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What's your opinion on fat shaming?

By @SW-User
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
It's just not neccessary. Fat people know they're fat. Some are fine with it, some are ashamed of it. Some are fat because of their lifestyle, some are fat because of something they can't control (like health issues or medication side effects). Either way- it's no one's place to shame them for how they look. Period.
@DearAmbellina2113 You made excellent points
Dusty101 · F
I think it's a shame that certain people who are extremely overweight do nothing about it...
Get housing benefits..
Get money from the government for doing nothing.
Have a medical card..
Receive a weekly care assistant...
And the list goes on.
I think that's a shame and it goes for anyone who sits on their ass all day thin, tall or short and receive all the lovely benefits Ireland dishes out.
However a girl at my work, chose not to be one of them worked 140 pounds overweight.. did a damn good job...
And also did something about it and changed her lifestyle and lost the 140 pounds in 3 years..
It can be done!
However I don't go around fat shaming as I don't know everyone's story and it's just rude!
But I'm ashamed to know people who abuse the system for benefits as I've written above.
@DarkHeaven 🤗 I'm so happy to have you as my friend
@Dusty101 She sounds amazing. I hope she's doing well in life
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User she is...
I work with her and she's so amazing... Never stops!
Always helping and always happy to.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Shame is not a motivator. You're just being an asshole.
@CountScrofula Exactly
@HannahSky It is
annamk · 26-30, F
It's wrong! Like treating anybody different for how they look. I am nowhere near going to suggest I know what it's like to be 'fat shamed', but I have had an interesting relationship with weight this year. Having gained some I have been surprised how carelessly it has been remarked on by friends/family.

I hate seeing people refer to 'fat people' too, as if they can all be considered the same because they share one physical attribute. It's lazy, stereotypical and ignorant. Like 'all blonde women', or 'all women' even. 'All tall people are this' or 'all American people are that'.
@annamk Some people like stereotyping everything so they don't have to use as much of their brains as possible 😆
@SW-User Touché
I hate any type of body shaming. You never know what kind of personal/mental issues somebody might be going through. A little bit of compassion and tact doesn't take much effort.
@SW-User Love you, sweet girl. 🖤🤗
@DarkHeaven Love you too, sweet lady 🤗
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It depends on individual circumstances. And, fat glorification can be just as horrendous as fat shaming. So, something in the middle might be in order.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User That's a good point. They tend to "feed" off each other.
@MarkPaul Lol I see what you did there
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User 😏
I think it's ridiculous. As others have said, fat people know they're fat; they don't need to be shamed into "awareness". And it's not like everyone who's thin is "healthy" either. I know thin people who eat nothing but crap.
@SW-User That’s true. And there are much better ways to make them realize that being fat is a health issue than fat shaming them.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
I think it’s wonderful to judge people by their appearances.

That’s sarcasm btw lol.
@SinlessOnslaught Spongebob got skills
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@SW-User Hahaha I’m just teasing you. I come from a house where we all make mean jokes about each other. Sorry. XD You seem super intelligent, I’m sure you’re a great writer.
@SinlessOnslaught It’s alright. I didn’t mind it 😅 My family and I make mean jokes of each other all the time too
almost as boring as fat loving.
@Stilltryinghard And damaging
Shaming people is cruel.
@SW-User Yes, and we're never in a position to shame other people
Carver · 31-35, F
I don't support it.
@Carver Neither do I
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@pagandad Lol you're saying offering them help will offend them?
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@pagandad I think that's on them if they take offense from your help. And I think if you're a good friend, you should remind them of the issue and not let them sleep on it.
Like most I judge. But I do my best not to share MY opinion on others looks.... after all, they do that themselves every time they look in a mirror...

But the reality is that heart diseases, diabetes, strokes and vascular diseases tend towards "larger" folks.

My friend (who was rather large) used to bitch to me all the time that he wished other people would stop trying to remind him that he was obese. He said he knew he was fat, he didn't care and he often joked that it was part of his plan to "Die young and leave a good looking corpse."

I don't think he ever imagined that he would die of complications of coronary artery disease at only 27 years of age.

R.I.P Hoff...
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Everyone needs to mind their own shit... because in the end... no one is perfect... and everyone has something they would or should change if they could! Humans make the worst judges!
LienOnYourDreams · 41-45, M
The same as skinny shaming. Although less frequent due to social stigma. Still, don't do it. Shaming never helps either side be healthy physically or mentally.
@LienOnYourDreams Well said
purplepen · 51-55, F
I don't like it. But I don't like fat flaunting, or thin flaunting, either.

