024 are not more oppressed than white people.There are far, FAR more double standards white people are held to than latinos and blacks.

It's not about oppression points, it's about recognizing how people are affected by various forms of prejudice or bigotry. And it seems like you agree with this. I've said here that Israel is built on Jewish Supremacy. If you're Jewish in Israel, you can benefit from that, but you might still be screwed if you're born into poverty. You agree with that, right?

Gender as a word and concept never meant anything to do with humans.

Sure, that's how language works. We use words to describe concepts. Sex and gender always existed as two separate things, even if the wording wasn't there.
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Adrift · 61-69, F
Its was a term once used way back in the 60s I believe, to describe awareness of social injustices towards blacks.
Now it has been appropriated to fit any agenda.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
Anyone I don't like I just call them woke cause it rubs them up the wrong way.

Other than that I don't really know, LOLZ!!!😅
AdaXI · 41-45, T
@JohnnySpot They don't know and I don't know so when I call them it it's all good right? I mean I thought that's what it was all about, LMAO!!!😆
calicuz · 56-60, M

Apparently the "Right" throw it around like they actually know what it means. 😂
AdaXI · 41-45, T
@JohnnySpot Hey I just noticed you did another ten worder there [Ada nods impressed]
bookerdana · M
Its a word that mutated from Lead Bellys definition to anything that upsets the Authoritarian Right..so whilst Tucker tells you how cheap gumballs are in Russia the low informatiion people call teaching real American History is woke😱 the sun sets on our Empire-Republic
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
It was understood that woke meant to not be asleep.
bookerdana · M
@JohnnySpot nah ,he just wrote a song out it..Scottsboro Boys
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
It's not that complex he was just telling people to be aware of what's going on. @bookerdana I think that one might have to do with mistreatment at the sawmill.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Folk are in the constitution and woke rhymes with folk!
Ynotisay · M
If you run a search for something like "MAGA's explain woke" it's a bit mind blowing.
Almost makes me wonder if when they whine about 'freedom' that maybe they're not too sincere about that.
Dumbman · 36-40
I think woke means triggered by anything. Protesting for insignificant things, anything not related or affecting them or on issues without full knowledge.
calicuz · 56-60, M

But our right to free assembly, no matter the subject matter, is to be celebrated and protected.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
"Woke" is the current iteration of 'boogeyman'. Those who use it now don't even know what it really is, but they're scared of it.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Using other people’s resources and time to fix non existent problems.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Ok, which problems don't exist, because "The Right" believes there are a lot of problems.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@calicuz A black woman on a syrup bottle.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Not only being conscious but being aware of your surroundings.
I woke up this morning, Lord, my baby was gone.
Today it implies being aware of Injustice and your rights.
It's a verb, using it as a noun is weak.
Do you feel anything wrong attached to word "Nationalism or Nationalist" ?
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Means to be aware of social injustices such as racism
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
woke means asleep basically
It's a useful weapon
calicuz · 56-60, M

what do you mean?
@calicuz Just what I said. It's a label that could easily be weaponized so it was. And used in war.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Yes, and everyone knows how good we Americans are with words. 😅
tenente · 100+, M
personally i think of "woke" as is being alert to injustices and differences. like calling out and addressing racism, prejudice and discrimination

how it violates anyone's Constitution Rights

using "woke" more broadly is where the problem begins, it's being used by everyone to promote their version of social justice - and making "woke" a political target.

cancel culture is being conflated with "woke", like if someone is punished or silenced for expressing their opinions b/c according to a loud narrow minority of SJW their words are deemed not “woke”, this could be violating that persons First Amendment rights

DEI and "woke" are getting tangled together too. actions to address historical injustices a seen by some as creating new discrimination. like affirmative action policies or diversity quotas being called "woke" and could violate the equal protection by cutting out certain groups

i'm hoping we'll find a balance between social justice and protecting our rights. "woke" has lost it's meaning on both sides
calicuz · 56-60, M

thank you, well said. 🙂
MethDozer · M
Woke= anything that makes a privileged white person uncomfortable or puts the disenfranchised a step closer to an even playing field.
calicuz · 56-60, M

That's true, and in my opinion, that has been the problem with certain groups on "the left." They allow anyone and everyone from other groups to latch on to a movement, and the true meaning of the original group's message always gets watered down and reduced to the point where it's not taken seriously.
MethDozer · M
@calicuz Yeah, that's definitely a major problem. That's not what righties take issue with typically though. They actually want it watered down because they know they cannot fight it on moral or logical grounds so push those elements in by leaning on in to trigger emotional responses against us..

The left though does need to work a bit harder to weed these toxic leeches out more and bring things back down to earth.
calicuz · 56-60, M

I agree 💯
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Richard65 · M
@SumKindaMunster of course you care. That's another tell. You care so much it makes your blood boil. You're just so predictable. You didn't choose to argue my actual point. Instead, you chose to argue semantics about a particular term I used. That tells me you're only interested in me in particular and, more to the point, showing you're smarter than I am. It's so obvious it's almost pitiful. It doesn't amuse you. You just pretend to me that it does. You take this seriously. You just lack the maturity to admit it.
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calicuz · 56-60, M

With claims like that, I think we'll need some legitimate news articles to back up the claims.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@calicuz it's about leftist intolerance and their insistence that all criticism of them should be snuffed or made illegal. It's no one thing but a sort of inverse self righesness. Traditionally, self rightesness is the behavior of the right, but with woke it's the behavior of the left. Thus the tag inverse.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Ok, intolerance of what exactly? I still don't understand the rejection. I thought it started off about stopping out police departments from killing innocent citizens before their day in court. that's something we all should have been behind.
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calicuz · 56-60, M

In the US, teachers have to teach the curriculum set by the State, and can not venture away from it. That curriculum is designed to dumb our kids down.
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@calicuz I don't want to make anyone nervous, but I wasn't bisexual before I became woke...

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