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Ever been chased by a pissed off rooster? Lol not a good time

WillaKissing · 56-60, M
One of my rooster's thought one day he would attack me when I was collecting eggs and I just kept kicking him away from me. This went on for a couple weeks and it got to where he would wait for me to come out of the house then attack ferociously, stupid rooster made good broth and soup that very day.

After that his brother rooster gave me stink eye but always ran away from me. Being second alfa when his brother was alive, and now dead gave him alfa breading rights. We were cool.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy Exactly! LOL
Madmonk · M
@WillaKissing that’s a great chicken story!!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Madmonk And a true one as well.
itsok · 31-35, F
I used to live across the street from a rooster who would terrorize me. He’d wait for me to try to leave for work and then I’d have to run to my car so he couldn’t get me. I would try to trick him, but he always knew
@itsok there was a peacock that tormented me when I went to my grandmas. They're pretty until they charge you lol 😖
itsok · 31-35, F
@Bexsy and they’re loud!
@itsok very! Which was surprising. Think it added to my fear lol
@MsSwan 🤣 them shoes
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Bexsy serves him right for antogonising the bird by giving it a packet of sage and onion and telling it too get stuffed
Sevendays · M
I had a rooster that would go after anybody, including me, but he would run away from my 5 pound dog. I couldn't figure out why but I'd take that dog out with me every time I went to collect eggs. 😂
@Sevendays thats hilarious. I'd be holding the dog out like a cross warding off evil

I had chickens. One hated me and made it a major chore
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Omg we had a mean rooster he got everyone. One day I got home from school and I was walking up to the gate and there he was. I like nope not to day. I climbed the fence and into the pasture where we kept the goats and walked to the house. I got to the yard and climbed back over into the back yard of the house and went in. He followed me from the gate to the back yard.

I do have to admit I did get him back for getting me all those time's. we had a go cart back then. I wanted to go for a ride with my mom. We had a huge yard so we turned it into a the go cart track. By the gate there was a small hill u went down and made a hard right and went to the house. This one day the breaks decided to break.

We all most flipped over thank God for my mom. She was smacking me on the arm and yelling at me for my crazy driving. I finally told her we had no breaks at all. So she told me to drive back to the house and park it. While we was driving up there that rooster decided to stand in the middle of the driveway I ran him over and park by the barn.

Omg he lived and he got up and took off. My mom turn to look at me and told me not to tell dad who ran over the rooster. There is a huge pile of feathers in the driveway. Dad came home and asked who ran over the rooster I was like I don't know 😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
My aunt was spurred above the eye by one. That night my grandfather decided it would be dinner.
@Degbeme 😳
@Degbeme those spurs get huge and weapons. Glad didnt get her eye
TexChik · F
Once ! The next time the axe handle did my talking for me . Daddy asked me what happened to the rooster and i showed him my legs .
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Not a rooster by several Canada geese when I unknowingly walked with 5000 feet of their nests lol
@Jenny1234 ohhh those geeese vicious. I have some that nest on the island in my pond every year.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
A mule is worse
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@JohnnyNoir A little tougher than beef but taste like beef. Everything that gets mean on my farm has a flavor to it.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Bexsy my grandfather had a couple. She was great when in her stall, but she charged me in the lot one day. I feel like I jumped 10 feet over the fence getting away from her
he tried once ....only once
@NightsWatch run lil chicken nugget! Runnnnn
@Bexsy we refured to him as Nuggets later
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Lmao yes! When I was a kid, scared me
Richard65 · M
When I was on a break in the Dutch countryside I kept seeing signs saying Beware Rooster. I thought it was a warning to watch out for aggressive chickens and was a bit anxious, but it turns out Rooster is Dutch for cattle grid.
@Richard65 i didn't know that either. I would have thought of a rooster 🐓 also
Richard65 · M
@Bexsy I asked a Dutch lady why there were so many signs about dangerous chickens and she howled and said it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard and that rooster meant cattle grid.
bookerdana · M
Yoda know whereof he speaks😱
I actually have been.
Repete · 61-69, M
Yes I’ve had a rooster that you could not turn your back to him without him attacking he attacked once to often then the neighbors was looking for a new rooster, he should have stayed on his side of the road is all I can say.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
I was mm 6 I think?
I am Not kind to things that make me bleed..
but he regretted his bad choice
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
We had chickens when I was a toddler. I don’t remember ever having any problems with them attacking
No. Ran into a mean gander on a golf course once. My 5 iron settled that one.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Yes their spurs are very sharp and they know how to use them with great effect.
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
More than once but luckily never that big
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Geese in a couple of different occasions
Ferric67 · M
Yes, I know
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Lol or a goose.
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@Guardian yeah, i have geese that nest on my pond every year. Walk my yard. I stay clear during that time
@Bexsy we had a pair decide to make a nest at our office frontdoor. They kept attacking employees trying to enter the building. So, we had to get animal control to move the nest!

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