I'm almost but not quite thin. There shouldn't be shame in that either.
@purplepen True. People can take either of them to the extremes, and that's when things turn ugly with the fat shaming and skinny shaming
Nerdsmith · 46-50, M
It should be done kindly. It should be done. Let's not pretend fat is healthy or attractive... There's really no good way to tell someone something to that effect. Holy hell, though, there's some really bad ways to say it. Okay, they're fat and unhealthy... They're also wonderful people and deserve respect... And truth.
@Nerdsmith I think you can make them be more aware of their health issues without having to fat shame them. And there's no way you can fat shame them "kindly"
Nerdsmith · 46-50, M
@SW-User I think we agree but differ in the semantics. Easy to do in this day and age. I'm too young for new definitions to established convention, in my opinion. I can't control others perceptions and offense is easily perceived. Tough love has its place, plain and simple. In my day it was called constructive criticism. Now it's more likely to be called a hate crime.
@Nerdsmith Lol fat shaming is NOT tough love. It's bullying
I think fat people are fat and skinny people are skinny and that's about it.
@SW-User Fair enough
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
About as disgusting as glorifying fat.
@Tatsumi That's a good point. I don't like fat shaming, but I don't think we should glorify fat either. Fat is a health issue.
It’s horrible.
@DarkHeaven It is. It's especially damaging when being fat is not the person's choice
@SW-User I agree. 🖤🤗
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@stopforcefeedingmecakes Yes. Nobody should shame other people for the way they look.
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@stopforcefeedingmecakes Lol double standard much?
I say just leave everyone alone there's no point *shames everyone*
deadgerbil · 22-25
@SW-User *gives you a tissue*
@deadgerbil *blows my nose in your shirt*
deadgerbil · 22-25
@SW-User *faints from your cooties*

Check yer snap 👏
raysam363 · 31-35, F
I won't shame someone for being fat, but when someone that is clearly morbidly obese starts talking about how healthy they are, I have to leave the room or interject.
@raysam363 That's a fair argument. Fat shaming is as unacceptable as fat glorification.
No one should be shamed for ANYTHING.
@SW-User And if the love they're shown is truly unconditional, plan A could last a long time.
@PhoenixPhail You're so kind to people. I've grown too cynical about the world to regain my once unconditional kindness
@SW-User Your unconditional kindness, along with all your other wonderful inherent qualities, are still with you. If you can't find them, they're just under the surface - hidden under unresolved anger issues, shame, feelings of devaluation, your belief you're not enough, etc. But your God-like nature is intact. It never leaves you. 💗
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
Speaking as a fat guy, I'm really against it :/
I would be anyway but even more so cause of it I think
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
@SW-User I agree completely, its kind of what I meant to say
I'm just bad at saying things :/
@AllelujahHaptism Lol You just need to put more time into thinking of what you're gonna say. I've been through that. Trust me. It's a long and arduous process, but it'll be worth it.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
@SW-User sorry
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I can shame fat people cuz I'm fat and I get angry because I dont love myself and no one loves me and I'm allowed to be bitter.
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
It's a shame I don't have any fat girlfriends anymore!And back in the day,I had a ton of 'em!!😉
@gurlwatcher22 I'm sure you can still get one today
It’s as moronic as fat pride.
@SeriouslyFlippant Fat pride is literally one of the worst trends ever happened to this country
You’re right. It’s certainly high on the list. @SW-User
@SeriouslyFlippant Along with it is probably neologism for the LGBT community
4meAndyou · F
I think fat shamers need to be sent to Amish country and shunned.
@4meAndyou Lol I wouldn't feel bad for them
Success · 26-30, F
I never mention fatness to fatties. I'm sure they know.
@Success I'm sure they know too
mentornc · 51-55, M
So inappropriate and junior high.
@mentornc Even high school kids aren't allowed to fat shame other kids anymore. Fat shaming shouldn't exist
mentornc · 51-55, M
@SW-User That's so true. It's a bully tactic and just not appropriate at all. I bet you would never do such a thing.
@mentornc I would never
It’s counterproductive. People only do it out of cruelty.
@LeopoldBloom It's quite unnecessary for sure
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
Shaming if any kind is for weak people.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
It's distasteful.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@SW-User Just like being teased for being short and/or skinny, which I went through as a teen.
I'm for it if it's funny
@Nunlover Lol You're serious?
@SW-User yeah ,I enjoy a good laugh 🤭
lizzy96 · 26-30, F
Its just disgraceful
@lizzy96 True
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Bullies, they don't have the ability or the willingness to understand the needs and feelings of other people.
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
I dont mind it if people do it to me in order for me to watch what im eating, but I think its piss weak when you do it to someone whos story you havent lived
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@SW-User Im no saint, I worry about people and their health, but making fun of people for being overweight just makes you look like a teenage bully with no self confidence. if they are happy, leave them the hell alone and dont push your values onto can agree because that's such a Libra thing to say
@Bushmanoz Lol If I don't agree, then I'll say I don't.
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@SW-User sooo Libra
strongbow · 46-50, M
It should not be glorified
@strongbow Definitely not.
strongbow · 46-50, M
@SW-User But it already is starting,.... fat is not healthy and leads to many health problems and sky high healthcare cost
@strongbow That's why fat shaming happens, I guess. A radical issue calls for a radical solution.

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