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Why feminism is getting toxic day by day?

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ArishMell · 70-79, M
I don't about feminism especially, but society seems hell-bent on creating any number of "~isms" to add to the long-known ones, and making them ever more divisive and bitter.

Much of the new forms do stem from genuine desires of people oppressed by sheer, blind prejudice, to be respected instead as equally as others.

That desire is right but unfortunately, seems to have led to a drive to highlight the real or imagined "differences", so cataloguing everyone in little boxes as if items in a supermarket, and encouraging each box to imagine itself superior in the hard-done-by league.

Rid us all of the compartments, throw out the "~isms" good and bad, delete the alphabet-soup mentality, rid us all of prejudice and antiquated oppressive behaviour excused as "tradition" or "culture". Instead let's just respect each other as fellow human beings capable of accepting each others' genuine differences so not using them wrongfully, nor inventing spurious ones!
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@ArishMell so well said. It almost sounds like a fairy tale in today’s world! 😞😞
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Handfull1 Thankyou!
Convivial · 26-30, F
Is it?

Or is it just pushback from the patriarchy?
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
@JonUK31 His habits towards women are not irrelevant. The president’s behavior is a moral example for the country. If the president thinks it’s okay to treat women this way, then it must be okay for me to treat women this way too. Trump gets away with so much, no other candidate for president could get so many people to vote for him who would say something like, “I don’t like him, I think he’s morally bankrupt, but I’ll vote for him anyway because I agree with his policies.” People don’t generally vote for candidates they personally loathe, but Trump’s apparently an exception to every rule on the planet.
@JonUK31 There’s now a question about what feminism actually is, in the U.S. (perhaps it’s different in the UK) there’s a lot a "rebranding" of terms and people deciding to redefine them.

When I was first involved in the feminist world here, it was about making opportunities for girls and women to follow dreams other than home making and raising children (not unworthy goals, but men were allowed to have careers and families).

It was never about hating men, but broadening possibilities for the other half of the population that hadn’t really been widely available before.

I don’t accept that a woman who would rather be prey to a
convicted predator isn’t damaged on some level. If we feminists are the "problem", it just means that with the "rebranding", people are now ignorant about what the term feminism was originally all about.

I would wager that if you asked most women the following question:

"Would you accept going back to the times when women were seen as less than men and not allowed to vote, participate in politics or leadership roles, drive, become formally educated or work outside the home ?"

The majority of women (even those who don’t identify as feminist) wouldn’t likely accept such conditions.

And yet, that’s all that feminism was originally about. The extremists who come along after the fact and tack on their personal agendas have been doing their own thing.
BlueVeins · 22-25
because Conservatives are amplifying the most vitriolic among them and using their misandry as a bludgeon against transgender chicks.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@BRUUH Did you watch the Bill Burr clip? It's literally only like a minute long. It's a funny clip.

I'm not saying white folks have no problems. Just that being white is not one of the factors that make our lives harder.

Anyone who continues to disrespect the flag after I explain why is disrespecting my grandfather, father, uncle, and soon my son, who all served (or will serve) this country and were willing to lay down their lives if necessary. It's your right not to care about the symbols of our country, but I hope you would understand why I do.
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Fishy · 36-40, F

It's always the extremos 😂
Madmonk · M
Only men answered this question posed by a female. Interesting.
@Madmonk Maybe initially.
Madmonk · M
@bijouxbroussard yep. Not now though. You gave best answer I feel
@Madmonk Thank you. 🙏🏽
bugeye · 26-30, F
Doesnt seem to be about equality anymore. In fact there's a few things biased against men i am against.
coolashton · 26-30, M
Well anything that people start to identity and approach it with intensity than balance, the outcome is often toxic.
There is extreme feminisim and the feminist approach is very unbalanced and in the pursuit of equality between man and woman. People are losing the importance of feminine quality in life.
So, feminisim has become toxic and rather working in opposite direction and not really preserving the feminine qualities and importance of it.

Everything's out of sync to say. All things in nature need to have balance between masculine and feminine and these are in every living thing and human beings.
Indeed female have more feminine and less masucline qualities
And males have more masculine and less feminine qualities.
Both qualities are equally important but we are bringing imbalance to it with our extreme approach.
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Because they lost original causes and values it was started.
Uncannyoak · M
Have you met another woman lol
chaoticmess · 26-30, F
@Uncannyoak yes, toxic one
Uncannyoak · M
@chaoticmess there’s your answer
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I once went to a feminist rally and asked to speak to the man in charge... It didn't go over to well.
Tracos · 51-55, M
I think any -ism is getting more aggressive day by day
Everything is getting toxic
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I guess it's like outweighing some balance, some decades ago there could only be two sides, either equal or one stronger than the other.
Its a psy op
It's not, it's just that the loudest people are usually the worst.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
As a whole, it's not. It's a useful term to remind people that women's rights aren't assured and that vigilance is required. But like every group, there is a very vocal minority that tries to co-opt the larger group to try and mold it into their own vision. Then people who are against said group focus on those outliers and give them megaphones to make it sound like they really do represent the group. And then they get used as strawmen to attack the movement as a whole.
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@OldMan70 true but hard to find!
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like all things that start out with good intentions.
evil sees it as a tool they can use. and take it over..
Do people still go on about this? Humans are toxic and love to perpetuate their pain.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Also extra muscular ! Lol
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@Justice4All Feminism isn’t really part of it. But people love to re-brand. Feminism was about women and girls having equal opportunities, and that is still a legit goal that hasn’t been realised internationally.

Some people believe that the trans movement is threatening to disenfranchise cis women in the Western world.
Mordechai · 31-35, M
I think most people who identify with isms tend to be a bit much in one way or the other. Like chill 🙌
@Mordechai Some "isms" are just reality.
zeggle · 61-69, M
Is it toxic if you don't listen.
HumanEarth · F
If it's so toxic. Why are there so many crossdressers then?
It is? 🤔
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ShadowSister · 46-50, F
For me, feminism is a breath of fresh air. But it depends on who or what you're listening to. There are absolutely toxic streams of feminism. Do you have any examples in mind?
Mudkip · 31-35, M
I don't understand the ones that hate men 😅
@Mudkip That’s not what real feminism is.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard I didn't say that. Some have claimed to be feminist and the ones I've interacted with usually hate men. Just an observation is all
@Mudkip I’ve been a feminist for almost 50 years, and love men. Most of my friends do, too. Not to mention all the male allies that were part of the original movement.
Some younger women may be using feminism as an excuse for their feelings, but that wasn’t what it was about.
Azlotto · M
I said hello to a feminist today...Court trial is next Friday
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Because people are taking misandrist ideas and calling them "feminism". Feminism, the genuine article, was the idea of women’s equality (not supremacy); having the same rights and opportunities to follow their dreams that men traditionally have enjoyed. That concept can never be toxic.

And for a large number of the world’s girls and women, it still hasn’t been realised.

Another common mistake is that feminism is only about white, Western girls and women.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Yeah, that’s the problem in America, feminism! 🙄
babyboy42 · 41-45, M
hi wanna chat messge me in my inboxs
Real feminism has its place, you would not be where you are if women had not fought for the vote 100+ years ago, or for equal rights 50+ plus years ago.
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